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Unspeakable Evil

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How embarrassing for him.

Quite so. Then again, my days of disagreeing with your stances are generally over (*gasp* shifts in beliefs? Could it be possible in CN?!) so it's that difficult to do.

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Current trends, eh? I suppose the same could be said about the Moldavi/Trotsky "no, I'm the rightful emperor" fiaso, but no one thought it would be grounds to attack the NPO now did they? That's because it would have been ridiculous, much like you attacking the GPA for their INTERNAL issues.

Yikes, you are grasping at thin air to find a reason to attack the GPA. If you attack them everyone outside of your ring of meat shields is going to think you guys are just egotistical power mongers.

What I think is ironic and quite pitiful is you yourselves are saying you are the top alliance, yet you still threaten the GPA. If you really think you are the #1 alliance why do you feel you (and by that I mean all your pawns) need to attack the GPA in order to reclaim the #1 spot that you have, so frequently, reminded CN that you currently occupy?

First, that made no sense, excuse me while I laugh at you.

Second, yeah, if current trends of growth were to continue, 5 weeks from now NPO would replace GPA as the number 1 alliance score/NS wise.

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While your inability to comprehend simple discussion without turning it into an evil Pacifican conspiracy is amusing, I'm afraid I was simply talking about the rate of growth. If both alliances continue to grow at their current average speed then the Order will overtake the GPA in around 5 weeks.

Owned with mathematics

Vladimir 1

farung 0

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Updated 2008-01-23.

Current trends, eh? I suppose the same could be said about the Moldavi/Trotsky "no, I'm the rightful emperor" fiaso, but no one thought it would be grounds to attack the NPO now did they? That's because it would have been ridiculous, much like you attacking the GPA for their INTERNAL issues.

Yikes, you are grasping at thin air to find a reason to attack the GPA. If you attack them everyone outside of your ring of meat shields is going to think you guys are just egotistical power mongers.

What I think is ironic and quite pitiful is you yourselves are saying you are the top alliance, yet you still threaten the GPA. If you really think you are the #1 alliance why do you feel you (and by that I mean all your pawns) need to attack the GPA in order to reclaim the #1 spot that you have, so frequently, reminded CN that you currently occupy?

My cat's breath smells like cat food.

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Majestic Order of Orange Nations

Members: 67

Nation Strength: 939,964

Avg. Strength: 14,029

Nukes: 91

Score: 3.85

I fully expect these numbers to rise dramatically faster then anyone in our close vicinity as we do have merger members still changing AA's and new members coming in.

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Updated 2008-01-26.

M-O-O-N, that spells MOON.

Added MOON starting today. Watch out for that Flagg character.

Finally, a war to qualify these numbers, and to make things interesting :v

Gogo UE, update nao!

You can tell who bulked up for the festivities, and who is rapidly dying. I don't think it's going to be especially interesting for long.

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Could you start following FCO, too? I don't know if you need the stats in this post, but I'll put 'em here anyway :P

Name: Finnish Cooperation Organization

Members: 123

Strength: 1,108,283

Average Strength: 9,010

Nukes: 81

Score: 5.00

Thanks :)

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