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CNRP2 OOC Thread


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Ah yes because letting trolls or needlessly antagonistic people roll next to me is "healthy for the rp."

Protectorates can keep an RP healthy by preventing my idols from rolling nations. If one finds themself in a situation where nobody is willing to give land, then one should ask "why don't people like me?"

It's the same way that a GM in a tabletop campaign can deny people from playing if they are disruptive or inappropriate. Only it's the community, not a single GM, policing such things.

You're not in that situation, several have offered space to you; you're just too proud to accept it. No, you'd rather grandstand. Hell I thought I was bad with my rage quits and returns but somehow you reroll and quit in protest every few weeks, or so it seems.

Stop looking in the mirror and you won't be seeing an ass looking back at you. I do not ragequit. Nor do I quit in protest. That I decide to give commentary on the state of affairs that is honest and cutting does not mean I am angry. It would do you well to learn the difference, because you do exactly what you accuse me of. I'm glad you're cognizant of it, but it's time to move on.

Now, to the point: trolling is not a problem to be solved by individual players. It is a moderation issue. Protectorates, nor IC actions, are tools to stop trolling. By using them as such, you are all breaking the IC/OOC divide. By giving individual players power over anything other than their nations, you are all breaking the IC/OOC divide. And by having it in the ruleset that the IC/OOC divide may not be broken, you engender dishonesty and mistrust. That is the real reason none of you get along: because you do not trust each other to act in good faith. And, in truth, you're all correct about each other, except for the few people who tend to sit on the sidelines and do their own RP outside of the OOC-driven main political game.

But what does any of that have to do with me? Nothing. It has nothing to do with it. You're just a big baby who wanted to grandstand against grandstanding. Bra-fucking-vo.
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Hereno, given we're clearly seeing two different realities or something like that, I'm going to stop arguing with you. As far as I'm concerned you're a delusional hypocrite who thinks he's some amazing philosopher, and frankly, I don't want to deal with somebody like that. Treat this as you will, don't really care anymore.


Mogar: Fine then, start a vote to get me kicked out of the RP. I fully admit that I've stopped people from taking protectorate land because of who they are OOC. Because some people are quite simply awful OOC, and bring that IC. I refused Rota land purely because they were Rota, and I didn't want Rota as my neighbor. So go ahead, kick me out, and then kick out everyone else who has done the same completely reasonable thing.

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ICly, you can't really prove !@#$ about someone wanting to troll you until they actually make a nation, by denying protectorates due to the player, Hereno is correct, you are breaking the IC divide.

Technically, you don't. If I have a protectorate, it is in my IC and OOC control. Just like my country, it is held that people cannot RP there, unless they have my permission. If I deny permission for a person to RP in the protectorate, that is an OOC act. I, as a player, decide that whoever asked, as a player, has not the permission to RP people in my protectorate and any such RP is illegitimate. I'm not discriminating against them in the RP, because I don't like them OOC, I discriminate OOC, for reasons that are whatever.


The moment I say people can RP and make an IC request, I actually allow them to RP and make a reasonable request as local forces to my government, which is then judged on an IC basis. That I told Hereno to make an IC request is, because I'm not going to just say "yes, ok" ICly to just about everything and that for legit IC reasons, given it concerns a future neighbour. I do not lie, I had my doubts about the sincerity and possibly abuse, but if I was to decline him on OOC reasons, I'd do it like I declined Rota. By posting a simple "No."


And yes, on an OOC level I don't trust even half of you to be reliable, which should be my right and it is pretty much empirically proven. But as long as I IC follow IC-logic and not my own OOC convictions, I'm not crossing any barrier.

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No, I don't think you guys get what I'm saying. Obviously nobody should be compelled to give up their colored land to anyone unless they want to. That's a no-brainer, and most people won't even ask for colored land (when I asked for Eva's colored land, it was by accident). What I'm saying is that allowing people to hold large swathes of protectorate land that they can approve or deny people on is a way of using the in-game soldiers and such guarding that white space as a moderation tool. That is dumb. If someone is rolling in just to be a troll or a !@#$head, then we have a GM team who are more than capable of identifying that and going "hey, look, stop it" and retconning the RP or even removing the player from the RP entirely according to the procedures we have.

In other words, this is how I think we should handle it:

Step 1: I want to roll into Ukraine next to Eva.
Step 2: I immediately become ridiculously hostile and invade without any real provocation, trying to kill off her characters and generally be a !@#$head.
Step 3: Eva appeals to the GM team saying I'm being a !@#$head.
Step 4: My RP is retconned because I am trolling.
Step 5: I am removed from the RP by vote for repeated attempts at trolling without serious RP.

See how much nicer that is than making it a personal thing every time someone wants to roll into white space? I think so. And it makes it so that we don't have everybody holding large amounts of white space as protectorates and creating needless bureaucracy. If you want to control land, make it your color. If not, let it alone. Or make it a protectorate, but a protectorate that is independent of moderation and only applicable to other nations in the actual RP. What I'm saying is that we should not be forced to act a certain way IC because we can't trust people OOC. THAT is what is breaking this RP.

Edited by Hereno
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This is why I am continuing to find myself being turned away from posting in the RPs we have going. What is being discussed here is just far beyond anything I can understand and it seems that the RPs today are getting more and more technical. This is fine for those in the know but for those of us that aren't it is quite off putting. What happened to the old days where technical details didn't matter so much as long as a good story was told?

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It isnt about storyline Kevin, it's about playing Risk.


