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First of all Mogar is not RIA government, and decided to do this all on his own without asking anyone. RIA government continues to take all our agreements seriously and has taken steps to rectify this situation, as we did indeed sign the NAP with DBDC in good faith. Honoring treaties and agreements and being "honourable" goes beyond just fighting for your allies, but also respecting agreements you make with people you don't necessarily agree with. I have thus sent some of my own dwindling tech supply to the doomforces to make up for Mogar's poor judgement.

If you would like to clarify a situation with RIA in the future please consult a member of the cabinet or the triumvirate.

Edited by Ogaden
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I was going to say its not anger, but maybe frustration.  I'm less frustrated that you are such a dense poster who seems to have the basic comprehension skills of a tree stump, and more frustrated that anyone replies to your circular logic.  I tend to make my point and then walk away.  You are perfectly content to talk to yourself and say the same thing 47 times in the same thread.  I'm guessing you, schatt, tywin, ct, and unknown smurf could argue with DBDC for 50 posts without realizing you were the only ones talking.  Now go high-five yourself and call it a day.  You are the man.

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So are we back to it being an act of war to aid during a war now? I'm really confused after the hissy from Polar's thread. If so, WTF should probably land on Doom Squad with both feet, as they seem to have members throwing money, tech and soldiers to Cuba while he's actively at war with WTF.

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Thanks Mogar. 


Hell DT Probes, Loss, Avalanche, Shangri-La among many others have had dealings with us during this conflict. The only reason they sanctioned Mogar is because they don't like him.

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Thanks Mogar. 


Hell DT Probes, Loss, Avalanche, Shangri-La among many others have had dealings with us during this conflict. The only reason they sanctioned Mogar is because they don't like him.

Either you're an idiot or you're just spewing propaganda knowing you're wrong.

In WTF's entire damn foreign aid history, Mogar is the ONLY foreign nation to send soldiers to WTF. :facepalm:

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Either you're an idiot or you're just spewing propaganda knowing you're wrong.

In WTF's entire damn foreign aid history, Mogar is the ONLY foreign nation to send soldiers to WTF. :facepalm:

Though, given that Cuba is receiving soldiers in his FA (kinda surprising, that; I would have thought his inordinate amounts of land would mean he didn't need extra, but w/e) it is still rather hypocritical to complain about Mogar sending some to WTF.

Though, DBDC has never cared much about being seen as hypocritical...
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Either you're an idiot or you're just spewing propaganda knowing you're wrong.

In WTF's entire damn foreign aid history, Mogar is the ONLY foreign nation to send soldiers to WTF. :facepalm:

We all know that 100 tech is a more powerful weapon then 4k soldiers.   

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Hmm... There hasn't been a thread about me in a while...


"Totally just a tech deal."






Me. ME. ME!


Everyone go home now, looks like D_T has this all summed up.

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Keep it copied.  I have a whole list of posts from you prodding us when you could just sit in the corner with your mouth shut counting your pixels.


How very confrontational of you. You really should stop confusing my desire for balance with the politics of Planet Bob. I understand you feel like you are beset upon by all sides, the scrappy underdog as it were, but that is simply not the case. You have plenty of folks throwing darts in your general direction, however were it my intention to prod you it would be quite obvious.

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We all know that 100 tech is a more powerful weapon then 4k soldiers.   


Sending millions in warchest cash or directly enhancing military capability (tech) = not war

Sending $60k worth of soldiers = WAR


What I don't understand is why they even bother to argue these points, knowing that concepts like fairness and justice are irrelevant to them. Let's just skip straight to the "do something about it" part next time.

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Sending millions in warchest cash or directly enhancing military capability (tech) = not war

Sending $60k worth of soldiers = WAR


What I don't understand is why they even bother to argue these points, knowing that concepts like fairness and justice are irrelevant to them. Let's just skip straight to the "do something about it" part next time.

You wish sailor moon. If it's anti-DBDC you're on board. You could care less about which party is right or consistent.

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So are we back to it being an act of war to aid during a war now? I'm really confused after the hissy from Polar's thread. If so, WTF should probably land on Doom Squad with both feet, as they seem to have members throwing money, tech and soldiers to Cuba while he's actively at war with WTF.

I concur...That is exactly what WTF should do and anyone else who feels froggy... :ehm: Note to self to send 4k troops on my next tech shipment for bandits and such.... :war:

Edited by Stonewall14
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Would you like me to go onto lyricals and link to aid that was considered tech deals on DBDC's side this most recent war that also contained soldiers and were considered tech deals?


Ok, find, you want us to look at lyricalz.





So it looks like this is the only aid offer you've sent with soldiers, in a long time. I think you'll find your complete lack of soldiers sent with your other aid money quite damning.


Or that this aid reason is completely uncharacteristic of your other aid reasons when you historically have non-provocative aid messages, like "6M/200" or such.


Yeah, so I'm glad you told me to look at lyricalz because now I know for a matter of fact that you did this intentionally to antagonize DBDC and make a fool of yourself.

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You wish sailor moon. If it's anti-DBDC you're on board. You could care less about which party is right or consistent.


You're going to have to be more specific than "No U." If you're talking about Mogar, his aid was clearly as much an act of war as all the tech deals DBDC has going on during their repeated outbursts of unprovoked violence. But considering the sheer scope and viciousness of DBDC's behavior, there is a degree of rooting for the lesser of two evils at times. That doesn't mean I think Mogar was in the right or CT is a saint or whatever else you might be horribly confused about to make that statement.

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So are we back to it being an act of war to aid during a war now? I'm really confused after the hissy from Polar's thread. If so, WTF should probably land on Doom Squad with both feet, as they seem to have members throwing money, tech and soldiers to Cuba while he's actively at war with WTF.

They are welcome to try.  Bring it.



Why is DBDC bullying Mogar? You guys think you can do whatever you want to whoever you want.



I know, how dare DBDC respond to Mogar when he makes yet another topic about us.

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I am not in no way involved in this, and agree that it seems to be prodding by Mogar. But if its considered offensive enough to be sanctioned, why
shouldn't the two sending soldiers to Cuba during war not be sanctioned?

Should you guys be condemning Mogar with sanctions and saying its wrong, but at the same time doing the same thing?

(edit: added a word, fixed a number)

Edited by Seppie
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I am not in no way involved in this, and agree that it seems to be prodding by Mogar. But if its considered offensive enough to be sanctioned, why
shouldn't the three sending soldiers to Cuba during war not be sanctioned?

Should you guys be condemning Mogar with sanctions and saying its wrong, but at the same time doing the same thing?

(edit: added word)

I do believe the thing is that anybody is free to sanction the nations who sent soldiers to Cuba if they wish just like DBDC sanctioned Mogar for sending those soldiers. However, if they don't sanction it's a moot point and can't really be argued.  I do not see any hypocrisy at all, it's clear-cut.


Thus to sum it up: Cuba sanctioned Mogar because he was willing to do so, nobody will sanction those sending soldiers to Cuba because they are not willing to.

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They are welcome to try.  Bring it.

Why would we bother there seems to be a steady stream of baby doombirds "bringing it" to us already. I am positive that this will continue without any aggression from us. You may think that we are completely clueless about the workings of Bob, I assure you we are not. Why would we open ourselves to all the treatise of doom?
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