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2008: How the IAA war lead directly into Vox Populi

The Zigur

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A few days ago the six year anniversary of the disbandment of the IAA occurred, which left me rather nostalgic. While my history with the IAA is well covered in my wiki page, I never presented details behind the war itself. I decided I would present my perspective of the war and the story most people don't know of how the IAA's death lead directly to Vox's beginning.




In Early April of 2008 we began to received indications that NPO was planning an attack somewhere in the direction of GATO and IAA. NPO found GATO to be a rival but deeply hated IAA, as we had a pattern of Anti-Pacificanism. For example, we offered refuge to Starfox101, who was at the time an enemy of the NPO, along with many other fugitives. NPO had also been running their "New Sith Order" theme month, which we suspected was influenced partially by a desire to intimidate us.


I had been making much progress in reorganizing the IAA's departments as Imperial Regent under Emperor Chimaera, creating the Imperial Security Bureau and a few other agencies to reinvigorate the Empire. Privately, I had been talking to Vladimir about Francoism, and was seeking to copy the structure and ideology of the Order for our own purposes. Part of the idea of Francoism is a baptism of fire, which forges a group of nations into one unbending and resilient military force.


As the month developed, we were notified by GATO that war was a certainty. Avoiding the war was never discussed -- we knew we were a primary target of the NPO. However, there were other objectives that could be obtained. The war could be that furnace which forged our alliance into a newer, ideologically purified alliance capable of everything. I began laying post-war political preparations that would allow me to implement the full scale of NPO-style reforms I had long dreamed of... to turn IAA from a voting democracy into an Empire.


Shortly after the war begun, Chimaera resigned, and I ascended to Emperorship. Now had come the hard part: survival of the alliance. I implemented a strict censorship of the CN forums and also a no-nuke policy. I would also handle any and all negotiations. The war ground on, and our membership were behaving with unparalleled discipline: despite our large stockpile, not a single warhead had been fired.


Our intention in directly attacking NPO was to blow almost every stagger that they attempted to place against us, and it worked. NPO's allies were so sycophantic that they rushed in to their master's defense (I specifically remember Valhalla doing this by name), allowing most of our first wave to escape to peace mode a week later. When our next wave struck, staggers were again largely blown by NPO's allies. After a couple weeks I believe NPO was so annoyed they told their allies not to react to IAA's peace mode tactics.


I believe NPO had a dilemma. They hated IAA so badly, but we were receiving accolades for how honorably we fought, with not a single nuke fired and no members riding out the war in peace mode. Alot of this had to do with the reforms we had previously put in place to flush out the negative members every alliance has, but few deal with. With our performance so professional I believe they had to use the only weakness I presented them to find a justification to destroy us.


This weakness was the fact that all diplomacy had to go through myself. This was intended to prevent any diplomatic mistakes from being made by junior members of my government (there were now quite a few with all the reforms), it also meant that there were no non-NPO witnesses (NPO would not communicate with IAA, GATO, CSN or USN as a coalition). NPO needed a reason to find fault with us, and I wasn't giving them one; therefore they saw fit to manufacture one.


One night I had been negotiating with Mary the Fantabulous about peace mode tactics and managed a concession from her: yes, it was indeed acceptable for our banks to send rebuilding aid to our smaller nations that retreated to peace mode (recall IAA was playing very by-the-book to not give NPO a reason to disband us). That round our top banks, which were finally staggered, were sending massive amounts of aid to dozens of low tier nations in PM re-arming to enter the fight. It was then that NPO called foul and said that it was bad for us to use peace mode to re-arm and terrorize their small level nations (apparently GATO had not been doing this).


When I produced my logs with Mary proving that NPO leadership had "authorized" this level of insurgent warfare, NPO quickly replied with their own forged logs which showed no such consent from Mary. Now they finally had a reason to eliminate the IAA.


It was demanded of me, the Emperor, to "admit" I faked the logs, to surrender control of the IAA, and that the IAA would receive a Viceroy to redirect our path. But it wasn't over yet. Through the war, I had built up an incredible amount of loyalty within the alliance. In fact, I had rewritten the charter and all but eliminated the democratic framework that was once in place, with a democratic autocracy now replacing it. This meant I had final decision-making authority in every department of the alliance. My dream of rebuilding the alliance and consolidating power had been completed, only to be trampled upon by Emperor Revenge's Boot.


But true revenge would not be his, for I was a Sith. I posted a vote for our members with three options (paraphrased):

  • Emperor Junkalunka should admit to wrongdoing and resign, surrender, and accept a viceroy and PZI sentence
  • Emperor Junkalunka should not admit to wrongdoing and IAA would fight into perpetuity
  • Emperor Junkalunka should not admit to wrongdoing and IAA would disband forever

Option 3 won the vote, with option 2 carrying a close second. One or two people voted for option 1.


