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A now a word from the militia

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Methrage after our brief conversation yesterday I was hoping, actually praying the lighbulb would have went off, I wake to see you've made the situation 50 times worse.

So lets recap, you pissed of all of BC, the enforcement arm of that document set out to show you who's boss, Margrave and I meet at the VFV, we drink, laugh and tell lies and get you peace, you then hit LD as a so called dual ( granted I won't get into that one ) and for good measure to ensure you've got my attention, you hit mimic and fritter.

We contact a few friends to ensure this is a proper party and now you think the same strong arm tactics you used against Alexio  will work on SRA. ?

Have you completely flipped ?

Dude time to put the pipe down, get yourself into rehab and a 10 stop program, this ends one way, badly and not for any of us.


I am truly disturbed for my former friend and ally and seriously think we need an Admin call to get him some CN psychiatric help...His every attempt at peace always contains the if you don't white peace me, me and all my AAs I made up will attack you for eternity....or if you do not grant white peace I will never trust you again, although he called me devil worshiper, traitor, liar and war deserter.... :facepalm: I told him repeatedly apologize and I will forgive you but it appears he is incapable of admitting wrong and it's all of our faults this is happening! :huh:


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The definition of insanity; Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

The Grand !@#$%^& coming in here to comment is slim to none, but this is just to good not to share. Hopefully he doesn't get upset with me.


He PM'd me asking for a treaty with FAN.  If that isn't desperation I don't know what is.

FAN's foreign affairs policy for those who don't know is this " No treaties, with no one, no matter what"


Edited by Freelancer
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An official statement from the government of the Screaming Red Asses





Sigh.  So sorry to be posting in this thread and becoming a part of this !@#$show.  But here we are and here I go:


Methrage -- when you're right you're right, and you're right about a few things:


1) Dre4mwe4ver is at war with you.  He is also a member of SRA.  In any rational alliance leader's book, this is an act of war.  You have a valid CB.


2) Smurthwaite, who is also SRA, has aided Dre4mwe4ver.  This is also a valid CB for you against us.  Again, anything else would be spin.


3) Dre4m fighting you was done with my consent.  As I am the leader of his alliance, and essentially condone his actions, this completes the trifecta of CB's against us.


That said, SRA does not consider itself at war against Limited Nexus.  Dre4m is a reasonable guy, has strong and ancient ties to Brown, and wanted to take action so I let him.  I probably should have told him to go off AA, but honestly, I didn't worry about it too much.  For the record, I am not going to tell him to stop, nor am I going to ask Smurthwaite to stop aiding him.


So there, all laid out, is your bona fide, admitted CB against my alliance, in black and white.  By any objective measure, it is valid.


That said, I'm now going to beg you to not take advantage of it.  Not because I fear you or the eternal war you promise, but simply because you should obtain peace with all parties and stop this thing now. I think you should get peace and enjoy the senate seat you have won, and operate in the manner of freedom and justness you promised you would upon winning.  This is your best course of action:  show them through your actions that your election was not the disaster they all assumed. This war will only detract from that.


The problem you face here is that you have alienated almost all of your supporters, even reasonable ones like Margrave. When you alienate a lot of people, a reasonable man admits that he just may be part of the problem.  That is unsustainable, as relationships are key to political success.  The threat of permanent war each time you are affronted is an empty one, and only hurts your case.  Think of all the "eternal wars" that have been declared on Bob -- none of them were remotely eternal.  RUKUNU on GOONs comes closest, at three years -- no one else even comes close.


So the TL;DR on this:  You've got a valid CB against my alliance.  You shouldn't use it.  You should wrap up all your other wars as well.  Also, let's confine any further commentary on this to PM's -- this situation will not improve by further OWF posting.

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No. I literally sat back and waited for him to mess it up himself. Which he did of course. Methrage's own worst enemy is himself at the end of the day.


no you didn't, you sanctioned him a second time and then pretended that you are some poor innocent bi-standard.

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I do call BS on this not being a SRA attack if Dream nukes me after encouragement and financing from Smurth. I sent a peace offer just in case they aren't declaring and their was some confusion. Although him saying he's on record its not war after he sends the guy aid to EMP me doesn't change the facts.


Edit: To be clear if SRA hits me with an EMP, I'll recognize that as them officially attacking Myself & LN, starting a war.

