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A interesting theory/idea on trade circles. needs input


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Looking for input and improvement here. This is a ideal in theory so it needs help.

We all know that Trade Circles (TC) have issues. Sometimes it takes time to fix, I'm trying to come up with a long term strategy to help alliances with this problem. Need a way that players can easily move to help repair a TC. Currently there is to many issue to allow temporary trades to move in and out of TC's when repairs are needed. As you know finding replacements is not easy.


To kept things simple I'll use only two different types 3BR and 8BR.  Notice that these two groups have common items (lumber,marble, iron, uranium etc etc) they also have items that are not common (coal, gems, oil, etc etc). The idea would be to groups these trades so that nations can be hop in and of a TC without the issues we have now. This would required TC's to have a common back-collection date and team color. The back-collection date would be needed so that all members of the TC collected with-end 1-3 days of each other. This common date allows time for temp fills to move in and return for their own collections. Some alliances may wish to reward nation that act as fills.


IE, fake alliance X with 2 3br and one 8br TC's as samples with same team color.

3br setup 1st tc with 6 nations (1-6) back collect 10 day offset from 3br #2
1 aluminum and iron  ( common to both 3br and 8br so can be used as a temporary fill for ether)
2 lumber and marble       ( common to both 3br and 8br so can be used as a temporary fill for ether)
3 water and wheat         ( common to both 3br and 8br so can be used as a temporary fill for ether)
4 cattle and fish   ( only 3br can use this for other 3br fills)
5 pigs and spices       ( only 3br can use this for other 3br fills)
6 sugar and uranium*     ( only 3br can use this for other 3br fills)


3br setup 2 (same as the 1st with a different back-collection target date)  also with a 10 day common back collecting date than 3br#1
1 aluminum and iron  ( common to both 3br and 8br so can be used as a temporary fill for ether)
2 lumber and marble    ( common to both 3br and 8br so can be used as a temporary fill for ether)
3 water and wheat         ( common to both 3br and 8br so can be used as a temporary fill for ether)
4 cattle and fish   ( only 3br can use this for other 3br fills)
5 pigs and spices     ( only 3br can use this for other 3br fills)
6 sugar and uranium*   ( only 3br can use this for other 3br fills)


8br setup as a sample 6 nations (1-6)
1 aluminum and iron  ( common to both 3br and 8br so can be used as a temporary fill for ether)
2 lumber and marble      ( common to both 3br and 8br so can be used as a temporary fill for ether)
3 water and wheat        ( common to both 3br and 8br so can be used as a temporary fill for ether)
4 coal and gold       ( only 8br can use this for other 8br fills)
5 lead and oil             ( only 8br can use this for other 8br fills)
6 rubber and uranium*        ( only 8br can use this for other 8br fills)

* could be use as a better than nothing temp trade between 3br and 8br for nukes. What pairs up with uranium could be change if someone comes up with a better set to go between 3br and 8br as temp trades. (I did not look into this)

As long as the common collection date is set different for each similar TC group, players # 1-3 could easily be used anywhere needed and return before their original group to back-collect. Players 4-6 could only help in the same type of group they came from (or be used as a better than nothing temp set). If this sample alliance had TC's groups collections set 5 days apart ( 0. 5. 15. of a 20 day rotation) they can swap nations in and out as needed without the can't change trades for 30 days rule being a problem.

The more stable nations in the alliance can be the odd trades (4-6), and the younger nations (1-3). Theory being stable nation less likely to delete??. New nations when able can be 1-3 and use as a temp fill for their collection until needed as a permanent fill in a TC.

I know this would be mess to start as all nations may need to alter trades and back-collections dates. However the long term effects will help all. Think about how nice it would be to have a temp fill from another group when you need it, and more time to shop for a replacement, and if the replacement fails you can still return to temps for max collections. If a allied alliance had trades set up like yours all the better. Other types of TC's could be included using the same logic.  

New players in the alliance could be told to select 1,2,or 3 ( common to all) and can move into any tc for their back-collections dates so they may have a full collection. Later they may be place into a TC as a permanent fill. This way we could test them to see if they are dependable. If the new nation wanted to try out different type of TC's to learn, going with trade set 1.2.or 3, could allow them to move about without changing their trades. 


Nations that "hop" into a TC to help could pay bills before they hop, and/or pay bills when their temporary TC trades are filled (use the cheaper of the two TC's for bills???). You can delay paying bills, so this strategy is flexible. They should wait until they move back into their normal TC to back-collect so the group collection date remains the same.


A wise player may come up with a better common trade set up then to sample above....Please do so...


Edited by anobubby
try to clear up some issues
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