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The Legion

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(Minister of Internal Affairs)


(Minister of Foreign Affairs)


(Minister of Economics)


(Minister of Defense)


(Speaker of the House)


ProfessorD (Chief of Financial Staff)

Konkrage (Commodore of the Admiralty)

Jacosby (Dean of the Diplomatic Corps)

Sandrock149 (Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs)

Arcadian Empire (Director of Communications)

Megamind (Director of Education)

totem (Director of Intelligence)

Melidan (Director of Recruitment)

Iron Wolf (Director of Game Mechanics)


The Arbiter, King William IV, Hymenbreach, Wootmeister, Michaeru, Lmcfalcon12

For joining the Legion you will get:

* 3,000,000 in aid for passing our exam and pledging to stay with the Legion for at least one month

* Membership to a very friendly alliance

* Protection from big, bad, mean, people

Legion History

Un momento por favor.


Edited by TheArbiter
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We're pretty cool.

Poetry time children.

L is for Love, now with real, authentic women!

E is for Easier then Eharmony, no need for that profile crap, you say who you want, we delivar.

G is for Great Woman, can I ever extend that further?

I is for Inside a woman, you shall learn the anatomy of a woman.

O is for Outside a woman, god we know you want them.

N is for No Marriage, that's right.

So wtf you waiting for?

Also, you may snap now.

*snap snap snap*

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