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Top Five Worst Alliances of All Time

Malik Shabazz

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We're not losing this debate, Doch, we're winning and that's evidenced by the fact you have to write so much in an attempt to prove your point. If it were so simple and clear-cut, like you say it is, you'd be able to wrap it up in a few sentences and be done with it. You're just having a hard time swallowing the fact \m/ was great, so you spend all your time making excuses and trying to cover it up. It's fun to watch

Yeah, \m/ is up there in greatness with other great things such as Blockbuster, Circuit City, the Walkman, and the actual floppy disc.  Doch is just oblivious to its greatness, probably because he hasn't been reminded of \m/'s greatness for many years.

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No, i fully understood where you were coming from. I just see it as a cop out for the other three if they attempt to use that excuse. Something convenient for them to use in an attempt to not lose the debate. Is all good anyway it goes bro since I was literally just rehashing the same thing over and over again. as for trying "too hard" hahahahaha. Please, if trying to hard is stating that \m/ failed because it literally disbanded after 10 days of a losing war, is trying to hard, then that is the joke right there. 

I very rarely troll and I lose debates even less often than that. I don't see this as an exception to either.


Edit: I do however fail at  having 3 random numbers not show up at the end of this post...
Edited by King Srqt
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We're not losing this debate, Doch, we're winning and that's evidenced by the fact you have to write so much in an attempt to prove your point. If it were so simple and clear-cut, like you say it is, you'd be able to wrap it up in a few sentences and be done with it. You're just having a hard time swallowing the fact \m/ was great, so you spend all your time making excuses and trying to cover it up. It's fun to watch

Ah, yes, the "you typed a longer post, so your argument is weak" retort. I must be winning this argument, since my post is shorter than yours! Edited by Neo Uruk
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We're not losing this debate, Doch, we're winning and that's evidenced by the fact you have to write so much in an attempt to prove your point. If it were so simple and clear-cut, like you say it is, you'd be able to wrap it up in a few sentences and be done with it. You're just having a hard time swallowing the fact \m/ was great, so you spend all your time making excuses and trying to cover it up. It's fun to watch


I think I am now supposed to reply with "TROLLOLOLOLOLOL" or some such right?

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There have been far more than 5 alliances worse than \m/ even if everything about their disbandment was terrible.


If disbanding after a week of war gets an alliance on this list there are MANY contenders since there are quite a few that have done that over the years.

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1. Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism

2. Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism

3. Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism

4. Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism

5. Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism

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1. Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism
2. Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism
3. Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism
4. Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism
5. Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism

Someone's been to the mercy board recently
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not recently but yes.
and btw, rebel is totally !@#$@#$ you up.

I'm sure you had a hilarious experience if you're still this mad.

Oh no I'm being nuked and they're winning what a shock. You should invest in better bait.
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I found and lead a pretty bad alliance (a few strong traits TBH, but overall fragile) but even that is no top (bottom) 5 material... Truth is, we had several pretty bad alliances in this game. Shouldn't we try look at the positive stuff, anyway? For a change?

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Outside of having Tyga as a leader, what has STA done again?

Are you going to have a visceral reaction every time someone speaks out against your precious \m/? This is an opinion thread so naturally there is going to be inherent bias.

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