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"There are too many alliances and some of you should disband." - 6 years later, a scorecard.

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Recently, we observed the 6th anniversary of one of the (slightly) better trolling posts in CN history. In memorial of this post, I have decided to go back and calculate how accurate the OP was.

1) Mostly Harmless Alliance: Being the largest alliance doesn’t give you a free pass. I can’t think of anything that you add to the game so you’re out. Disband.
Alive, 0.
2) New Pacific Order: Considering many alliances in the game define their very existence based on opposing this alliance, it goes without saying that they stay.
Alive, 1.
3) Green Protection Agency: I realize some players just want to be boring hippies and buy infrastructure. We only need one neutral alliance, however. GPA stays, all others should disband.
Alive, 1.
4) New Polar Order: Brings drama from time to time. Starts huge wars. Definitely stays.
Alive, 1.
5) Sparta: Classic cookie cutter. Disband.
Alive, 0.
6) World Task Force: Does nothing. Disband.
Alive, 0.
7) Viridian Entente: Stays
Alive, 1.
8) Fark: Stays
Alive, 1.
9) The Legion: Stays
Alive, 1.
10) The Democratic Order: Disband. Join GPA.
Disbanded, 1.
11) Mushroom Kingdom: Not my favorite alliance but they certainly bring drama and their own flavor to the game. They stay.
Disbanded, 0.
12) Orange Defense Network: Followers. Not interesting. Disband.
Alive, 0.
13) The Order Of The Paradox: Drama occasionally revolves around them. Stays.
Alive, 1.
14) Global Alliance And Treaty Organization: Stays
Alive, 1.
15) FOK: Stays
Disbanded, 0.
16) Independent Republic Of Orange Nations: Stays
Alive, 1.
17) United Purple Nations: Meh. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
18) Ragnarok: Stays
Disbanded, 0.
19) Nueva Vida: Stays
Disbanded, 0.
20) The Order Of Light: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
21) Umbrella: Stays
Alive, 1.
22) Random Insanity Alliance: Stay.
Alive, 1.
23) RnR: Boring. Disband.
Alive, 0.
24) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
25) Federation Of Armed Nations: Used to be interesting, but now the NPO isn’t picking on you anymore and you’re just another alliance. Disband.
Alive, 0.
26) Athens: This alliance gets a wild hair up its $@! every once in a while which results in massive drama. Stays.
Disbanded, 1.
27) Nordreich: Well even the “German Nationalists” need a home too. Stays.
Alive, 1.
28) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations: Stays.
Disbanded, 0.
29) The Foreign Division: Who? Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
30) Poison Clan: Occasional drama. Stays.
Disbanded, 0.
31) Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism: Drama. Stays.
Disbanded, 0.
32) Siberian Tiger Alliance: Brings teh HONOUR. Stays.
Disbanded, 0.
33) The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons: Boring. Disbands.
Alive, 0.
34) Nusantara Elite Warriors: Everyone talks about what great fighters they are but I hear nothing from them. This game thrives on drama and intrigue. Disbands.
Alive, 0.
35) LoSS: Stays, I guess.
Disbanded, 0.
36) Guru Order: Boring. Disband.
Alive, 0.
37) IFOK: Struggled with this one. On their own they are an utterly worthless alliance, but then again, who am I to deprive FOK of their vassal alliance? To the victor go the spoils, after all. Plus I would like to keep them around if for no other reason than to laugh at them. Stays.
Disbanded, 0.
38) Global Order Of Darkness: Drama bringers. Stays.
Alive, 1.
39) New Sith Order: Even if I wasn’t a member of this alliance I’d know enough to know that they should stay. The Cyberverse needs more alliances like us. I’m serious.
Alive, 1.
40) Nato: Stays
Alive, 1.
41) The Phoenix Federation: Stays
Disbanded, 0.
42) The International: Aren’t they commies or something? Meh. Disband
Disbanded, 1.
43) Valhalla: Stays
Disbanded, 0.
44) Imperial Assault Alliance: I guess being the second best Star Wars themed alliance is enough to get to stay. Stays.
Disbanded, 0.
45) North Atlantic Defense Coalition: Boring. Disband.
Alive, 0.
46) The Templar Knights: Boring. Disband.
Alive, 0.
47) Asgaard: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
48) World Federation: Boring. Disband.
Alive, 0.
49) We Are Perth Army: Boring. Disband.
Alive, 0.
50) The Conservative Underground: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
51) Argent: Boring. Disband.
Alive, 0.
52) Phoenix Rising: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
53) Global Democratic Alliance: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
54) Silence: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
55) Greenland Republic: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
56) Christian Coalition Of Countries: WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW? Disband.
Alive, 0.
57) Regnum Invictorum: The game would honestly be better served if you just joined NPO. Disband.
Alive, 0.
58) Ubercon: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
59) Genesis: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
60) The Brigade: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
61) Green Old Party: GPA plus Reagan. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
62) Carpe Diem: I like you guys but you're inactive. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
63) Monos Archein: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
64) AGW Overlords: Boring. Disband.
Alive, 0.
65) \m/: Drama generators. Stays.
Disbanded, 0.
66) Union Of Integrated National Entities: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
67) Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics: Boring. Disband.
Alive, 0.
68) The United Front: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
69) =LOST=: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
70) United Sovereign Nations: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
71) United Blue Directorate: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
72) Veritas Aequitas: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
73) The Resistance: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
74) The Dark Templar: Boring. Disband.
Alive, 0.
75) Boards Alliance Of Protectorate States: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
76) 1 Touch Football: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
77) WOLFPACK: Boring. Disband.
Disbanded, 1.
78) Alpha Omega: Boring. Disband.
Alive, 0.
79) The Order Of The Black Rose: The hardcore RPers need a home, I suppose. Stays.
Alive, 1.
80) Knights Of Ni!: Never heard of you before the Athens thing, haven’t heard from you since. Disband.

