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The Protectorate of Curland


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Our Grandiose Reconstruction Plan is in Full Swing!

We have already disbursed 400k each to about 1/2 our membership, and more is coming.

This is no easy money as we have no large banking nations.. This is hardfought, hard won money in terms of tech, which we are busily selling as we speak. This is the result of much effort.

Some others might hoard their treasure, not us! We shall become a mighty and powerful army! Every nation of the Protectorate shall become a military powerhouse and the worthy shall be held high and rewarded!

and guess what: EVERY member of our alliance is worthy. When we attacked GOONS, the mightiest alliance in the land, and had no idea if we would survive their counterattack several members left us. Good ridance!

We were purified in the fire of battle, we were modled into hard steel by the hard knocks of the opposition, and not only did we survive.. we became stronger.. We went on to fight RnR (surrendered), BAPS (surrendered), EoTRS (surrendered) and LSF (crushed).

So EVERY one of our members is worthy and every one shall reap the benefist of our victories.

Join us! Prove to us you are worthy and Yee Shall Be Rewarded!!

Are you worthy?

We are truly the Protectorate, as we have molded into a single force the might of several alliances.

The Alliance of the Willing, The Dogs of War, Forocoches, the Imperials are but a few of the tribes that form our warrior hordes, and we proudly display their banners wen we ride into battle.

If you are a small allaince, not getting any where... stuck in a rut.. Join Us! and be Mighty!

King Vitauts

Protectorate of Curland

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The Last great warrior of LSF is defeated. Our war with Terra has expired.

We brought him down from 1750 infra to 57. And yet through PM he informed us he intended to go down fightinh.

And he did, all honor to him.

So another war ends, another victory on our belt.. and we look towards the future.

Join us! and be part of a bright future!

King Vitauts

Protectorate of Curland

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We have reached our pre-war infra level. It took some time and effort to come back from 339 infra, but we did it!

All of our nations, except one i think have recovered, and our economic engine is humming.


Join us at the Protectorate of Curland!!

King Vitauts

Protectorate of Curland

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My lord, says Rickamer, I need about 12 Million dongs.

12 Million!! what in the world you need that for?

Well its complicated, you see... I got this new event, and if I destroy these improvements and build this new ones, I can do this jump.. and...... Blah, blah, blah

King Vitauts eyes glaze over, he scratches his head.. changes positions in his uncomfortable throne.. and motions his economics advisor over. Do you know what he is talking about? Yes my lord! he has a good plan and the return on equity is... bla blah blah...

God Almighty Admin! how can I get rid of these two? thinks King Vitauts

Hold! Quiet!. I will tell you what I'll do. I'll re-route 6 million from the loot owed to us by NoV to your nation. I will order our Minister of Economy to try to get you the rest, I'll contribute (sell) 100 of my personal tech if necessary.

Yes My Lord! thank you!

(Darn! thinks King Vitauts.. What the heck was he talking about? I think I need to study the economy more carefully now that we are not at war)

Even If I dont understand what you are talking about, if you are a valued member of our alliance I will support you and I'll give you what you need.

Join us!

King Vitauts the Great

Protectorate of Curland

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Reconstruction is going well.

The battle with BSF is over (if only their guy came out of inactivity and declared peace)

and yes ComradeVader is a master of manipulation... we will get him in the end

And this look peachy.

Join us!

King Vitauts the Great

Protectorate of Curland

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Thank you, thank you :)

Yes, we have switched from being bloodthirsty warriors to being infra thirsty economic powerhouses. More like frogs leaping and jumping.

One of our members is doing the 3000 infra jump, two the 2000 infra jump, and one is getting near to his first..a 1000 infra jump.

We are all jumping!

King Vitauts

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A great military leader of Norden Verein has returned!

Hail wartides!

And remember.. any one messes with the Verein.. well they are messing with:


Nueva Vida,

Iron Cross,

The Allaince of Paladin Soldiers

The Klingon Empire

The Order of the Shadows

Teh Prussiona Empire





He, he.. enough to take pause and think hum... :ph34r:

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Hummm.. just had a flue shot done today.

Nurses in uniform are sooo, sooo... yummy.

I liked it so much I bought a clinic, then another.. then a whole Hospital.. and then three more clinics.

Now I need to figure out where I am going to get the tech to pay for all of that.

Join us! at the Protectorate of Curland

King Vitauts.. a little woozy from so many clinic visits under the excuse of blood donations.

