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Need for nation audit

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Can an admin audit my nation?


I have all wonders, improvements and trades in place but my daily income (without GC, LC) is approx. 11 m less than my daily expenses (with LC in place).


Something looks wrong, creating a negative 11 m income daily.


Thanks in advance!

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At a quick look, too much infrastructure.

Infra knowingly has diminishing returns, which at some point become negative, that's most probably your case. Sell off your infra and you'll start making profits again.

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10 hours ago, Alexandros o Megas said:

It cant be, Infra doesnt create negative income, unless if some Admin's awards from TE added infra that do not produce income for some game bug.

It's diminishing returns. Infra provides linear income (double the infra, double the income, roughly) but it has ever increasing maintenance (upkeep) costs. At some point (depending on resources, wonders, improvements...) the upkeep of the next infra unit becomes greater than the income it provides.

AFAIK all of this has been basic knowledge since circa 2006, TBQH.

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13 hours ago, Alexandros o Megas said:

It cant be, Infra doesnt create negative income, unless if some Admin's awards from TE added infra that do not produce income for some game bug.


You spend this long in CN and still don't know how infra works? The break-even point for diminishing returns is right around 20k infra. Anything after that and the upkeep starts to outweigh your actual realized gains. Work your way up to 40k infra like you have and you start paying more in upkeep than you take in bills. Congrats on losing cybernations.

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