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Imperial Decree - DBDC


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Guys ease up on Bob, he's under some serious pressure. It's not easy being one of the leaders of a coalition and still not at war when your puppets are in deep. To make matters worse, the other side are being dicks and not calling the treaties you need called to commit people to the right front!

Bob knows this coalition's failed policy of winging it and relying on the other side to act predictably isn't working and if we aren't baited in soon there's a question of what front to find new puppets to open, and who will volunteer?

Bob, just for you I will explain something.

This policy isn't actually directly connected to the wider war. It's a response to DBDC's declaration of war on us. If you look at previous times DBDC have attacked Polar nations it was dressed and presented as a raid, along with peace offers and all. This time it wasn't.

The wider community though has advocated this as the only viable (albeit difficult) approach for quite some time, but also knew it would likely trigger a global war to attempt it. Polaris isn't all that worried about losing a war, we've been there before, sometime spectacularly! We were however very afraid to start a potentially catastrophic war for our allies who have stood with us through thick and thin, and deserve better.

So now your coalition of cowards has launched the war. A war specifically aimed at grabbing power and control over planet Bob, as expressly stated by Letum. Now is the time to start this, you have removed the only thing stopping us. You jump on your propaganda box like a hero screaming look they haven't hit anyone but DT Probes, like it's a significant point. The fact is there's a war rolling out and the rest will wait until it doesn't matter or will chose to stop as once the war is rolling they have no reason to.

This is a long term policy of ours as I stated clearly in the OP. It runs until we have an agreement with DBDC, as I also stated in the OP. Don't take the lack of wars as an indication either on the success or failure of this plan. We're old fashioned and sometimes use diplomacy first, as shocking a revelation as this may be to you!

I have no puppets, nor have I forced anyone into anything.  Obviously both sides are being strategic, the difference between us being that the side my allies on seems to be winning and doing so quite handily.  I wouldn't expect this to change.  Just like you state with Aftermath, none of our allies have asked us to join in - the difference is my allies (and their allies) are winning, so why would I ask? 


I'm not asking you to act predictably or anything like that, and I don't believe they are winging it any more than any side ever does.  I'm more than willing to engage if Polaris would like to escalate - but we both know you attacked DT Probes to get DT to attack Polaris and pull certain people in through this policy.


This is a long term policy as much as the whole war is, and not a sustainable one at that.  It is a great PR move towards those who have been impacted by DBDC.  In terms of your diplomacy, I'm excited to see it!  

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The best part of this war is that Polar is being played like a fiddle.  Polar, why do we need to open a new front?  We can just keep cycling different alliances in to beat on your friends while you pat each other on the back and explain how you have it all figured out.

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A war specifically aimed at grabbing power and control over planet Bob, as expressly stated by Letum.

It's amazing how I can manage to "expressly" state something like that without ever using the words "power" or "control".

I know you like this showmanship and grandstanding but you have enough ability and intelligence not to have to resort to that.
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The real question is: will Polar attack itself when it has to send DBDC tech?

Unfortunately DBDC.


Thus why this isn't a moral stance, its an attempt to bait people into attacking Polaris directly for an advantageous position for you.


It failed and you look stupid for only attacking a few of the nations aiding DBDC.  That's the reality.  


Nice attempt though!


For a complete list of alliances aiding DBDC see below.  Please note that only DT Probes of the six alliances listed has been hit.  


DT Probes

World Task Force

Mushroom Kingdom

Viridian Entente


Non Grata


Hey, maybe we will be able to beat DBDC in attacking WTF. Who knows? :mellow:


As for the others, don't expect us to hit MK, VE, or Umbrella for a few packets of aid. We reserve the option, as does anyone. If you didn't expect anyone to send aid packets to spite a major alliance with a cult following of people holding a grudge for over 7 years, then you are oblivious. Chasing that when the real problem is elsewhere is not productive. You have missed the point of everything.

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Thus why this isn't a moral stance, its an attempt to bait people into attacking Polaris directly for an advantageous position for you.


It failed and you look stupid for only attacking a few of the nations aiding DBDC.  That's the reality.  


Nice attempt though!


For a complete list of alliances aiding DBDC see below.  Please note that only DT Probes of the six alliances listed has been hit.  


DT Probes

World Task Force

Mushroom Kingdom

Viridian Entente


Non Grata



One of the deals is to Colins40, who was a former member of VE for many years. The other two appear to be finishing up their tech deals.

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I thought the whole "let's try to bait DT into hitting us so we can claim its a defensive war" was pretty obvious from my post.


