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We're pleased to be allied to Canada, a great union and a great ally. May Canada look over America as I look over Asia.

We will do what we can to keep the Americas as stable as we can, but we may not always succeed. Some american rulers are notoriously stubborn.

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OOC: When do the donuts, Hockey, and Beer start flowing? :awesome:

IC: Dranagg welcomes this namechange. "Canada" just seems right.

OOC: Soon enough, lol. I won't RP it, though. =P


Thank you.

The Chairman also agrees that 'Canada' simply seems like the right name for this our nation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Industrial expansion

A report by the CNN (Canadian News Network - renamed from the SNN)

While parts of the world are rebuilding from a devastating war, other parts still are at war and the United Francoist Empire disbanded - likely partially as result of the war annihilating parts of their commanding structure, several key cities having been hit - we, Canada, continue to strengthen our nation and construct new factories, laboratories and other institutes.

Only days ago, the Chairman approved a project that would raise our current industrial capacities by roughly 10% and eventually raise the GDP considerably. Additionally to this, numerous families have grown, some claiming that the population will reach almost 50 million due to this recent baby-boom.

When asked about this, the Chairman merely responded: "Everything is going just as planned.", while writing notes into his black notebook.

OOC: bought 800 infra, getting another 200 through a donation. :awesome:



This just in: The proposed Mining Industry Consortium has been approved, uniting the three biggest producers of Lead, Uranium and Iron under one flag, making them one of the biggest mining-companies in the world once they have fully united, which is expected to happen within the next weeks.

An eventful week, Ladies and Gentlemen.

OOC: MIC is gonna get bought on the 16th. :awesome:

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OOC: Congratulations...on both counts! :awesome:
OOC: Congrats on both counts. I'm jealous of you, I must admit. :awesome:

OOC: Thankye, oh ye kindred spirits.


Anyways, I'm growan' and growan' and growan'. Almost broke the 77k-NS barrier already. :awesome: ^ :awesome:

Edit: And for good measure, have my nationlink so I can brag, lulz


Edited by Lynneth
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OOC: And if this weren't enough...

IC: *Some hours after the previous report*

Expansion of the Navy

A report by the CNN

It has just been reported that the Canadian Navy will soon be expanded, with the following ship-classes being built:

A corvette,

A battleship,

A frigate,

A carrier,

Several landing ships.

The names of the ships have not been made public as of now.

OOC: And you'll never find them out, because I'm seriously too lazy to think of names. =P

This also boosted me above 77k NS. :awesome:

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OOC: And if this weren't enough...

IC: *Some hours after the previous report*

Expansion of the Navy

A report by the CNN

It has just been reported that the Canadian Navy will soon be expanded, with the following ship-classes being built:

A corvette,

A battleship,

A frigate,

A carrier,

Several landing ships.

The names of the ships have not been made public as of now.

OOC: And you'll never find them out, because I'm seriously too lazy to think of names. =P

This also boosted me above 77k NS. :awesome:

OOC: Oh slow down there a bit....so I can catch up with you. :awesome:

Kidding, ofc. :P

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Mining Consortium terminated

A report by the CNN

In an unexpected move, the Chairman has announced that the Mining Industry Consortium will, against the plans of the last weeks, not be approved. While this decision was sudden, some experts predicted it, claiming that the revenue of the Consortium wouldn't have been great enough for its cost.

Instead, the money will go to a more unified military command structure. The current military will be reformed to be more effective. For this, the "Pentagon" will be built, a pentagon-shaped structure with five floors above the ground and an unspecified number of floors below. Its exact location is at the time not public, though it is likely that it will be built nearby Ferinh.


OOC: Bought ze Pentagon instead of the MIC.

Gonna use the following version, once it's cleaned of the white dots and the "Washington D.C."


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OOC: Unless someone finds me a stable trade circle, I'm not going to change my current one, lol.

OOC: Still, to base it off of that potential profit...that's potentially up to $8 more per citizen that you are scoffing at...and besides, wonders aren't meant to be extremely profitable anyway, but to give you something to plan for...and bragging rights to those who have them... :P

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OOC: Still, to base it off of that potential profit...that's potentially up to $8 more per citizen that you are scoffing at...and besides, wonders aren't meant to be extremely profitable anyway, but to give you something to plan for...and bragging rights to those who have them... :P

OOC: I'm likely to buy the MIC as second-to-last wonder.

Right before the Federal Aid Commission. lol

And then I'll *still* not have the national war memorial.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Carbon Nanotube Muscles

A report by the CNN

Scientists in the Black Mesa Research Facility have created a next-generation muscle from carbon nanotubes. Strong as diamond, flexible as rubber and light as air, these muscles could be used to make artificial limbs, "smart" skins, shape-changing structures, ultra-strong robots and — in the immediate future — highly-efficient solar cells.

This latest muscle is made from bundles of vertically aligned nanotubes that respond directly to electricity. Lengthwise, the muscle can expand and contract with tremendous speed; from side-to-side, it's super-stiff. Its possibilities may only be limited by the imaginations of engineers. "This apparently unprecedented degree of anisotropy is akin to having diamond-like behavior in one direction, and rubber-like behavior in the others," said Isaac West, director of the Nanotech research department of Black Mesa.

The muscles rely on the tendency of an electric charge to make carbon nanotube fibers repel or attract each other, depending on their configuration. Natural muscles, said West, contract at a maximum rate of 10 percent per second. In the same amount of time, these latest nanotube sheaths can contract by 40,000 percent. Because it responds to an electrical current rather than ion movement in electrolytic liquids, it's far more efficient than his old formulations.

The nanotube bundles retain their properties at temperatures ranging from the -195 degree Celsius of liquid nitrogen to the 1538 degree Celsius melting point of iron.

The first applications will likely be as wrappers for solar cells, with nanotubes conducting electricity and rapidly changing shape in order to produce optimally light-sensitive arrangements.

We will only see to what great things this will lead.

OOC: Source: Click

And yes, I know I've taken a lot from there. But it's explained/formulated well, and I'm no media specialist.

Edit: And more, much more, is likely to follow this.


Edited by Lynneth
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