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We have grown..

and plan to grow more.

To that end we are instituting a High Council and members of the council will be inducted shortly.

For those that dont know us, our current government consists of:

Vitauts of Vitland: Protector

Ortmonk of Jubalii: UberMinister

DrunkenNation of DrunkenNation: Minister of the Economy

and we have expanded our list of ToA's to include:

the Sons of Muspel

Onwards to Success!

King Vitauts the Great

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That is the world we live in.

The small tadpole eats his brothers, smaller tadpoles to avoid being eaten himself. The few remaining become little frogs and the big one eats the smaller ones to grow.. and then when he has eaten all and become the king of the pond a bird swoops by and eats him.

We raid, we love battle and combat, and then we die and go to the great Halls of Vahalla. If you love combat as well we would welcome you in our ranks. But I have my doubts.. you were running so under militarized you almost had a neon sign saying: attack me and my two man alliance.

Enough! The real reason is:

We are the pagan Hordes of the Old Lithuanian Empire. Do you think that after your failure to conquer the Holy land you can come to Our land and try to enslave us!? Never! we shall destroy the whole lot of you! No Teutonic Knight shall place foot in Vilnius, Trakai, Klaipeda, or Palanga!

Go back to where you came from! you are not welcome in our lands and we shall hunt you down!

King Vitauts the Great, victor over the Teutonic Knights in the batte of Tannenberg.

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The admin changed the rules of war again.

No longer will he allow raiding inactives. Now all raids must be on active nations

That treasure, that precious commodity tech has been devalued.. now you need 500 tech to purchase level 9 aircraft and he has allowed tech to be destroyed by CM's

This means tech collection efforts will intensify, raiding will become a bloody, frothy frenzy, new allainces and new players will be assaulted right away by bands of piranas and our own efforts will get harder and more difficult.

But we do not despair. When the going gets tough.. the tough get going and we get running.

All Hail the Protectorate!

King Vitauts the Great

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Join us!

Help us build a Military powerhouse!

We have been caught unawares by the new rules and are busy modifying our nations appropriately. We are in a Growth and Flourish mode (Agh how i hate flowers.. but must admit they smell good).

Help us make our trade circles, our tech farm shop, clean up and make beuatiful our forums!.

Join Us!

King Vituats

Protectorate of Curland

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Today we lost a valued member, our most active member in the lower divisions, runswithpandas, suddely went inactive and has gone on to Valhalla to join other great warriors.

And he took 50 tech with him!! We had condecorated him with 50 tech from our personal stash for his deed in GW4 (with the understanding that if he left the alliance it would be returned).

And He left! Right now he is cavorting and rolling around in our treasure Valhalla. Argh! 50 of it was ours!!

I as the Mad king of our Hordes will now set on a Quest to reach Valhalla itself, crash open the gates and recover our tech!

Even as we speak preparations and plans are under way to reach the highest snow cap filled mountains we see in the distance, surely Valhalla can not be too far from them.

King Vitauts on a Mad quest.

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An era is Over...

The Legion Disbands. Ave Legio!

They brougth much to CN. We fought against them in GW3 and they fought at our side in the Unjust wars.

May you rest in peace.

King Vitauts

PS: Join us! We are the Protectorate of Curland.. a small alliance navigating the dangerous waters of Digiterra

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Ahh.. I love the smell of burnt fields in the morning!

The Enforcers, a small but powerful allaince, kind of clueless of world politics has decided to attack us.



Ther we were thinking of ways to test the new battle rules, scrounging for raid targets (almost nonexistant) dreaming of possibly entering a gladiator contest.. tery to find a reason.. ANY reason to attack some one..

And you drop in our lap :)

By now your major nations are in anarchy. And some are pleading peace.

We hold no grudges. We value warriors, we value war skills. It is clear The Enforcers are a force that lacks directions. Maybe we can provide it to them


King Vitauts

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Yes, would you believe that?

Says King Vitauts as he sharpens his battle axe on the rotating wet stone.

We offered them a way out.. simply go on a Prisioner of War camp. They refused.

They were given the opportunity to surrender as an allience but also refused.

They say we are being unfair because we are piling up on them, and taht they wanted war because they were bored.

Well WAR is is they want.. War they Shall have!

Join us! at the Protectorate of Curland!

King Vitauts

Protectorate of Curland

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