With that, The IAA had officially disbanded. This pissed off NPO more than anything, for the simple fact that under no condition would we yield to their will and imperialism. Despite the fact that Moo and I had been quite friendly during the war, and even after the fake logs incident, when I next queried Moo he was very angry and said that I would never ever see peace again.




IAA was the only alliance in the war to be disbanded, and a very large percentage of our members were sentenced to PZI and EZI for their roles in recurrent low level insurgent attacks from peace mode. One of these members, Starfox101, would later go on to form Vox Populi, and many other IAAers that did not quit the game would go on to join as well.


Ironically, the death of the Empire on Planet Bob would directly lead to the Vox Populi Rebellion that would follow three months later, with many of the same people and low level peace mode/raid/aid tactics involved.

Edited by Tywin Lannister
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Personally I think it doesn't really have a bearing on Vox forming, that was in motion before IAA was disbanded, whether it was Schatt in the open or me in the shadows, NPO would have fallen.


Yes, somebody would have done it eventually, but it is not by that standard that we measure history.

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Yes, somebody would have done it eventually, but it is not by that standard that we measure history.


Personally I think it doesn't really have a bearing on Vox forming, that was in motion before IAA was disbanded, whether it was Schatt in the open or me in the shadows, NPO would have fallen.



I think a few of them came from IAA, so it had a bit of effect.


Also why Vox Populi was cool to see so many come together at once, It was  a 2mill NS fraction of the Karma Forces. To see how many got swarmed in the NPO burn rush, feel free to watch my Karma Video I made just a few days into the Karma War:




All those wars were declared within a few minutes.

Edited by Rotavele
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This was that war the CSN came in to defend GATO right? I got reduced to rubble fighting in the ranks of the CSN during that war. Damn Allied Threat. :P

Yeah, CSN and USN came in alongside IAA to defend GATO, it turned into a shit storm pretty fast :p
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Fun historical fact since we are mentioned,GATO was issued the ultimatum that anyone who hit PM would be EZI, anyone who fired nukes would be EZI. Thus we decided not to do either. Despite major military reforms we had undertaken prior to this, we didn't think we were prepared enough yet to become a FAN style insurgency.


In hindsight almost all of us who are left wished we had pulled the nuke trigger. I had a plan drawn up much like what MK did to NPO which was highlight and drop as many nukes as possible on non-SDI nations. We wouldn't have lasted more than a few weeks, but it would have been far more satisfying considering that we received some of the worst terms ever given to an alliance at the time (viceroy with a 24 hour take it or leave it no negotiation condition.)

Edited by kerschbs
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While the treatment of IAA was pretty bad, it did not directly lead to the formation of Vox Populi. It was but one of many events, including the war on NoV, the forced disbandment of the first Vox Populi, the war on CIS, Manic Monday, the war on NpO, the fact that I was on PZI for 2 years, etc. There was a massive list of transgressions, and to single it down to one, and insert yourself into so much of it is historically inaccurate, and an outright attention grab. 


Signed, the founder of Vox Populi

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While the treatment of IAA was pretty bad, it did not directly lead to the formation of Vox Populi. It was but one of many events, including the war on NoV, the forced disbandment of the first Vox Populi, the war on CIS, Manic Monday, the war on NpO, the fact that I was on PZI for 2 years, etc. There was a massive list of transgressions, and to single it down to one, and insert yourself into so much of it is historically inaccurate, and an outright attention grab. 


Signed, the founder of Vox Populi


You should refer to me as Imperator Emeritus.

Edited by Tywin Lannister
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Far as I recall, you disbanded the alliance, attempted to justify it, and didn't you re-roll and join them, as well? 
You are quite possibly the most arrogant person around here, and there is so little justification for it. 

Only starfox would post a "far as I recall" in a thread that explains everything :facepalm:

You didnt even read the OP, you read the headline and came in to take your autographed potshot. Edited by Tywin Lannister
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I've yet to see him post any such post in such a thread that explains everything.

Haha, beat me to it.


Only starfox would post a "far as I recall" in a thread that explains everything :facepalm:

You didnt even read the OP, you read the headline and came in to take your autographed potshot.

I read the whole thing. It wasn't very long nor detailed, and wasn't entirely true either. In a thread referencing an action that I undertook as the main founder of Vox, I have more than a right to comment on the inaccuracies detailed in the OP. 


You like to pretend you are involved in everything. Yet the problem is, you're so busy talking and talking that you've never actually accomplished anything. Your words have no credibility with anyone. What makes you think you have the right to tell me what led to the formation of Vox?

Edited by Starfox101
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Haha, beat me to it.


I read the whole thing. It wasn't very long nor detailed, and wasn't entirely true either. In a thread referencing an action that I undertook as the main founder of Vox, I have more than a right to comment on the inaccuracies detailed in the OP. 


You like to pretend you are involved in everything. Yet the problem is, you're so busy talking and talking that you've never actually accomplished anything. Your words have no credibility with anyone. What makes you think you have the right to tell me what led to the formation of Vox?


I have the right to tell you what lead to the formation of Vox because I'm smarter than you are.

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