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Blockade Question


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According to the guide, you must have 5 ships capable of blockading in order to start a blockade. It also says that a blockade will randomly decrease an oponents income by between 1% and 5% randomly.

My question is:

Is it 1% to 5% per ship? Or is it for each blockade? So, if I were to blockade someone with 5 ships (the amount needed to start a blockade), would their income reduce by between 1% to 5 % or between 5 % to 25% (which is 1% to 5% times 5 ships)?

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Instead of making a new topic I'll ask here since it's the same subject. Can Blockades only be used if the two nations are at war with each other or can you blockade anyone you want with no war necessary?

You have to be at war.

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And they clear when the guy collects. So, if one is being blockaded and not collecting, one is losing that percentage on EVERY uncollected day. Get to 100%, and all the money that would have been collected is GONE.

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And they clear when the guy collects. So, if one is being blockaded and not collecting, one is losing that percentage on EVERY uncollected day. Get to 100%, and all the money that would have been collected is GONE.

that would seriously suck.

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By one person

But say you have 3 nations blockading it would only take what 7 days?

Unless it changed or I'm remembering wrong, I believe the Index says a nation can only be blockaded a day.


"Only one blockade may be placed against a nation per day."

Edited by Aeternos Astramora
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Is that one blockade per attacking nation or each nation can get just one blockade hit, first one in wins for the day?

If it's one blockade, total, per day, then not so devastating.

If it's one blockade per attacker per day, then the 3:1 curbstomp just got a whole lot curbstompier.

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Is that one blockade per attacking nation or each nation can get just one blockade hit, first one in wins for the day?

If it's one blockade, total, per day, then not so devastating.

If it's one blockade per attacker per day, then the 3:1 curbstomp just got a whole lot curbstompier.

It could go either way, but it appears to be one per day by anybody, much like nukes.

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