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Cascadia- New Horizon


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Well this should be fun, I hate being driven to far away places, I wish I could fly there...  "We'll be there in a few minutes, sir." This should be interesting. "Thank you, please drive up to this address, this is where i'm supposed to go." James said with a long glance out the window. This would be a nice place to live, one day. "Will do, sir."


The car came to an abrupt stop, and James hit his head on the side of the window. "We're here, sir." The driver said. "Fuck, where the fuck did you learn to drive? Jersey? Christ." He said as he stepped out of the car rubbing his head. He looked up at the nice building he was about to enter, but he knew he wasn't going to have a nice time here. "Well here goes nothing." He said as he walked into the building. 

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The diplomat was sent to the top floor of the space needle and was directed to a table where a few members of the ministry of foreign affairs were waiting. "Hello welcome to Seattle, is there anything you would like to eat before we begin discussions?"

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A women sandwiched between two men smiled and laughed, "No, no, we insist! You have come all this way its the least we could do." She pulled out a document for a complex trade agreement. As well as one for a standard trade agreement and she pushed them towards the diplomat. "Why don't you take a look at these while we wait for our lunch?"

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"You come to talk about peace, correct? So we figure it just better to move on. As with the damage it wasn't to extremely major. Currently we have no military facilities near our southern border. Which now we see it's a good idea to build some." She giggled a little bit at that. "As for the trade agreements. We of course wouldn't have both! They were for you to decide between. We didn't want to pressure you with one option. We have noticed that your government is extremely fond of marijuana. So we would like to tell you that our marijuana industry is not going to grow as only 0.01% would be considered 'stoners' so we don't see a point of deco loping that sector. Thoughts?" At that point different courses were brought out and laid on the table.

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"We'll just take the standard one, for now, because who knows, we may be back here in a couple of months discussing something else." James laughingly said. "Fond would be an over statement, we just see that cannabis is the largest cash crop in America, and we wont throttle it, or stop people from making a choice to grow it themselves. I personally don't do anything with it, but I don't look down on people who do. It's a legit business. You can do what you will, but I urge you to not sell any, because if our profits get cut into, we won't be happy."

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"You are kidding right? We are not and will never give you an entire state! That is quite ridiculous! Our position is not just going to magically change in a few months. For saying that I think we should just sign a non-aggression pact. That would make more sense for you even possibly fathoming the that idea our king is gonna just give you his homeland."

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"A non-agression pact?" James laughed. "No, never, we could just continue our bombings, but we graciously started talks with you." James calmly stood up. "If you'd like to become our protectorate, and a part of the Network, that is the only way we'd ever sign a non-aggression pact." James started walking away. "You have your trade agreement, for a few months, we'll be in touch. Keep in mind what I just said though." 

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