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Arctic Council!

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Welcome to the Arctic Council.

We the Arctic council is a newly developed Black alliance. In the Arctic Council we offer aid, protection, money, advice, and friendships.The Start up package for joining is 200,000 dollars..We hope you will give us a try.. Our Charter is never done we are adding and taking stuff out as we grow and hear other members imput as well..

We can be found on Coldfront at #ArcticCouncil..

Arctic Membership-

Nation name-




Prev Alliance-

Are you in any wars right now-

Arctic Ranks-

The Arctic Council Ranking system will be the following


Council Members



Deputy Lt's

Head Recruiter


Arctic members

Ranks will be giving to those who have should there true loyalty and sacrificed things to help other members out..

Arctic Council-

The Arctic council will consist of 4 members hand picked by the king.

In an event of a council member not doing there job they thrown out either by the king or voted out by the other council members. The arctic councils job will be sending out the orders the king tells them to during war time or any Ocassion

Arctic Economy-

Arctic Economy will consist of banks who will send aid out during war time or if a request has been made..

Banks can send only 3million in aid to one nation. Aid request will be played after the loan expires ten days after aid was giving or 10 tech will be given.

Arctic Tech Raiding-

Tech Raiding will not be allowed unless permissions is given by the king or a council member. Tech raiding is allowed for nations that are inactive for more then 10 days with permission or rogue nations..

Arctic Nukes-

We will not use a nuke unless a nuke has been used on one of our members first...

we do let people have then but are not allowed to use them with out permission from the king. If a member uses a nuke without permission they will be banned from Arctic Council and they will be put on our ZI list...

Arctic Punishments-

All punishments will be handled by council members or the king..

Signed -5/26/08

king- Shawns

Link to Alliance- http://z11.invisionfree.com/Arctic_Council/index.php?act=idx

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