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Good afternoon from Florida,


I'm a government high school teacher and have played this game for almost two years now and I've seen wondrous things come from this game such as political awareness and debacle. I was wondering if there was a possibility to allow my social studies classes to particpate in this game to present to them a taste of international affairs.

If anyone can help me on this, please let me know asap.


Thank you in advance.

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In b4 CN on Drudge Report. Maybe Junka could draft an article to draw in more nations. "Liberal SJW game full of crybaby players that bully Trump conservatives. Join for free."


Doubt admin would care so long as all the kiddos don't interact over the same IP. For various reasons, I doubt they'll grant an exemption or give more support than that.


Please choose AAs wisely. We don't need more kids complaining about numbers in a spreadsheet. And most AAs have adults who use adult language. If you get in trouble with the school administrators over language students see, I don't forsee a long career.

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I actually started playing Cyber Nations back in 2006 from my high school computer programming class. All the students got into the game, and it really didn't have much to do with computer programming, but it was one of the few game sites that wasn't blocked at school, so we didn't complain. I do say that Cyber Nations did teach me quite a bit over the past 10 years, but I would think it would be difficult to really get a class involved into the politics of CN, without also introducing them to trolls, etc.

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The only "issue" that many teachers have run into over the years is multis or the appearance of multis.  Your student are welcome to play, and it's great that you want to use the game to teach, but your students absolutely must not log in on the same IP and then send aid or declare war on each other.  Whether they are actually controlled by 26 people or 1, it all looks like 1 person.  I'm straying a bit outside my mod zone (forums, not game) but this is the general advice.  For specific guidance, speak to a Game Mod and/or admin.  @Mithrandir is a game mod.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sure multi's wouldn't be a problem so long as students use an email/id agreed with admin or mods and that the school ip is given to admin?


But in terms of politics they would be limited to these forums unless they wish to join alliances and actively participate?

Edited by KingBilly1
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