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Global radiation


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By which I mean, not me. It's a good thing.

It's a good thing for the game,

brings in a nacent enviromental movement into politics, and provides consiquences for significant use of nukes,

Part of me wishes it wasn't capped tho,

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I really doubt that the people using nukes care about the GRL. I'd just like my 5000 citizens back...

well not only do thay gota worry about thare own enviroment being effected, but by contributing to the radiation, it may anger other nations and provoke war agenst them.

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I doubt people will go to war over a screwed up GRL!

Hey you ruined my environment with your casual attitude to nuke use. I'm going to war with you to teach you a lesson!

WTF? You nuked me :(

wat if the people challanging them have nukes too?? thay dont have to use them just kinda wave em around so the other guys no thare thare

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Well, you'd still be half way there, right? :unsure:

Currently most nations are at 6 Env or higher... and? The effect is barely noticable. Some people complain because of 'my numbers gone down!!!' but NOBODY feels a REAL impact from the 5 GRL.

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Eh... I lost 5000 citizens (5 improvement slots) and almost 11% of my income (before bills, so even more after bills) because of this high GRL. That comes down to a good 600.000 a day I'm missing out on. I'd call that a real impact, seeing as how my daily profits now are about 2,5 million

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Eh... I lost 5000 citizens (5 improvement slots) and almost 11% of my income (before bills, so even more after bills) because of this high GRL. That comes down to a good 600.000 a day I'm missing out on. I'd call that a real impact, seeing as how my daily profits now are about 2,5 million

looking at the math, that is impossible.

5 GRL removes 5% of your nations happiness and since not all your income comes from happiness, that equals around 4-4.5% income. also 5% citizens.

100% Total Income * 0.95 (-5% citizens) * 0.965 (-4.5% income) = 91.675% income left. So, you currently lose 8.325% of your daily tax collection. I would not call that a big impact from a full scale worldwide nuclear war. Losing 25%, 40% or 60% and people would have taken diplomatic action before attacking nuclear armed alliances.

Your lost improvement slots have not much impact, since the improvements still work, even if you have not enough population for them. They are a direct result of the rather flawed calculation of improvement slots. A requirement that would make sense would be 100infra/1improvement. Not 1000pop. The pop-requirement makes only problems: BorderWalls, Losing of Slots from Gov Changes, Losing slots from GRL, Losing slots from importing certain resources and so on... Besides this it is an issue of game balance, PopBoosterResources are currently three times benefitial: more tax, more military, more improvements = they are superior to all other resources, that is why everyone wants them and those with bad resources can hardly get them.

But, its up to the admin to change that. Not me.

Edited by (DAC)Syzygy
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I know you know all about CN math and how everything works, but are you sure about your numbers?

I realized I got two bad events after this whole GRL mess started, so that accounts for a portion of the income loss. 8.325% due to GRL sounds reasonable then.

But I still lost 5 improvements slots because of the GRL increase. Which means I lost at least 4001 citizens. If that's 5% of my population, I should've had 80.000 citizens to begin with. It was closer to 43.000 when it all started. Are you sure the environmental effect aren't worse? Just wondering

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