Isn't the kind of "rogue behavior" Dream is doing against you the very thing you support with your Libertarian Sphere concept? You support the raiding of alliances done by alliances like Animalz, but as soon as you get hit you're complaining that it's a declaration of war from an entire alliance.

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An official statement from the government of the Screaming Red Asses





Sigh.  So sorry to be posting in this thread and becoming a part of this !@#$show.  But here we are and here I go:


Methrage -- when you're right you're right, and you're right about a few things:


1) Dre4mwe4ver is at war with you.  He is also a member of SRA.  In any rational alliance leader's book, this is an act of war.  You have a valid CB.


2) Smurthwaite, who is also SRA, has aided Dre4mwe4ver.  This is also a valid CB for you against us.  Again, anything else would be spin.


3) Dre4m fighting you was done with my consent.  As I am the leader of his alliance, and essentially condone his actions, this completes the trifecta of CB's against us.


That said, SRA does not consider itself at war against Limited Nexus.  Dre4m is a reasonable guy, has strong and ancient ties to Brown, and wanted to take action so I let him.  I probably should have told him to go off AA, but honestly, I didn't worry about it too much.  For the record, I am not going to tell him to stop, nor am I going to ask Smurthwaite to stop aiding him.


So there, all laid out, is your bona fide, admitted CB against my alliance, in black and white.  By any objective measure, it is valid.


That said, I'm now going to beg you to not take advantage of it.  Not because I fear you or the eternal war you promise, but simply because you should obtain peace with all parties and stop this thing now. I think you should get peace and enjoy the senate seat you have won, and operate in the manner of freedom and justness you promised you would upon winning.  This is your best course of action:  show them through your actions that your election was not the disaster they all assumed. This war will only detract from that.


The problem you face here is that you have alienated almost all of your supporters, even reasonable ones like Margrave. When you alienate a lot of people, a reasonable man admits that he just may be part of the problem.  That is unsustainable, as relationships are key to political success.  The threat of permanent war each time you are affronted is an empty one, and only hurts your case.  Think of all the "eternal wars" that have been declared on Bob -- none of them were remotely eternal.  RUKUNU on GOONs comes closest, at three years -- no one else even comes close.


So the TL;DR on this:  You've got a valid CB against my alliance.  You shouldn't use it.  You should wrap up all your other wars as well.  Also, let's confine any further commentary on this to PM's -- this situation will not improve by further OWF posting.



Why do you always have to ruin my fun with your damned honor and logic ;_;

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He knows its total war if he nukes, between SRA and LN.

I wholly support SRA in their efforts to contain LN aggression and asshattery...I enjoyed the last time I was able to work with them against good ole ReyRey and in celebration fired another nuke and assorted munitions LN's way... :awesome: 

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no you didn't, you sanctioned him a second time and then pretended that you are some poor innocent bi-standard.

Yeah, Lady Dakota, you pretended that you were an innocent double standard! What the heck even is that, you vile thing!
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When the man speaks we stand at attention. I was so enjoying myself. 



I was referring to Methrage, who has made it clear that by his standards he is now at war with SRA. In all likelihood he'll back away from this, but you never know. A firm grasp on reality isn't exactly his 'thing':



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no you didn't, you sanctioned him a second time and then pretended that you are some poor innocent bi-standard.

Yeah, Lady Dakota, you pretended that you were an innocent double standard! What the heck even is that, you vile thing!

I'm not going to get into the he said she said argument, and yes she did it.

If you recall when he came out with the his duel post I wanted to confirm and if that was the case we would have not interfered, he declares on her and at that point I still could have stopped everything.

Then while I'm trying to figure out what the hell transpired in methrages' ultimate wisdom he did this.

(6/6/2015 4:04:16 PM)

Methrage declared war on Fritter McGee of Acklandia.

(6/6/2015 10:59:56 AM)

Methrage declared war on Mimic of Weapon Omega.

Once he made that decision it was out of my hands.

The 6:15 at out Blood Haven stated rolling

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You don't negotiate with criminals, you smush them like bugs. All the cb you need to destroy LN exists due to their tech scamming no good rotten low down ways of life. 


Round em all up, string em up!


Planet Bob with no Limited Cartel members is a safer, slightly more intelligent Planet Bob. 

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An official statement from the government of the Screaming Red Asses





Sigh.  So sorry to be posting in this thread and becoming a part of this !@#$show.  But here we are and here I go:


Methrage -- when you're right you're right, and you're right about a few things:


1) Dre4mwe4ver is at war with you.  He is also a member of SRA.  In any rational alliance leader's book, this is an act of war.  You have a valid CB.


