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CNRP2 OOC Thread


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Have to agree with Kevin here. The whole reason CNRP2 was made in the first place was to focus more on the stories than the original CNRP did but everyone else seems to be treating it more as a text based RISK game instead. I try to focus more on the stories but when everyone else starts going into RISK mode it forces everyone else to do so as well so all our RP stuff isn't just simply wiped out!


If people would leave me alone I would be RPing a Civil War right now. Five factions. Badass. Total collapse.

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No, I don't think you guys get what I'm saying. Obviously nobody should be compelled to give up their colored land to anyone unless they want to. That's a no-brainer, and most people won't even ask for colored land (when I asked for Eva's colored land, it was by accident). What I'm saying is that allowing people to hold large swathes of protectorate land that they can approve or deny people on is a way of using the in-game soldiers and such guarding that white space as a moderation tool. That is dumb. If someone is rolling in just to be a troll or a !@#$head, then we have a GM team who are more than capable of identifying that and going "hey, look, stop it" and retconning the RP or even removing the player from the RP entirely according to the procedures we have.

In other words, this is how I think we should handle it:

Step 1: I want to roll into Ukraine next to Eva.
Step 2: I immediately become ridiculously hostile and invade without any real provocation, trying to kill off her characters and generally be a !@#$head.
Step 3: Eva appeals to the GM team saying I'm being a !@#$head.
Step 4: My RP is retconned because I am trolling.
Step 5: I am removed from the RP by vote for repeated attempts at trolling without serious RP.

See how much nicer that is than making it a personal thing every time someone wants to roll into white space? I think so. And it makes it so that we don't have everybody holding large amounts of white space as protectorates and creating needless bureaucracy. If you want to control land, make it your color. If not, let it alone. Or make it a protectorate, but a protectorate that is independent of moderation and only applicable to other nations in the actual RP. What I'm saying is that we should not be forced to act a certain way IC because we can't trust people OOC. THAT is what is breaking this RP.


The problem is this system was explicitly voted for by community a month or two ago. I agree with much of what you say, and voted against having protectorates used as a moderation tool, but I can understand where the community is coming from. If there's enough community support to change how protectorates are managed, start a discussion thread and we can vote to modify the rules.





This is why I am continuing to find myself being turned away from posting in the RPs we have going. What is being discussed here is just far beyond anything I can understand and it seems that the RPs today are getting more and more technical. This is fine for those in the know but for those of us that aren't it is quite off putting. What happened to the old days where technical details didn't matter so much as long as a good story was told?


This has literally been said since I first started RPing here five years ago. You're not wrong, the tech RPs are cumbersome, but it's not like the "good old days" were better. It's a result of the mechanics of how CNRP is set up. CNRP2 was made in part to tone that down, but I think it's fair to say the problem has propagated itself here too. This is why it's so important to talk with the other RPer ahead of time, instead of resorting to posting tech stuff and letting the GM deal with it. 

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Could someone from Triyun's side or the man himself please state here what information is required for the RP to advance so that we can work at getting said information and getting things rolling. 

They were repeated in the ooc war thread several times.

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Could someone from Triyun's side or the man himself please state here what information is required for the RP to advance so that we can work at getting said information and getting things rolling. 


  • Lyn needs to explain/ probably edit his custom tech, including missiles that do not exist IRL or have a equivalent IRL, thus violating the custom tech rule
  • Mara needs to explain her numbers discrepincies with caps and her factbook/ post a link where she's getting advanced tech from she's currently using
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HARM guidance could plausibly be mounted to a Tomahawk, and I do not believe the person who is fielding 400 aircraft that had a total flight time of about 60 hours without RPing a single drawback or problem with using an untested technology, of which the WINNING design had numerous really gets to whine about custom tech.

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HARM guidance could plausibly be mounted to a Tomahawk, and I do not believe the person who is fielding 400 aircraft that had a total flight time of about 60 hours without RPing a single drawback or problem with using an untested technology, of which the WINNING design had numerous really gets to whine about custom tech.


Read a book on why it was a winning design.  The aircraft I RP use all existing systems and there are plenty of aircraft that have what I have.  What I object to on the missile is that you're adding a second sensor system as a fail safe that does not exist on ANY equivalent missile in tandem.


The issue again is not a single substitution, if you want to substitute the onboard radar for something else go for it, you can't just add a whole secondary sensor though.


Edit:  And Mogar I'm using all parts on either the Raptor or Lightening in configurations that exist on IRL planes, something Lyn is not doing.  If a problem occurs on a F-119 engine tomorrow in Syria god forbid, which is what the raptor uses and what my plane uses I'll RP the flaw.

Edited by Triyun
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