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Announcement from the Lord Protector of Invicta

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May it be known to one and all throughout the World of Bob that the great Invicta alliance turns seven years old today!  In recognition of this auspicious occassion, it has been Our great pleasure to declare seven days of feasting and rejoicing in the Great Hall of Invicta, and while as Head of State We cannot condone unruly or inappropriate behavior, We would note that the Master of Revels has been given the next week off.  LET THERE BE CAVORTING!  We hope that our fellow alliances of all colors and creeds join us for the party!  Stop by our forums and tell us how cute we are at seven, what with our big gap-toothed grin.  Or else tell us why we suck.  We have it categorized alphabetically for your convenience.

Seven years ago today a ragtag band of refugees from Novus Orbus banded together to form Invicta.  Our noble Founders, Dawny and DoubleU, have long since passed into another world, but their memory remains.  So too the First Generation of Invictans — Our own royal personage is one of the last.  Even the stalwart Haflinger, so often a lightning rod for public opinion, has left Our emerald shores.  Such is the nature of things, the cycle of life.  Many years have We sat the throne, and with luck many more will We see.  We have witnessed and done much in Our time in this world, and We have come to realize that it is not the wars you fight, nor the treaties you sign, but the people you meet and the friends you make that matter — in this or any world.

We will spare you another meandering walk down memory lane.  Suffice it to say that many faces and many names have crossed Our path in the past seven years.  Whatever our past, all are welcome to stop by and say hello.

Our understanding is that there will be cake.


Given under Our hand and seal this 26th day of May, 2014,

/s/ Jorost of the Crownlands, Lord of the Invictae and Protector of the Realm


Edited by Jorost
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Happy birthday Invicta, seams like a lifetime ago but my first two AA's happened to be protected by you many years ago. One way or another thanks for helping me get a start in the world and happy birthday on 7 years!

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I'd like to thank our allies, both past and present, for everything, really, you guys are great.

To the Legion, the New Polar Order, the United Sovereign Nations, the Christian Coalition of Countries, the State of Unified Nations, and Alpha Omega: Thanks for your friendship, and your support, it has been an honour, and I hope we can continue to work together on fun stuff in the future.

While everyone we've ever been allied to probably deserves a shout-out, that would get way too long, so, just a couple of special mentions. Firstly, our good friends at the Last Republic recently merged in to The Templar Knights, so while we're not currently formally allied, this regrettable state may be only temporary ;) Secondly, the North American Confederacy. You've always been cool guys, and to be associated with you at various times has always been a privilege. And lastly, the Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations, one of our closest allies for a long time in the end many of their members came to join us, and they're a bunch of really cool guys. 



/s/ Ellis, the President

Edited by Ellis
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