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Nice and Concise DoW


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We had like 5 nations in PM when we declared on ODN. That works out to like 3% So HA! I guess

//Polar are totally PM warriors and suck at war, too.
///Not as bad as Fark, though.

Well, damn, we have met our match!



Seems more like INT having a few active nations that wanted to go on a tech raid.  

Few active nations sounds about right.

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You sure you really want to press this issue of PM? Polar left very likely the largest percentage of nations out of peace mode while jumping into a curbstomp in recent memory. In addition, just about every single nation has fought 10+ wars, hence why we have the most wars of any alliance.


You're a fool if you're going to aim peace mode jokes at Polar. We've all had our licks and if you assume an alliance is going to fight forever and never cycle into peace mode when you mess up staggers...well okay, you're ignorant. SDI's are a real thing. NATO used a greater percentage of peace mode nations during the height of last war, as well. So please, spare me. You're only making yourself look bad, and making peace mode jokes puts you in the same lot as Tywin. Think carefully about that one.


So when you do it it's tactics, but if anyone else does it, it's because they suck


Oh ok then


As long as there's no double standards that's fine

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Didn't even speak to ODN about this decision either.


So you have been sitting there all this time, wanting a piece in this war and... nobody asked.


Glad that after a month or 2 you decided to finally stand up and act to make a difference.

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So you have been sitting there all this time, wanting a piece in this war and... nobody asked.


Glad that after a month or 2 you decided to finally stand up and act to make a difference.

I believe Int entered on some Aftermath alliance, actually.

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So when you do it it's tactics, but if anyone else does it, it's because they suck


Oh ok then


As long as there's no double standards that's fine

I didn't say anyone else sucked. I don't really knock the peace mode tactic unless it's so widespread your entire alliance has been instructed to hit peace. We haven't seen that in a while, and as such I haven't mentioned much about it. So please don't put words in my mouth as a counter-argument. I merely mentioned NATO having a much higher percentage in peace last war because you are accusing us of hiding in peace mode...which would, you know, make you a hypocrite.


Simply put if you are making fun of people for being in peace mode, you are in a mental league with Tywin. All I was saying was think carefully about that. The entire peace mode argument is the most tired wartime argument of all, especially when there is absolutely no base to be accusing a certain alliance of it.

Edited by Starfox101
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