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OOC: What about a suitcase nuke? :awesome:

OOC: How will you smuggle it into the targeted area? Why not use the mailing service to deliver the nuke to the target? Besides, you can always bribe the security forces... :awesome:

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OOC: How will you smuggle it into the targeted area? Why not use the mailing service to deliver the nuke to the target? Besides, you can always bribe the security forces... :awesome:

OOC: Because people may expect it when the 1) X-ray it 2) Touch it and their hair falls out 3) They are offered bribes to let it in :awesome:

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OOC: Because people may expect it when the 1) X-ray it 2) Touch it and their hair falls out 3) They are offered bribes to let it in :awesome:

OOC: Cover the mail nuke with lead and add some stuff to disguise the lead covered nuke from the X-ray. Besides, only use the bribe when someone finds out.:P

Edited by HHAYD
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OOC: I have a feeling a lead box would cost an inexplicably large amount to ship :awesome:

OOC: At least it is cheaper than firing a nuke missile, or using a jet bomber, or sending a spy agent to set off the suitcase nuke. ;)

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OOC: Fun fact #1: A suitcase nuke would get the person who carries it executed on the spot.

Fun fact #2: If the checks can't see into the luggage (due to lead-lining or whatever be the case), the owner is arrested and the luggage brought to a secure location about 30 kilometers away from all civilisation before attempts to open it are made. :awesome:

Fun fact #3: The guards who check that stuff are partially brainwashed to be loyal to Saboria and do their job right without letting themselves being bribed.

Basically, bringing a suitcase nuke is unpossible. :awesome:

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OOC: Fo' sum reason dem dere x-ray thingies techs tend to get a bit confuzzled when dem dere suitcases aren't all dat dere hepful by lettin' demselves be x-rayed. When dey get confuzzled dey tend tah start askin' dem dere questions. Jest ask mah cousin Jebadiah wut happened last yahr on his trip to Vegas when his wife's hairdryer showed ep as a 9mm glock.

Mah lawds wus he insulted! An Eyetalian pistol? LAWDY LAWDS!!!


The Nakheel Tower

A report by the SSN

It is time to celebrate for Saboria: The Nakheel tower, the highest building on the planet, has been finished, after a construction time of four years. It stands at a height of 1203 meters with 196 floors and a total useable area of roughly 1,490,000 m². 150 double-elevators transport the people within it and there are numerous offices, ultra-luxury apartments, restaurants, a large health club, and even an observation deck.

Few other buildings on the planet reach a similar height.

Meanwhile, the Sky City nears the completion of its fifth phase, which means that the SkyTower, with a height of 1001 meters will be finished soon. Approximately 55% of the SkyCity will then have been finished, with most of the industrial facilities being completed after this phase.

President Song Lee of Boomtown expresses his sincerest congratulations to the nation of Saboria for its magnificent architectural accomplishments. Perhaps in the near future the President will find the time, with the government of Saboria's permission, to visit this tower in person for a bit of well needed holiday.

(The President promises to leave his cousin Jebbadiah at home)

Edited by Firestorm
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OOC: Fo' sum reason dem dere x-ray thingies techs tend to get a bit confuzzled when dem dere suitcases aren't all dat dere hepful by lettin' demselves be x-rayed. When dey get confuzzled dey tend tah start askin' dem dere questions. Jest ask mah cousin Jebadiah wut happened last yahr on his trip to Vegas when his wife's hairdryer showed ep as a 9mm glock.

Mah lawds wus he insulted! An Eyetalian pistol? LAWDY LAWDS!!!

OOC: Please keep "hickspeech" or whatever this is out of my thread. Use proper english or german.

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OOC: C'est le bon anglais dans Arkansa.

IC: Lt. General Firestorm, currently leading the Boomtown Expeditionary Force in Diberia, wishes to reserve a room upon his return from Diberia for leave with his wife and son.

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  • 3 weeks later...
President Song Lee of Boomtown expresses his sincerest congratulations to the nation of Saboria for its magnificent architectural accomplishments. Perhaps in the near future the President will find the time, with the government of Saboria's permission, to visit this tower in person for a bit of well needed holiday.

(The President promises to leave his cousin Jebbadiah at home)

IC: Lt. General Firestorm, currently leading the Boomtown Expeditionary Force in Diberia, wishes to reserve a room upon his return from Diberia for leave with his wife and son.

While the Nakheel tower is in the restricted zone of Ferinh - that is, more than a kilometer away from the Ferinh Airport - we can make a restriction for guests such as Boomtown's President. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that Lt. General Firestorm will be on the list of these exceptions. Our apologies.

The SkyCity

A report by the SSN

The SkyCity has, as of today, entered the second-to last phase, which includes a number of residential skyscrapers and several business areas. Once this phase is finished, construction will enter the last phase, in which the remaining 14% will be completed.