Thanks for reminding me I have to spell things out so all of the members of our community can understand it!


The selection is based in tactical convenience, not in any moral policy or MK would have been hit and several others who are actively involved with tech deals.  I haven't misunderstood anything here, I just recognize this post for exactly what it was.


Okay... The point of hitting Invicta was to draw in Polaris and co... Y'all having any sort of luck there then? I do agree there is a tactical point to the hit against DT Probes, there is this pesky almost-global war going on after all. Oh wait, you expected Polaris to hit a bunch of alliances and be idiots? 


What, DBDC and TOP have a treaty that includes a NAP? Weird.  What's that awkward silence?


Yeah, DBDC don't hold up much for their word. How many times will DBDC claim they won't hit their allies allies and yet do it? I am counting at least 3 times right now (Polaris twice while allied to TOP and MI6 while allied to TOP and Umbrella). Weird. It is only a matter of time before the only nations left in the top 250 are neutrals and allies of DBDC. Wonder if they will stop then? 


BTW, I am not all that much anti-DBDC. I actually like many of the members and friends of DBDC. Just saying that you want to talk about policies and how alliances (like Polaris with this policy) are not strictly following it, then you should really be looking at DBDC who does not strictly follow their policy of not hitting allies of allies. DBDC can do as they please, but there will always be resentment, anger, and consequences. The consequences will most likely be in the future, but it will come. Always does. 

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Yes, lets compare a couple hundred damage to a handful of nations to having half of your sphere burn. It is pretty obvious who is getting the better deal by not acting in the face of obvious provocation. I'll give you a hint,


it starts with Doom.

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Yes, lets compare a couple hundred damage to a handful of nations to having half of your sphere burn. It is pretty obvious who is getting the better deal by not acting in the face of obvious provocation. I'll give you a hint,


it starts with Doom.


Whoa, hey man, this is totally off-base. Polar has landed a devastating 7,248 in NS damage on DT Probes. By comparison, their allies at Invicta, CCC, UPN and SNX have only lost a piddling 3,667,768 in NS. Combined with the damage to Polar and Sparta, that's just 4,747,641 NS total. That's basically nothing, right? 


It's pretty obvious that Polar's ~tactical masterstroke~ is one for the ages. It couldn't possibly be a half-assed feint to provoke a a pre-emption of Polar that would get alliances like RIA and Valhalla engaged on their side. Nope, not a chance, that would be absurd. This "long-term plan" will most assuredly still be enforced months and years after this particular war is over.

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Whoa, hey man, this is totally off-base. Polar has landed a devastating 7,248 in NS damage on DT Probes. By comparison, their allies at Invicta, CCC, UPN and SNX have only lost a piddling 3,667,768 in NS. Combined with the damage to Polar and Sparta, that's just 4,747,641 NS total. That's basically nothing, right? 


It's pretty obvious that Polar's ~tactical masterstroke~ is one for the ages. It couldn't possibly be a half-assed feint to provoke a a pre-emption of Polar that would get alliances like RIA and Valhalla engaged on their side. Nope, not a chance, that would be absurd. This "long-term plan" will most assuredly still be enforced months and years after this particular war is over.

I'm pretty disengaged but with the level of antagonism between DBDC and both Valhalla and RIA I don't think Polaris needs to go to any great conspiratorial lengths to get them involved.  You've set up this cute little war instead of just attacking Polaris, don't be so sore that we're not doing the hard work for you after the fact. 

Edited by Schattenmann
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I'm pretty disengaged but with the level of antagonism between DBDC and both Valhalla and RIA I don't think Polaris needs to go to any great conspiratorial lengths to get them involved.


Both alliances mentioned have ties to both sides. A direct attack on an ally usually forces involvement when split ally considerations may otherwise be in the picture. Sarkin is right to point out that this is likely a motivation behind the policy especially when retaliation against Polar attackers is painted as an aggressive act along with  the fact that the Polar attacks are spun as defensive. 

Edited by Monster
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Guys ease up on Bob, he's under some serious pressure. It's not easy being one of the leaders of a coalition and still not at war when your puppets are in deep. To make matters worse, the other side are being dicks and not calling the treaties you need called to commit people to the right front!

Bob knows this coalition's failed policy of winging it and relying on the other side to act predictably isn't working and if we aren't baited in soon there's a question of what front to find new puppets to open, and who will volunteer?

You realize having fewer allies in any reasonable shape for any war in the near future is a bad thing, right? An eroding power base is not a nice thing.


As for puppets, I haven't actually talked to Bob in a while. Nice guy though, maybe I should be his puppet because why not?


