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Servants of their People

Evangeline Anovilis

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...in their own way.


Over the past few years, the elite of Bucharest had gradually become frustrated with German affairs, which had consisted mostly of the Alvonian rogue state and haughty Prussians, who were maybe cooperative, but had not an ounce of respect for what to them was a bunch of gypsies. Negative sentiment towards Prussia had grown so far, that the country even resisted the crowning of another Hohenzollern monarch, rather staying in a regency limbo, than to make oaths to Prussians. But while the mood had soured, there was one German state that had raised their interest yet again - Hannover. The comparably small German state seemed to not be lacking in nationalist fervour, ambition and assertiveness, qualities that were valued by the Romanian regime.


Following such sentiment, an invitation had been sent to Hannover not long ago and Mihaela Constante prepared for hopefully a visit by these new Germans, hoping to learn more about them and ways for possible cooperation.

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The lands and people of Romania had and still were held with great respect and regard in the Kingdom of Hanover, the Romanian people possessed a strong drive and ambition and were seen as people who stood for their beliefs and ideas regardless of those who opposed them. These traits were much admired in the Kingdom and with the offer of a diplomatic meeting many of the Emperor's advisers advised him to send the nation's best diplomat. However, for such an important meeting the Emperor knew that he himself had to go to show the correct level of respect and honor.


So it was that Emperor Klaus Steiner I of the Kingdom of Hanover traveled to Romania with a small entourage of bodyguards and servants, the Emperor dispersed with the idea of any fanfare on the Hanover's part instead preferring to let his personal image and words do all the talking for the nation. Though outwardly he presented a calm facade in truth he was slightly nervous and excited at the idea of the meeting with this being only his second face to face meeting with another head of state.      

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The Emperor would be welcomed in Bucharest not solely by Mihaela Constante, but by the Guard Regiment, which had been lined up to salute the high-ranking guest of the state. Standing there with Hanoveranian and Romanian flag, to show respect for guest and host country, they flanked the way to a limousine, which was to transport the honourable guest to Cotroceni Palace. While Maria had often used different palaces to meet with monarchs, Constante was far less flexible and mostly met within the capital, where she also oversaw regular government affairs. However, just like her predecessor, Constante preferred the Cotroceni Palace over the Royal one, though, most of all, due to the more typically Romanian architecture, that made her feel more at home than in the Royal Palace.


As the car, escorted by guards on horse to guarantee the safety of Emperor Klaus I Steiner, arrived finally at the palace, the Hanoveranians would be greeted by Mihaela Constante, who for once dressed in her dark khaki uniform and peaked cap, given the high-ranking nature of the guest and the spirit of the visit. "Guten Tag und willkommen in Bukarest, euer Majestät. Ich bin Mihaela Constante, erfreut Sie hier begrüßen zu dürfen.", she stated in almost natural German. With ease she adopted her guests language and continued. "It really is an honour that you visit us, although it surely is a busy time for Hannover. Please come inside and be our guest."

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The Emperor enjoyed the short journey and found the sight of the Cotroceni Palace quite breath taking, in addition to all of this he was quite moved by the respect shown by his hosts. Upon coming face to face with Madam Constante he would offer her a short but formal bow as she greeted him in his own language. "Thank you my lady Constante, I too find myself honored to visit and meet with such a distinguished person as yourself. I look forward to our meeting" Klaus replied truthfully as he would follow his host into the Palace building itself. 

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The Emperor would be guided to an elaborate meeting room inside the palace, that had been prepared for the meeting. The guards they met on the way would salute their leader and the foreign monarch dutifully. As they walked through the hallways, Constante asked, continuing in German. "If you don't mind, may I ask how Hannover is faring? These aren't the greatest of times for our continent, actually, quite worrying ones."

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The Emperor enjoyed the leisurely pace of the walk and returned the respect of the guards with a slight but respectful nod of his head as he listened to what his host was saying. "Times are a little turbulent for us right now, our efforts to increase stability across the local region are being diminished by a foul nest of terrorists and Sverige to the north seems dead set on being our rival though I do hope that will change. Other than that though everything appears to be going quite well. How fairs your nation and it's people my lady?" said and asked Klaus of Constante. 

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Constante sighed, as she heard of the Emperor's troubles. "I saw such almost coming. I talked to the Swedes in the past. Apart from being quite troublesome these days by themselves, they are backing the Alvonians to a great degree. Your position is not to be envied, being stuck inbetween them.", she stated. "We ourselves until recently had to deal with quite problematic neighbours directly at our borders, though, the recent bout of instability claimed many of these regimes. We are now hoping less problematic successors might rise from their ashes, who aren't a bother to us, regardless of being allied or hostile."


As they arrived at the room designated for the meeting, immediatly two servants would tend to the monarch to guide him to a seat at the table inmidst the room. Constante silently took the seat opposite of the Emperor, waiting till he was seated, before continuing. "Romania traditionally has seen Germans positively, though, Hannover even then is seen by many as a special case of a like-minded regime, if I may say so. I would hope there can be strong ties between our nations, to prevent them from being oppressed by any neighbours. I would think, if we cooperate within spheres of external and internal security, neither terrorism nor the Stockholm-Vienna axis will be as existential a threat anymore for the time being, to both of us."

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"I thank you for the compliment, the feeling is mutual within the Kingdom for we look to Romania as a sort of kindred spirit and we hope that relations will prove strong and fruitful for our two nations. Allied together I believe that there would be little threat that could harm either one of us and it would leave us both in a strong position to influence local politics. One question I do have though is about what your opinion is on the stability of the local nations as a fair number of our neighbors appear to be falling into anarchy?"

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