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Limitless Nexus Clarification of Policy

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I believe I speak for Kashmir when I say we are not presently seeking any terms for Stonewall. After what he has done to us, forgiveness and reparations or to let him walk free are not an option. It would be a waste of my time and your time because our position is very clear. The only option presented to you is if you want to burn for a traitor, liar and thief. I'm hoping that answer is no because the list of victims this person has accumulated should not be drawn out any further.

Seems to be a long history of this from Stonewall14, going back to the days as Warlord/Warlord of Germania.  So it looks like he is going to burn, yet again :popcorn:

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It may be the fact that I have more friends than you, or the fact that you don't know how to even use your nukes efficiently; hell, it may be because you manage to have a worse warchest than me and shitty spying capability (again, even worse than me)

But I'm confident I'll always have the upper hand here.

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Except two are renowned for changing alliances faster than most change their socks. (one of which has very dubious political/ideological extremist leanings), and one has been inactive for 3 weeks, so perhaps three is a bit more realistic

I have served in any AA I've been in for 6 mos to years and left most to help fight wars...your weak effort at trowing in OOC slanderous acusations is amusing at best...I will not answer in kind due to my warn status from mistakes such as you just made....Kashmir is 1st problem I've had in 6 years if emmory serves me correct ,but I believe I served them honorably for around 6 mos fighting for them the majority of the time until the incidents and problem arose causing me to resign as MoD and from the AA...

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It may be the fact that I have more friends than you, or the fact that you don't know how to even use your nukes efficiently; hell, it may be because you manage to have a worse warchest than me and !@#$%* spying capability (again, even worse than me)

But I'm confident I'll always have the upper hand here.

You were saved by Kashmir without a doubt, I was following orders...enjoy this while you can...o/

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You had numerous problems with Athens when you left [ooc; iirc you even tried to link rsox to a rather shifty site on the owf] but i can't think of the thread name or anything

I served as your lower tier commander and decided you were not the right kind of AA for me and left....I remember no problems other than personal differences in opinions...Edit:I resigned honorably as matter of fact....I did get rolled by DICE soon after backed by Athens but not because of anything dishonarable....




Also for Kashmir King Conrad what lies have I told? I would like to know? Your justified in your attack on me for my rogue behovior after leaving due to personal conflicts and my attacking of your AA....lying about a game is not my style and goes against my Honor...So either provide a lie I have told or retract your statement...i admit i deserve what I'm getting from Kashmir for my sins agianst you after leaving and will take my medicine but please do not insult my honor or integitry...thank you...o/

Edited by Stonewall14
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I served as your lower tier commander and decided you were not the right kind of AA for me and left....I remember no problems other than personal differences in opinions...

I distinctly remember talking with gov members who were yelling at the alliance you ran to because of the way you treated us during your departure.
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It may be the fact that I have more friends than you, or the fact that you don't know how to even use your nukes efficiently; hell, it may be because you manage to have a worse warchest than me and !@#$%* spying capability (again, even worse than me)

But I'm confident I'll always have the upper hand here.



Are those the same friends that sold you out during the latest micro conflict?


Or maybe you are referring to the friends that are content to watch you sit on lph alone.


I'll be waiting for you, for round 3. I expect a better performance out of you the next time around. 

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Are those the same friends that sold you out during the latest micro conflict?
Or maybe you are referring to the friends that are content to watch you sit on lph alone.
I'll be waiting for you, for round 3. I expect a better performance out of you the next time around.

I'm not sure who sold me out, or who's content to watch me sit alone. I'll be a bit more ready for you this time!
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I have served in any AA I've been in for 6 mos to years and left most to help fight wars...your weak effort at trowing in OOC slanderous acusations is amusing at best...I will not answer in kind due to my warn status from mistakes such as you just made....Kashmir is 1st problem I've had in 6 years if emmory serves me correct ,but I believe I served them honorably for around 6 mos fighting for them the majority of the time until the incidents and problem arose causing me to resign as MoD and from the AA...

Not slanderous Tony, documented and most of those alliances either threw you out or you rage quit.


(OOC)Well let me jog your memory, you and King Tower were thrown out of TGE, for being in a Klan related site, you because you ran it and him because you threw him to the wolves to try and save your neck, for a while you used 777 in the wheel forn as part of your signature, which belonged to an extreme-right wing Boer movement, you also often use the monocle 83 in some of your hails, the standard code of the Christian Identity (8=H=Hail 3=C=Christ), who consider all other non-white races to be inferior and without souls.