Entering the second-to last phase also marks the completion of the SkyTower, similarly to the Nakheel Tower one of the highest buildings on the planet with 1001 meters.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The SkyCity

A report by the SSN

We are proud to announce that the SkyCity has finally been completed, and the first inhabitants are moving in.

Most of them are of asian descent, and the Chairman has announced that the SkyCity will be a Special Administrative Province, essentially a lot like what the Canary Islands are, only inside the country. According to the Chairman, this is a test to see if greater autonomy is a concept that can be worked into Saboria's current policies.


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  • 2 weeks later...

War in Europe!

A report by the SSN

"The war in Europe, Ladies and Gentlemen, has escalated drastically. A number of nuclear weapons was utilized, one of the nukes even hitting the capital of the peaceful Hansa, Helsinki. This strike by germany is truly horrible, and it is doubtful that they will stop, now that they've begun.

Because of this, the Chairman has ordered DEFCON 3, and is preparing the country for a nuclear winter. Additionally, evacuation of citizens into underground-shelters will be prepared, though only done in the case that war is declared on us by a nation with nuclear weapons.

That, Ladies and Gentlemen, is all for now.

Thank you."

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A Marchar query from the Government Of Camburic, a Marchar-exile town in The Hansa: "Does Saboria intend to help right this wrong against a peaceful country whose only fault is honoring their declared treaties?"

Unfortunately, we are at the time not in the position to help the Hansa other than trying to send food and other non-military aid and offering all citizens of the Hansa refugee in Saboria.

We will close off all communications and diplomatic channels with Germany and not a single of their citizens or good will be allowed into our country. Similarly, none of our people and good will be sent to them.

*Private to the Marchar-exile*

Were the circumstances different than they currently are, then Germany would already be facing a second red tide, that we can assure you. At the time, however, we cannot fight two wars.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Announcement from the Chairman

The Chairman was standing on a podium, the Flag of Saboria behind him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends and Comrades.

The last weeks and months have been terrible for Eurasia and the world. A nuclear exchange between several powers devastated great parts of the two continents, and even parts of North America, our continent. Yet, these people who were bombarded with nuclear weapons, they keep grasping for more and more power, trying to destroy whoever they feel like destroying.

They are foolish. For their imperialistic, world-endangering policies, they will, eventually, get what they deserve. Already, many nations of the world are rallying in support of one of our friends, against the oppression of a nation desiring world-domination and its lackeys.

For the time being, however, we will wait, and watch the events unfold. During these times, we must look at ourselves, and ask: How can we prepare, both ourselves and our nation? How can we prepare for the day when the two ideologies of our country and that of the aggressive nation finally clash, something which is inevitable?

We must grow beyond ourselves, beyond any differences between us and possible friends, be they of religious, nationalistic or racial nature. To overcome the threat, we must support our friends with butter, guns and if necessary, our sons.

To fully achieve this, many things will and must be done. However, many of those will be addressed at later times, when they are being put into effect.

A single one I will address now, which is concerns by many of our people that our country's name - People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Greater Saboria - is no longer true to ourselves. I do agree with this, as we have grown beyond our former selves. From the relatively small provincial power, having come out of a revolution, we have grown into one of the world's strongest and biggest nations, through the help and talents of not only our leaders, but also our people, and our friends. We have gained a new identity, one of which the people approve - in a nationwide vote, 93% of the populace agreed that from today on, the People's Democratic Republic of Greater Saboria shall discard this long, unwieldy and out-of-date name.

From this day on, we shall simply be named as the people demand it:


Thank you for your time."

Roaring applause followed, while the Chairman bowed and left the podium, the TV programme soon getting back to its normal schedule.

Edited by Lynneth
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Chairman Leclerc,

The success of your country should make the entire world envious and even more so of your ability to realize the consolidation of your people far beyond of the goals that Saboria once sought out. I and my people wish the Canadian people luck in their future endeavors and I am sure that prosperity and plenty are yours to command.


Sarah Tintagyl

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Chairman Leclerc,

The success of your country should make the entire world envious and even more so of your ability to realize the consolidation of your people far beyond of the goals that Saboria once sought out. I and my people wish the Canadian people luck in their future endeavors and I am sure that prosperity and plenty are yours to command.


Sarah Tintagyl

Dear PM,

I do not desire to make the world envious of me. I desire to make them want to simulate what I and my predecessor have done, to create a nation based on communistic, socialist and democratic principles. I desire to make them realize that to truly achieve something that may be called 'world peace', we have to put aside any differences we may have, be they motivated by religion, nationalism, racism, or whatever else.

That is my ultimate goal, and for this, I strive to unite Old Canada, as peacefully as possible.

I may or may not have taken the wrong path; That we will only find out in the future. But I will keep walking on the path I believe to be right, and I will keep encouraging other nations to follow on the path that I have opened for them.

Still, I thank you for your honest words, and they mean a lot to me.


Fjodor Leclerc

"We recognize this name and congratulate Canada."

Our thanks go to Dragonisia for this.

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