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[RoH|DoE] Idiots provoke bigger Idiots

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A group of idiots thought they could play this round of TE in peace. Our tired, huddled masses, yearned to breath free. Yet before we could even post a DoE, before we could even open embassies, before we could even build a strong foundation for our children-our children's children-for all of the idiots of the world & their idiotic families to come over and take a load off;


our peaceful nature, our hint of hope, the thread of prosperity that had woven itself through each and every Idiot, and embraced us in the warm blanket of civilized society;




every thing we suffered for, everything we bleed for, everything we sweated for, in an instant was destroyed.


NLoN attacked the Idiots. Minding their own business. And what did we do? We turned the other cheek. Just as one has 2 cheeks, so too, did the Idiots think they could shrug off the yoke of oppression, the temptation of plunder, the siren wail of riches; so too did a small group of Idiots, with nothing to their name but hopes, dreams, and the calluses on their hands, realize the world was a harsh place.


Because NLoN attacked again. With righteous fury, one blow after another, the covert desires, the operation from the shadows, a dark desire lurked within the belly of the beast. What this great foe coveted was not the same as our Idiots; nah; where some Idiots thought they could just band together, find a common shred of friendship among their ilk, and rub enough brain cells together to realize, maybe the real tournament we were all fighting, were the banter with friends along the way.


Suffice to say; these Idiots dreamed of a chance to live and die, suffer and prosper, come and go; all together; all as one; what was once one was now one huge mass of friendship.


NLoN destroyed that. Our gullible heros, realize when the attacks wouldn't stop that, without buying arms, without training agents, without marching to the beat of a drum, that peace could not exist. NLoN attacked this lonely group of Idiots, with nothing but their Comrades names, to their names.


It would be foolish for our brave heros to fight back. Every shred of decency in the bones of our comrades, cried out like a baby cries out. While NLoN and their villainous leader attacked us, they were under the cover of darkness; a great darkness that concealed the sinister desires of this group of Idiots. They knew their enemies loved peace. They knew their enemies loved prosperity. They knew, NLoN & their wretched King of Lies, knew that this group of Idiots they cornered, so much so loved the solemn silence of a peaceful snow falling upon the homestead. Of the white static of drizzle on the window pane. The blazing passion of fried chicken in a cardboard box. Or perhaps even one day, NLoN knew that this group of Idiots knew the crunchy pumpkins of despair.


They made a bet that we loved peace so much. That we would accept all advances. Every insult allowed. Any attacks, shrugged off. Like a great waterfall pouring over a duck's back, NLoN slithered its way up a Tree of Knowledge, secure in the idea that their new target so loved peace, they would sacrifice anything to obtain it. Just as they gave everything to obtain this dream of theirs, no one in the right mind would then disturb this slumber of a dream. No one with 2 brain cells would rub them together to spark a great conflict. Who could imagine that some double oh several small unsolicited attacks, would draw the ire of a calm man.


NLoN declared an everlasting gumdrop of war upon this Group of Idiots. Yet if they thought our meat plow-hooks were beaten into bean counters, that every drop of lead was melted down into fish sinkers & silverware, if they gambled that every billy club was locked away under the mountain of despair; they were wrong. NLoN thought we were babes who knew nothing of war. Children who knew nothing of life. Gullible Idiots who believed their lies, and could not see their attacks for what they were. A cry for help.


NLoN must be a real group of Idiots if they thought that they could go around messing with anyone and get away with it.

NLoN must be feeling pretty stupid.


You just messed with the biggest Idiot you ever seen. Because we will take up the challenge once again.


You thought you were picking on some shrimps. A group bozo group of nobodies. Some idiots you could push around.


Well guess what buddy. You just pushed around an even bigger Idiot than NLoN.


And that's saying a lot.


We finally will slug our way out from under our smart rock, from beneath our great temple we will squint in the blazing sunlit rapture that is the wider world.


In front of God, Country, and The Open World Forum of the United People's of the Lands of the Planet (whatever one we live on);


We; the proclaimed & assembled Idiots hereby recognize formally the former declaration by the LonN idiots.


We; the proseembled and assclaimed Idiots hereby recognize officially the office of leadership in the alliance hereby known as; "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIdiots"


We; the prosigned and prorated free men submit our paystubs in protest of being forced to go to war, and every day secretly wish that the evil overlords from Mr. Who's band of bandits; hereby known as the oNoL, shall fight until they apologize and surrender.


You shall know no fury, like a retirement home scorned. You just awoken the belly of the beast. You New League of Noobs just put a chicken behind every blade of grass. A sleeping tiger who's neck you tried to step on. Realize this mortals;


that the Idiots of Idiocy shall never fade from this earth. So help me God.


The Biggest Idiot;
First of his name. The Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. An Atlas of Astrology.


The King Idiot;
First of his name. The ranger of this scouting party. A Boulder of a Beauty.


The Queen Idiot;
First of his name. The bard of the babbling crooks. A Cataract of Curiosity.


The Princess Idiot;
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII of the Great llllllllllllllllllll
First of his name. The jewel of the people. A Denizen of Delight.


The Gender Neutral Idiot;
First of their name. The muscle behind everyone. An Earthquake of Eclipse.


Just Basically an Idiot;
Javier Emperor of Tenochtitlan
First of their name. The Unconquered, The Mighty, The Bronzed. A Flood of Fury.


The Court Idiot;
Resources Rex Chief Operations Officer of Traders of fine ware
First of their name. They have the finest of whatever. A Global Gigachad.


The Prince Idiot;
First of their name. The arcane & managerial arm of the organization. The Horizon of Hamfistery.




NoLN spied on and continuously attacked the peaceful retirement home of some Idiots. So we Recognize war and declare our existence.


We will accept their surrender if they wish to apologize for their crimes. We will be in our discord. Watching. Waiting.


We consider the group of people lead by Horton the Who to be enemies of all lovers of peace (Idiots) until further notice.

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