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Argent - A community of friends.


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Forums: http://s1.zetaboards.com/Argent/index/

IRC: #argent on irc.coldfront.net

No doubt you have read multiple topics by multiple alliances asking you to join - some offering cash; others with nation building advice; others with no reason at all.

Argent is different. As an alliance, we are here for the community. We're here for the fun.

Money, power, presteige in CyberNations - all of those are cool, but pale in comparison to what you can REALLY get in CN - friends.

We're a community of friends.

So step in. The community of Argent... welcomes you.

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Actually, Argent is a small community of mostly larger nations. As of right now it has 34,000 Average NS. We have over 120 nukes, though we believe in peaceful relations. It is still in its building process, so those who join now will have the opportunity to help form and mold Argent into what it will one day become. We have leadership positions still vacant and some of our structure is still being discussed. Come help us decide where Argent will go.

It has endless potential. I have played CN for nearly a year now. I have helped a few newly formed alliances with their growth as part of my job with my former alliance, but there is something special about this alliance that makes the sky its limit.

It could be the fact that we have the majority of our nations who have played this game for over a year. It could be all the combined experience this alliance has to offer. It could be that the core of our alliance is built from loyal friends who put a lot of thought and consideration into what it takes to make an alliance a place where YOU want to be. But what I really think it is, is the close-knit feel of good friends who have dreams of making an alliance where people want to participate and can actually be heard!

Plus, Argent has lots of wimminz! Which makes it full of win. Last time I looked, it had a 3:1 ratio of guys to girls. You know you want to check it out now.

Seriously come check us out. And maybe you will find your new home.

Edited by Captain Moroni
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