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It seems this thread has slipped though the cracks, much like the existance of SanderP. This is unacceptable. The only crack Ragnarok should be forced to see is Omen's, but that colossal buttocks is only looked upon under the sheer graces of Lord Van Isaac von der Hoo III.

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RAGNAROK IS GROWING EVERY DAY! We are expanding the 'xeny train' program! This means that if you are above the academy level, and you are an active and respectful member, YOU GET FREE MONEY! (To be paid back later)

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RAGNAROK IS GROWING EVERY DAY! We are expanding the 'xeny train' program! This means that if you are above the academy level, and you are an active and respectful member, YOU GET FREE MONEY! (To be paid back later)

and who dosen't love free money?

Hell, you might even get a goose form our illustrious emperor. The Grand Hoo. :wub:

well, one can hope, huh?

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