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The Nordic Cactuar Accords, Part Deux

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The Nordic Cactuar Accords


the bit before


i guess we're doing this again


one - sovereignty

the signatories reaffirm their commitment to the recognition of llama citizenship, however they strongly stress their continued belief that they should not be permitted to wander across state lines


two - non-aggression


the signatories once more agree that killing each other should be a last resort


three - espionage


the signatories continue to stand by their agreement not to spy on each others stuff


four - mutual defence


the signatories agree that, should one of the signatories fall victim to aggressive external pew pewing, the other shall be obligated to engage in mutual laser pointer fun time wherever possible


five - optional aggression

the signatories agree that, should one of the signatories engage in aggressive pew pewing of their own, the other shall not be obligated to engage in mutual laser pointer fun time, but such family bonding activities are encouraged


six - further cooperation


the signatories reserve the right, upon the request of the other signatory, to send the other signatory technological devices containing pictures of cute dogs under guard by El Presidente's finest troops at any time


seven - cancellation


the signatories agree to provide 72-hours advance notice should they decide to file for divorce


signed for the random insanity alliance

Lord Cactuar

Shadow, By the Grace of Cactuar, His Glorious Excellency The Most Holy, Blessed, and Venerable Lord Cactuar of Random Insanity and the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging, Captain Planet Emeritus, Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Realms of the Cactuar, Defender of the Faith, Guardian of the Funk, Grand Master of the Most Noble Sovereign Military Order of Cactimus Prime, Central Commander of the Nintuar Clan, Leader and Guide of the Rivolucion, The Ultimate Lifeform, Mystic Dragon Emperor of the Cheeselands, Archduke of Disorder, Overlord of Lunacy, Puppetmaster of Chaos, etc.


Floridian Council

im317, Cactus Emeritus, Captain Planet Emeritus, Former Elder of PotD, Enemy of Spelling, Secretly a Dog.




brian ~ Minister of Foreign Affairs of the RIA, Previous Minister of the Economy of the RIA, Previous Minister of Internal Affairs of the RIA, Previous Minister of Foreign affairs of the RIA, HoMo of the RIA, Former Member of CDS, Former Triumvirate of CDS. Imperial Potentate, Master of Coinpurse, Sultan of Swat. Hoster of Forums. Keeper of RI5. Cruncher of Numbers. Keeper of the Peace. Creator of the HoTDoG. User of Unnecessary Capitalization so Things Look more Official. Never sure About using A Comma or Period in Official title listings; How long is to Long for a run on title listing Anyhow? Writer of Hikus. Petter of dogs. Lover of Oatmeal and Snickerdoodle Cookies.
        "No Brian"


signed for the nordreich

Keysariyt Hanssen - Reichskaiserin von Nordreich, Reichskanzlerin von Nordreich, Reichsminister of Foreign Affairs, Maroon Team Senator, of the Kingdom of Israel. Former Reichsminister of the Interior, Former Mentor, Former Oberst, The Originator of the Oop, Quitter of Government, Hero of the RIA, Former Joint Captain Planet, Insomniac of Nordland, Kippah Wearer, The One Who Talks To Herself, Is It Kaiser, Kaiser Hanssen, or Hanssen Answerer, Respondent of What Does Keysariyt Mean, Does Anybody Even Read These, writer of the titles that are just a little longer than the ones Brian gave her for this treaty counting tital word count and not the word count for the actual individuals


Johan Pitka - Kronprinz von Nordreich. Bastard-at-Arms, Reichsmarschall von Nordreich, Former Stabsoffizier of the Wehrmacht, Tactical Commander of the Heer, The Eastern Taunter



Phoenix (probably) - Reichsbanker


It Was Actually A Comet


EightiesMercedes - Reichsminister of the Interior, Incumbent Scapegoat, Temporary Replacement Leather Donkey Enthusiast, Resident Weeb, The One Who Is Absolutely On The List


Oro Ibah Aozpi - Reichsgraf von Nordreich. Former Kaiser von Nordreich, Former Reichsmarschall von Nordreich, Proceeds the Weedian Hobo, The Desert Wanderer of Southern Algeria, Champion of the Druid Priest Smoke-Covenant, Deliverer of Ebola, Bather in the GLow of Kicken Rays, Arranger of the Ceremonial Bones, Master of the Groundation of the Redneck Hike, Possessor of the Yodel RUne, The One True LORD Jesus Santa Man


Laidoner of the Einherjar


Edited by Keysariyt Hanssen
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