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”It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.”

Telescreens newly installed across several nations on planet Bob flickered on for the first time. The song of the party began to stream from their speakers. It was choral in nature, with strings and horns in the background, soothing yet with a harsh undertone caused by the metallic speakers that were designed to last 50 years in the elements without need for replacement. Thousands of people across the world stopped what they were doing to see the first announcement of the party, the party of IngSoc.



The soothing voice of Big Brother, caring yet forceful, joined the visual of a golden field. “This is our land”, he said. What followed was a recreation of some of the harsher battles, moments, and fighting from the most recent offensive. At the height of fear, intensity, and hate for the enemy, the song of the party came to rescue the citizens who watched as the enemy came at them on the screen with life like realism.

But now the message was clear. Big Brother had saved the people of all the nations which now watched the telescreens intently. The party of IngSoc had saved them from themselves. The party united the people, taught them to think, act, and live as one. The party’s slogans and philosophies were firmly implanted and now inseparable from every soul. They all chanted in unison as the announcement came to an end “B B, B B, B B”. As the screen faded and a new song began to play, the people whose countries now formed the Alliance of IngSoc picked up where they left off. Some took another moment to look at the white structures now prominent in every capitol city. Each one was adorned with banners prominently displaying the party slogan.


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Oceania shall never be conquered. Should you be allowed to step foot on our soil, it is by the mercy of Big Brother and not the strength of your military. We are a proud people. Workers, strivers, and builders. IngSoc has been bored into our hearts and minds. GloryVic! GloryVic!

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The thought police will get you just the same. you've committed—would have committed, even if you had never set pen to paper—the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever. You might dodge successfully for a while, even for years, but sooner or later they were bound to get you"

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