Add to that the 14 at the end of your name (for the 14 words), and the fact that for a while you included a link to your website, which had the insignia of just about every Klan badge, you are neither subtle nor are you particularly clever.(/OOC)


I am surprised that a respected player like methrage would take you in, but them I doubt he knows, or you have bothered to tell him about the Poisoned Chalice he is taking on.

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Not slanderous Tony, documented and most of those alliances either threw you out or you rage quit.
(OOC)Well let me jog your memory, you and King Tower were thrown out of TGE, for being in a Klan related site, you because you ran it and him because you threw him to the wolves to try and save your neck, for a while you used 777 in the wheel forn as part of your signature, which belonged to an extreme-right wing Boer movement, you also often use the monocle 83 in some of your hails, the standard code of the Christian Identity (8=H=Hail 3=C=Christ), who consider all other non-white races to be inferior and without souls.
Add to that the 14 at the end of your name (for the 14 words), and the fact that for a while you included a link to your website, which had the insignia of just about every Klan badge, you are neither subtle nor are you particularly clever.(/OOC)
I am surprised that a respected player like methrage would take you in, but them I doubt he knows, or you have bothered to tell him about the Poisoned Chalice he is taking on.

And you're an accused Nazi, yet you're still in Nordreich. I'm surprised Nordreich would keep you in despite your suppossed Nazi ties, unless of course they never cared to begin with. Also OOC tags are for pussies. Edited by Methrage
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I distinctly remember talking with gov members who were yelling at the alliance you ran to because of the way you treated us during your departure.

You remmeber incorrectly I'm afraid it was DICE who accussed me of trying to recruit them to MY AA I made so DICE and Ahtens rolled me....as stated before please keep your OOC accusations out of this thread unless you have proof.....thank you....I weill answer any OOC questions in boiler room or wherever it's allowed if you people which to continue with the IC and OOC accusations....this is game let's keep it on that level....o/

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(OOC)If any further discussion is to be made about my politics or:linking people to my old Hunting Club forums which I ran with friends from 7 different countries mostly vets some from South Africa, Rhodesia, Croatia, etc...Some of our topics may have been offensive to liberals or commies but hey I'lll let that go right there...start a stonewall14 thread somewhere we can talk OOC and I will debate and answer accusations and misleading info about my personal politics all you want....Edit:I love Jesus, My country, I support Israel also so I'd make a terrible Nazi and have never been a member of any "hate" group and I challenge anyone to show one racist remark I've ever made on this forum or any other for that matter(OOC)


I willl never surrender or enter PM and may take a beating for a week or two but I will regrow (OOC)like kudzu(OOC) and come calling soon after to repay the invasiions of Dixie Cove doing it's AA's bidding...



PS Admin I hope I'm doing this IC OOC stuff right I'm trying my best to stay on topic....o/

Edited by Stonewall14
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I have only one thing to say about allegations regarding religion or beliefs that appear to have arisen in regards to the leader of this particular nation, in addition to the pathetic posturing and threats of "if u kill me ill reroll just so i can attack you back cos im mad".


Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the Devil, and the government is lying about 9/11.


Thank-you for your time, and goodnight.



A degree of OOC commentary is permissible so long as it does not make up the majority of your post, and only given that it is labeled with an "OOC:" designation.

"I am affiliated with the KKK, but it's ok because I like Israel!" is not a compelling response in the slightest, even if we ignore the obvious issues within Zionism itself. Calling Zimbabwe 'Rhodesia' doesn't help either.

Edit: I have no intention of getting involved in this, though I do approve of this being handled outside of the IC forums.

Edited by RevolutionaryRebel
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(OOC)If any further discussion is to be made about my politics or:linking people to my old Hunting Club forums which I ran with friends from 7 different countries mostly vets some from South Africa, Rhodesia, Croatia, etc...Some of our topics may have been offensive to liberals or commies but hey I'lll let that go right there...start a stonewall14 thread somewhere we can talk OOC and I will debate and answer accusations and misleading info about my personal politics all you want....Edit:I love Jesus, My country, I support Israel also so I'd make a terrible Nazi and have never been a member of any "hate" group and I challenge anyone to show one racist remark I've ever made on this forum or any other for that matter(OOC)


I willl never surrender or enter PM and may take a beating for a week or two but I will regrow (OOC)like kudzu(OOC) and come calling soon after to repay the invasiions of Dixie Cove doing it's AA's bidding...



