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Maroon Team Senate

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I have returned to the next round of CN: Tournament Edition and I want to establish myself as a strong member of the maroon team and its senate. Vote for me to keep the Superfriends alliance from dominating the maroon trading sphere.

Feustel of Sarcastopia and (CN:TE) Pangio

ZYX Alliance

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I have returned to the next round of CN: Tournament Edition and I want to establish myself as a strong member of the maroon team and its senate. Vote for me to keep the Superfriends alliance from dominating the maroon trading sphere.

Feustel of Sarcastopia and (CN:TE) Pangio

ZYX Alliance

Any other reasons why we should vote for you?

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Any other reasons why we should vote for you?

The Superfriends alliance must tolerate every member, regardless of alliance affilation. When trying to recruit a fellow maroon nation to my alliance, I recieved the following message in a PM from a Superfriends nation that I will not name:

"maroon belongs to the superfriends


This is tournament edition. Individual nation strength should be the focus anyway. I am for the advancement of all maroon team nations without the dominance of a single alliance. After all, many newcomers will not be familiar with the stronger alliances that are reforming from the previous round.

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Pics, or it didn't happen. Take a screenshot, or have at least some sort of valid proof before you start making accusations.

Have a nice day.

Lord Poison


Vote for Superfriends!

Why? cause we're awesome.

Edited by Lord Poison
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Pics, or it didn't happen. Take a screenshot, or have at least some sort of valid proof before you start making accusations.

Have a nice day.

Lord Poison


Vote for Superfriends!

Why? cause we're awesome.

I considered posting the image of the PM but I am new to the forums (though not the game) and I was not sure if that was acceptable. Thank you for clarifying that for me. Here is what I hope is a reasonable screenshot. (I cropped out a good portion just to get the point across. If a wider shot is needed, just say so.)


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I considered posting the image of the PM but I am new to the forums (though not the game) and I was not sure if that was acceptable. Thank you for clarifying that for me. Here is what I hope is a reasonable screenshot. (I cropped out a good portion just to get the point across. If a wider shot is needed, just say so.)


Hmm, so you're thinking that the entire alliance wants maroon for themselves just because of some overzealous member?

Nice going...

Lord Poison

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