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Looking for trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I've been in a trade circle for quite a while now. A few days ago, one of the members unexpectedly quite. No one knows why. He cancelled all trades. So, there is only one person missing. That's good. The effects would be IMMEDIATE!!! Basically, the trade ring focuses on population and money, making you get more money than before, unless you had a similar ring!

Now I'm looking for a trade of fish/oil, preferably. Another option is fish/pig, but I'd only accept it if that's the only thing I could get. This is on the GREEN team. Please. I need it within 15 days, as I'm saving up and stuff! PLEASE!!! I'm begging you! If bad comes to worst, I might even be tempted to send some money, but ONLY IF NECESSARY! I will offer the money if I feel its necessary.

If there is someone out there with a green fish/oil trade that has a heart, please! I'm crying out for help!!!!!

Also, if you want a more in-depth ring coverage, please PM me or ask here. Really, this is more of like a cry for help. Since the fish trade was cancelled (dang that nation) I've gone done 6,000 citizens with that one trade. It was detrimental. Please! Me needs the trade!

Edited by 13Pittsburgh13
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