2) Smurthwaite, who is also SRA, has aided Dre4mwe4ver.  This is also a valid CB for you against us.  Again, anything else would be spin.


3) Dre4m fighting you was done with my consent.  As I am the leader of his alliance, and essentially condone his actions, this completes the trifecta of CB's against us.


That said, SRA does not consider itself at war against Limited Nexus.  Dre4m is a reasonable guy, has strong and ancient ties to Brown, and wanted to take action so I let him.  I probably should have told him to go off AA, but honestly, I didn't worry about it too much.  For the record, I am not going to tell him to stop, nor am I going to ask Smurthwaite to stop aiding him.


So there, all laid out, is your bona fide, admitted CB against my alliance, in black and white.  By any objective measure, it is valid.


That said, I'm now going to beg you to not take advantage of it.  Not because I fear you or the eternal war you promise, but simply because you should obtain peace with all parties and stop this thing now. I think you should get peace and enjoy the senate seat you have won, and operate in the manner of freedom and justness you promised you would upon winning.  This is your best course of action:  show them through your actions that your election was not the disaster they all assumed. This war will only detract from that.


The problem you face here is that you have alienated almost all of your supporters, even reasonable ones like Margrave. When you alienate a lot of people, a reasonable man admits that he just may be part of the problem.  That is unsustainable, as relationships are key to political success.  The threat of permanent war each time you are affronted is an empty one, and only hurts your case.  Think of all the "eternal wars" that have been declared on Bob -- none of them were remotely eternal.  RUKUNU on GOONs comes closest, at three years -- no one else even comes close.


So the TL;DR on this:  You've got a valid CB against my alliance.  You shouldn't use it.  You should wrap up all your other wars as well.  Also, let's confine any further commentary on this to PM's -- this situation will not improve by further OWF posting.


Just because we allowed those 2 FAN nations a pass on getting involved doesn't mean everybody jumping in to attack after will also get a pass, coming in later makes that more unlikely. (Nobody likes a late bandwagon) If you approved of the attacks and have no intention of having him peace, then our alliances are at war. We won't war you forever, but we will retaliate before this conflict is over. I've given your alliance plenty of chances to peace out and letting this incident go, but SRA has ignored all attempts to resolve this peacefully. Its not worth another thread to state the obvious, so Xanth doesn't need to be jumping around to different AAs to attack us from.

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What about me?  Can I jump around AAs to attack you?


I still think you are missing the details.  I posted a link to the original BC treaty.  It clearly has Dre4mWe4ver's name.  Not an alliance Dre4m is signing for, but Dre4m.  The fact that you don't get that, the fact that you continue to call his attack a bandwagon, is so beyond stupid, I don't know how to help you.


If you precist, I am absolutely sure that the two guys, that's right, two people, in range of LN, would love the ability to continue to make you all look bad.


That is all.

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What about me?  Can I jump around AAs to attack you?


I still think you are missing the details.  I posted a link to the original BC treaty.  It clearly has Dre4mWe4ver's name.  Not an alliance Dre4m is signing for, but Dre4m.  The fact that you don't get that, the fact that you continue to call his attack a bandwagon, is so beyond stupid, I don't know how to help you.


If you precist, I am absolutely sure that the two guys, that's right, two people, in range of LN, would love the ability to continue to make you all look bad.


That is all.

Xanth is already attacking us regardless, so I'm not sure what you mean. You expect us to just allow you guys to attack us freely and not respond at all?

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I'm pretty sure Xanth is not in SRA.   Take it up with Doom Squad.  Take it up with III%



EDIT:  I apologize for the mistake.  When he told me he was leaving, I was under the impression he would be in Doom Squad.  It appears he is in fact in III%

Edited by smurthwaite
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What about me?  Can I jump around AAs to attack you?
I still think you are missing the details.  I posted a link to the original BC treaty.  It clearly has Dre4mWe4ver's name.  Not an alliance Dre4m is signing for, but Dre4m.  The fact that you don't get that, the fact that you continue to call his attack a bandwagon, is so beyond stupid, I don't know how to help you.
If you precist, I am absolutely sure that the two guys, that's right, two people, in range of LN, would love the ability to continue to make you all look bad.
That is all.

Dre4mwe4ver is the king of brown. Really he works a ton with BC, it's an honor have him on the treaty
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