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The Annals of an Aidennic


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Idris Quraishi. To any Alexandrian, the name is fondly remembered as an Aidennic intellectual. His works, a collection of books, derived from his journals and academic papers, known as the [i]The Annals of an Aidennic[/i], offer a concise, though biased, chronicle of the world's first Aidennist nation. 


A preface of the [i]Annals:[/i]


[i]I am fortunate, I believe, to be able to write the preface of the very first edition of my own book, and to be able to still be alive and read it when it first comes out. Never before have I assembled my various life works into one tome, however I can say whole heartedly that I am quite satisfied with the end product. 


I think, however, before you embark on the quest of poring through this book, you and I must first come to an understanding; there are certain words,that I will use, that may not mean what you think they mean. It is imperative that we first clarify the tools at our disposal when having intellectual discourse. 


The formal name, of the very first Aidennist nation, was Aidennic Alexandria. Now, already, I've used three seemingly-interchangeable words when describing my homeland. Let's get this out of the way quickly: an Aidennist, is someone who practices and follows the religion of Aidennism. Alexandrian, represents the demonym of Aidennic Alexandria. "That man is from Alexandria; therefore, he is Alexandrian." would be a phrase that one could use. An Aidennic, is an Alexandrian that practices Aidennism.


Aidennics make up the majority of the population of Aidennic Alexandria. This can be attributed to the quick rise of Aidennism in the Nile Delta, Cyrenaica, and the Sinai. The Aidennic culture, from its separation of Church and State, until the Theocratic Monarchy came into existence, is an interesting one, to say the least. It went through many periods of growth and innovation, the chief instigator of this being the Church of Aidenn.


I hope that, even if you disagree with my interpretations of history, both contemporary and of the recent past, that you come to understand a different point of view. Good luck.


-Idris Quraishi[/i]

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Idris Quraishi spoke quite approvingly of the Church's excavation of Taposiris Magna, the ancient Ptolemic city.



Taposiris Magna...truly, a most beautiful sight. The city, founded by Alexander, renamed by Ptolemy the Second, and then renamed to contemporary Alexandria, was one of the most glorious places in all of Alexandria. I truly believe that it helped show that the Church of Aidenn was willing to tolerate non-Aidennists. Surely, knowledge of the past would be antithetical to the religious beliefs of the Church? Instead, we funded the entire excavation zone! We gave supplies, monies, management to a handpicked team of archaeologists to dig the city up, and not only that, we made it profitable! People all over in Alexandria could come to see Taposiris Magna, slowly, bit by bit, as more of it was excavated and made safe for public viewing. And not only that, we preserved it! Pristine! Mint condition! Almost as if it had been hewn the very same day! 


Taposiris Magna was a magnificent project of the Church, one that I whole-heartedly supportedly then and now. In the Alexandrian Bethgan, educational studies were designed around Taposiris Magna, to offer those who wished to learn a better understanding of not only what Taposiris Magna was, but what the world and Ptolemic Egyptian society was at the time. This, of course, was one of only many classes in the repertoire of the Church. Underneath its wings, it advocated that all scientific studies should continue, with no deterrence from the Church whatsoever. The scientists, ahhh, how they rejoiced! I remember the celebration parties still! 


Indeed, every person, be they Aidennic, Alexandrian, anyone! within the city felt proud when looking at the Taposiris Magna ruins. It gave them a cultural tether, a link, through thousands of years of human civilization, tying themselves to a different time. It was wonderful.[/i]

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