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bones wizard

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To: Principality of Tikal

From: Office of the President of the United States of America


To whomever it may concern,


I would like to personally invite an official from your government to meet me at the White House to discuss recent tensions in North American and the future of our bilateral relations.


- President George Heller

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To: Office of the President of the United States of America
From: Principality of Tikal; Directorate of Diplomacy
Topic: Re: Diplomatic meeting
Esteemed Mr. President,


it is most unfortunate that the Prince and Princess are unavailable for a meeting in the near future. However, I will be available, and gladly travel to the United States to meet you in the White House. I will travel by Concorde and with two personal guards. My arrival will be in 3 days at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.


By the authority vested in me by Their Sublime Highnesses

Director of Diplomacy,

Clemente Marroquín Rojas

Principality of Tikal

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The arrival of the Tikal official would be met by the President himself. The airport would be placed under heavy security and the airspace around the area would be closed to all unauthorized air traffic. President Heller would wait at the bottom of the airstairs to meet Director Rojas. After the director descended, President Heller would say, "Welcome to the United States! I hope that our two countries may overcome any differences and work towards securing and protecting the Americas together."

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"Thank you, Mr. President. I look forward to our discussions. On a slightly different note, I would like to again express my regrets on behalf of the Prince and the Princess for being unavailable at the time." He shook the President's hand firmly if offered, then followed him to wherever the meeting would take place.

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President George Heller would shake the director's hand and reply, "Please send my regards to their excellencies."


Since it was early evening on a weekday, D.C. traffic would be jamming all of the major roads and highways, so President Heller and Director Rojas would board Marine One and fly to the White House. Once Marine One landed on the South Lawn, the two would disembark and be met by White House Chief of Staff John Oliver who would lead the duo to the Oval Office. Inside the Oval Office would be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff GEN. Mark Schwarzkopf who would answer any military related questions or concerns. The director would be offered any drink of his choosing before the meeting began.



GEN. Mark Schwarzkopf, US Army

Edited by bones wizard
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"Well if you don't mind I would like to get right into the actual discussions. I know personally, along with my State Department, that Tikal and many American nations are not pleased with the current US European foreign policy. To hopefully ease your mind, after the fall of the Italian government the US closed both of its military installations in the country and relocated its EUCOM headquarters to Prague. The reason we continue to operate our base in Alvonia is because of our MDoAP with their country and our commitment to their soverignty being respected by its neighbors. The US will not open any further bases in any other country in Europe. I know the recent events involving the Palaven Empire do not help my words here, but the US government has learned its mistakes from the situation and will look to its allies and fellow American nations to settle the matter diplomatically first. Tikal is the US' closest ally in North America and it would be detrimental to the overall security of the Western Hemisphere if our bilateral relations were to crumble."

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"I do sincerely hope that your government has learned from its mistakes. This modern world is after all very different from what it was like in the 20th and 21st centuries - there is no need or place for a single nation trying to guide the rest of the world. Europe and Africa have continental pacts while Asia is stabilised by Babylon and Japan from two directions.

"The Americas have no continental treaty, and to date only Tikal and perhaps the Plains Federation are truly committed to the defence of the continents. To my knowledge, the US never made an announcement explicitly supporting our Monroe Doctrine, and more than one action on your part subverted it actively, such as Greenland's southern tip. On that note, your government never responded to our request shortly after Iceland took that part of the island over."

He took a sip from his water, looking completely professional and collected, as a diplomat had to. "In light of this, I have been given two options by the Prince and the Princess that I am permitted to inform you of. The first would be the United States withdrawing all forces - land, air and sea - from Hawaii and from San Diego as an act of Good Will. The withdrawal from Hawaii would be permanent, while that from San Diego would be temporary, lasting two years. The alternative I have been given would be for Tikal to suspend the US-Tikalian treaty until further notice.

"I know of course that this might appear a little crass to you, but at the time, these are the most reasonable offers the Diarchs are willing to give."

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"The United States will not abandon its military posts in San Diego. We are willing to withdraw from Hilo, however such a move will greatly damage our bilateral relations. If Tikal insists on our removal from San Diego, which it has no right considering it was established under a legal agreement with the Palaven Empire and now is in unadministered territory, the US will have no choice but to consider the immediate disbandment of the Tikal SOSUS system off our coast and the US will construct one itself."

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"Let me note on the SOSUS that only the last 40 or so kilometres are dependent on cooperation by the US. The sections in international waters would be unaffected. You are of course always free to construct your own SOSUS network, as is only your right as sovereign nation.

"And though you may consider removal of forces damaging to our relations, Tikal considers US forces not leaving as highly detrimental to our relations. And that includes both Hilo and San Diego. Might I also remind you that the Palaven Empire is in no way 'unadministered territory', and that only a failure to communicate led to the recent situation.

"What puzzles me the most is your reason for even having a base in the Pacific ocean. The entire coastline of the US is in the Atlantic ocean, so why not concentrate your forces there, where you would have actual reason to be? The Pacific ocean is a peaceful place for the most part, enforced by Japan, Tikal and nearby allies. This is quite confusing, I admit. What business does the US have in an ocean that it doesn't even border?"

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