PS Admin I hope I'm doing this IC OOC stuff right I'm trying my best to stay on topic....o/

You're not suppose to even use OOC tags as far as know, just keep it in character. I realize you're defending yourself against someone who used OOC tags improperly to slander you, but try to avoid using them in the future.

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And you're an accused Nazi, yet you're still in Nordreich. I'm surprised Nordreich would keep you in despite your suppossed Nazi ties, unless of course they never cared to begin with. Also OOC tags are for !@#$%*^.

Meth-rage, I will of course like to see the proof that I am a nazi, I hope you have proof, but then why should you, your little alliance is starting well recruiting all their own.  Somewhat two faced don't you think :smug:

Edited by CnaedmacAilpn
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You're not suppose to even use OOC tags as far as know, just keep it in character. I realize you're defending yourself against someone who used OOC tags improperly to slander you, but try to avoid using them in the future.

Why Meth-rage, slander implies it is made up, it is not.  Besides he is already getting his knickers in a twist and making fatal errors and contradictions in his claims, clutching at straws again.  Why not ask him why he deleted as Warlord of Germania and also as Warlord.  He was on a ZI list from TGE for attempting to plot on his forums to start a coup and that his forums supported organisations of a dubious nature.  In his defence he provided screen-shots to implicate someone else and to try and worm his way out of things.  He failed

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Why Meth-rage, slander implies it is made up, it is not.  Besides he is already getting his knickers in a twist and making fatal errors and contradictions in his claims, clutching at straws again.  Why not ask him why he deleted as Warlord of Germania and also as Warlord.  He was on a ZI list from TGE for attempting to plot on his forums to start a coup and that his forums supported organisations of a dubious nature.  In his defence he provided screen-shots to implicate someone else and to try and worm his way out of things.  He failed

Your posting in the wrong forum, if you want to make an OOC claim, don't do it here where they can't be disputed properly. OOC /OOC doesn't mean you can suddenly say what you want and not allow the person to defend themselves against the dubious claims without also taking the thread completely off track. Edited by Methrage
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Your posting in the wrong forum, if you want to make an OOC claim, don't do it here where they can't be disputed properly. OOC /OOC doesn't mean you can suddenly say what you want and not allow the person to defend themselves against the dubious claims without also taking the thread completely off track.


Under your own advice, is there no where else you can take the OOC Nazi bullshit too? kthxbai

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I have only one thing to say about allegations regarding religion or beliefs that appear to have arisen in regards to the leader of this particular nation, in addition to the pathetic posturing and threats of "if u kill me ill reroll just so i can attack you back cos im mad".


Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the Devil, and the government is lying about 9/11.


Thank-you for your time, and goodnight.



"I am affiliated with the KKK, but it's ok because I like Israel!" is not a compelling response in the slightest, even if we ignore the obvious issues within Zionism itself. Calling Zimbabwe 'Rhodesia' doesn't help either.

Edit: I have no intention of getting involved in this, though I do approve of this being handled outside of the IC forums.


Well Rhodesia was the name of the country at the time my friend was born and fought for so I grew facinated with the Boere people and the Traansvaal region in particular where I knew quite a few of them....they were all ex military and I grew up reading about Rhodesia in SOF magaizine....simply a tribute to a proud people....I am not in KKK, never have been or any other hate group...I only explain this to you because I know your Methrage's friend otherwise I'm done with OOC on this forums....Heritage is not hate nor is being a military buff a crime....I've had this same nation now for 7yrs+ and have been rolled many times by numerous AAs...rerollling is never an option...


I'm done on the forums before I get banned and am even getting confused as to I'm getting attacked because I attacked Neo...then it's Kashmir and now I'm on trail for being a Nazi War criminal lol....I assure you all I'm no Aryan Holy Man....I will do my best and fight with what I have as always in defense of my AA and my nation....good day and happy nuking...o/

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I support Xanth 100% in his rolling of Rey. Financially, politically and militarily if requested. If that somehow puts me on Methrages side and we have to fight Kashmir again; it is regrettable since I believe we have settled prior differences ..but we will cross that bridge if it comes to it.

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