Alive, 0.



43 Alliances Disbanded,

37 Alliances Alive,

45 Correct Guesses,

35 Incorrect Guesses,

16 Alliances Correctly Guessed As Alive,

29 Alliances Correctly Guessed As Disbanded,

21 Alliances Incorrectly Guessed As Alive,

14 Alliances Incorrectly Guessed As Disbanded,


Overall Grade:

Worse than 50/50 for guessing if the alliance was alive. Twice as likely for alliance guessed as disbanded to actually be disbanded than alive.

Solid effort.


This would've been a better topic 3 years ago, I think; probably a fairer lifespan for most of those alliances given how long many had already been around.

Posted (edited)

I'm not thinking so much about the grade itself as the accuracy of his assessments. Six years is a very long time; over half the game's existence. The alliances that disbanded such as GOONS outlived their usefulness and Dopp's reflections probably weren't meant as a reflection of where he thought those alliances would be long-term.


e: don't get me wrong, this topic is still nice. I just think it would have been a better writeup before the world was basically dried out.

Edited by Neo Uruk
3 hours ago, Avakael said:

13) The Order Of The Paradox: Drama occasionally revolves around them. Stays.
Alive, 1.



They haven't had any drama since all the ex-MK folk got rolled and left


I didn't care about the specific details; that's a great way to start an argument that I don't care about. I just checked to see whether or not the alliance in question had officially disbanded.

Posted (edited)


Also, DT was ranked #74... #MostImproved 

EDIT: At some point my long-time avatar of a young Tom Waits somehow got removed. I've now put in a new one of old Tom Waits to signify our age here on Bob. 

Edited by Farnsworth
On 8/2/2016 at 6:05 AM, Samus said:



They haven't had any drama since all the ex-MK folk got rolled and left

super cool response to a post literally 6 years old


26) Athens: This alliance gets a wild hair up its $@! every once in a while which results in massive drama. Stays.
Disbanded, 1.

I believe you scored this one incorrectly.


Otherwise, this was a nice thing to see this morning when perusing the forums after some absence.  Dopp was one of the best of us. 


27) Nordreich: Well even the “German Nationalists” need a home too. Stays.


This may surprise you, but the majority of Nordreich aren't even German.


None-the-less, interesting to see how many alliances remained after so many years...

2 hours ago, Melos said:


This may surprise you, but the majority of Nordreich aren't even German.


None-the-less, interesting to see how many alliances remained after so many years...

It may surprise you, but most people not in Nordreich have a more colorful name for those in your alliance that is a warnable offense on these forums, hence the quoted language :v:

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