It is hard to punch a 10-foot giant in the fact when you are a mere 5'8.

War on Bob generally results with everyone getting punched in the fact regardless.



Both alliances mentioned have ties to both sides. A direct attack on an ally usually forces involvement when split ally considerations may otherwise be in the picture. Sarkin is right to point out that this is likely a motivation behind the policy especially when retaliation against Polar attackers is painted as an aggressive act along with  the fact that the Polar attacks are spun as defensive. 

Pretty much this. Poor RIA's gotta see NSO and Polar on opposite sides, although RIA probably saw that coming. Valhalla will do whatever Valhalla does because that's what Valhalla does, to be horribly tautological about them.

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Whoa, hey man, this is totally off-base. Polar has landed a devastating 7,248 in NS damage on DT Probes. By comparison, their allies at Invicta, CCC, UPN and SNX have only lost a piddling 3,667,768 in NS. Combined with the damage to Polar and Sparta, that's just 4,747,641 NS total. That's basically nothing, right? 


It's pretty obvious that Polar's ~tactical masterstroke~ is one for the ages. It couldn't possibly be a half-assed feint to provoke a a pre-emption of Polar that would get alliances like RIA and Valhalla engaged on their side. Nope, not a chance, that would be absurd. This "long-term plan" will most assuredly still be enforced months and years after this particular war is over.

How are you going to criticize Polar for a plan that makes sense? I'm sorry the no-CB attack on Invicta hasn't yet yielded the results you're looking for - but to argue against this plan is a bit foolish. The plan to target us from the start was obvious. If we are the target, why not come get us? We got so much attention here - yet none of the battlefield as each alliance jockeys for "soft" targets.

Edited by Starfox101
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If NpO plays the fiddle to long while Polar Sphere burns, your remaining allies might oA in on the other side before you guys get the chance to pull them in via MDP treaties. If coming in defensively for allies isn't enough to bring them in, I don't see how the other side doing tech deals will be.

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Okay... The point of hitting Invicta was to draw in Polaris and co... Y'all having any sort of luck there then? I do agree there is a tactical point to the hit against DT Probes, there is this pesky almost-global war going on after all. Oh wait, you expected Polaris to hit a bunch of alliances and be idiots? 


No, but I do expect Aftermath to burn!

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I'm pretty disengaged but with the level of antagonism between DBDC and both Valhalla and RIA I don't think Polaris needs to go to any great conspiratorial lengths to get them involved. You've set up this cute little war instead of just attacking Polaris, don't be so sore that we're not doing the hard work for you after the fact.

Its not a matter of conspiracy, its strategy, Yes, your strategy is to stay out of the war hoping the opposing coalition gets fed up and straight out attacks you so you can chain in a couple alliances who are on the fence.. Not a horrible strategy, but not a good one. What you're coalition doesn't seem to understand is your opposition is perfectly fine with dealing with the alliances already engaged. If you haven't been attacked already, chances are you won't, why? Strategy. Why would your opposition knowingly make this conflict harder for themselves by chaining in alliances who are not dead set against them. Stop playing dumb, you aren't dumb, you know the reasoning behind the targets and playacting an aloof fool doesn't really suit you.

How are you going to criticize Polar for a plan that makes sense? I'm sorry the no-CB attack on Invicta hasn't yet yielded the results you're looking for - but to argue against this plan is a bit foolish. The plan to target us from the start was obvious. If we are the target, why not come get us? We got so much attention here - yet none of the battlefield as each alliance jockeys for "soft" targets.

He can criticize it because its a strategy that has its obvious weaknesses. You're doing exactly the opposite of what you should have done when DS hit Invicta, hiding in your bear caves. Every day your alliances decides not to act, you are losing more and more capital. You're losing this war simply by not acting. As I point out above, your opposition is peachy keen with having your fighting forces divided, honestly it makes it a lot easier to destroy. You're giving your opposition free shots at your you without swinging, back. Once Aft has been rendered tactically irrelevant, you can be sure the targets will be adjusted, swing alliances or not, this war is happening. Shutting your eyes and pretending it doesn't exist won't make it go away. And when your alliance is being besieged and you're scrambling for nations to throw back you'll end up regretting you let Aft fall without a single shot being fired in retaliation. Then we shall know who's strategy is truly foolish.
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Hey man thanks for looking out for us and breaking it all down but I think we're just gonna end up sitting this one out. I hope AFM can forgive us later.

Your loss.

I don't see why they would considering how expendable they seem to be to you. Edited by Dcrews
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