It is hard to fully accept such comments from yourself and those in your camp after such recent events, you and those that support you constantly go on about how certain players see this forum as a chance to play internet Risk and yet you and your allies have shown yourselves to be just the same. A war has been declared other one diplomats actions, a war that would and will result in numerous deaths and destruction that only makes any degree of sense if one did not care about their nation and the people in it. It is if they are being treated as pieces in a game, almost like a game of Risk no?


You complain about others playing Risk yet you yourself have shown that you are just as willing to play the same game. Only unlike them you continue to complain about others doing so as you do it.  

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It is hard to fully accept such comments from yourself and those in your camp after such recent events, you and those that support you constantly go on about how certain players see this forum as a chance to play internet Risk and yet you and your allies have shown yourselves to be just the same. A war has been declared other one diplomats actions, a war that would and will result in numerous deaths and destruction that only makes any degree of sense if one did not care about their nation and the people in it. It is if they are being treated as pieces in a game, almost like a game of Risk no?


You complain about others playing Risk yet you yourself have shown that you are just as willing to play the same game. Only unlike them you continue to complain about others doing so as you do it.  

There's a fairly large IC motivation from our entire side, as we have made to the GM team, if there was not a very solid case I predict it would have been wiped, due to the hostility between Triyun and myself.

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It isnt about storyline Kevin, it's about playing Risk.

There's a fairly large IC motivation from our entire side, as we have made to the GM team, if there was not a very solid case I predict it would have been wiped, due to the hostility between Triyun and myself.

I must say, I do find the storyline for the attack on Triyun quite boring and unimaginative. I expect you people to do better, given it is the story you care about, not the war. Naturally, as you claim one sie to just want to be belligerent, but you all have IC reasons that are valid, I guess Triyun must be the most terrible person, claiming to have IC interest in actually defending himself. Clearly, he should just surrender, instead of being an imperialist asshole that projects power all the way around the globe to attack OOC enemies for crap CBs.

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The cognitive dissonance you display is truly breathtaking.


The fact is Eva's right, the only people here bitching about land that's not your own are you and Mogar.  Yeah you left for basic, and nutmeg claimed some land you used to have.  Guess what? that has happened to everyone else.  


Guess what your neighbor doesn't like Mogar having military presence overseas?  That has happened to literally every single person.


Someone was mean to you at a party, again guess what that has happened to literally every single person!  


Posting is delayed because people ask for more information, that has happened to literally every single person.  


Cry me a river, then go contribute something productive to the conversation instead of having your posts able to be copy pasted from the same three tired lines always.  


Yes I destroyed Mogar's nation 4 years ago.  Some people destroyed mine I don't remember who in Greater Nordland 5 years ago or so, I'm pretty sue that included some of my best friends like Cent and Sarah.  I'm over it.  Get over it, quit playing poor victim, quit making up false sob stories.  You're like a god damn Fox News feed, OBAMA IS HITLER, OBAMA TERK R JERBS, OBAMA IS WEAK, etc etc.  That's your default.  


If the jokes we've played on you are so bad, I should nuke the shit out of Cent, Sarah, Vektor, and Voodoo, because the ones they tell about me are about 1000 times worse than these French jokes you claim are some grand persecution.   Grow up.

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Insert useless posturing here.

Insert the wasting of everyone's time here.

Insert !@#$%*ing here.

10/10, best post ever. Watch out, you might break the boards, trying to post this much content.


The cognitive dissonance you display is truly breathtaking.


The fact is Eva's right, the only people here !@#$%*ing about land that's not your own are you and Mogar.  Yeah you left for basic, and nutmeg claimed some land you used to have.  Guess what? that has happened to everyone else.  


Guess what your neighbor doesn't like Mogar having military presence overseas?  That has happened to literally every single person.


Someone was mean to you at a party, again guess what that has happened to literally every single person!  


Posting is delayed because people ask for more information, that has happened to literally every single person.  


Cry me a river, then go contribute something productive to the conversation instead of having your posts able to be copy pasted from the same three tired lines always.  


Yes I destroyed Mogar's nation 4 years ago.  Some people destroyed mine I don't remember who in Greater Nordland 5 years ago or so, I'm pretty sue that included some of my best friends like Cent and Sarah.  I'm over it.  Get over it, quit playing poor victim, quit making up false sob stories.  You're like a god damn Fox News feed, OBAMA IS HITLER, OBAMA TERK R JERBS, OBAMA IS WEAK, etc etc.  That's your default.  


If the jokes we've played on you are so bad, I should nuke the !@#$ out of Cent, Sarah, Vektor, and Voodoo, because the ones they tell about me are about 1000 times worse than these French jokes you claim are some grand persecution.   Grow up.

You are terrible and you know it. You made frog jokes at the party Sarah held two years ago as England and your threat to take my French colonies was pretty much titled "Hand over your lunch money", or something of the sort. Sole reason you did not get to destroy me was that you were third in line after Cent and Vektor.


I remember all of your crimes and shall never forgive you for them.


someone seems mad.

Doubt Triyun is even half as much emotionally invested in this as you are. I for my part am not mad, but just disappointed in the general situation. I feel like whatever advise I gave in the last couple months just went ignored and it seems unlikely that any of my actins will change the matters at hand. I'd say, go out, enjoy some nature, make a stroll through the woods or a park. And while you are at it, try to calm down. Whatever you do, remember that this is an RP, we are all people. And deep within, you might understand that while we are not all the same, certain desires are shared fundamentally and it'd be good to respect others having these same wishes you have. If you want actual collaboration, that would be the place to start.

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I am pre-notifying Ty of some unobservable war preparations that I have made..  that will not be added to my fact book, in the event I need to use them.


You could easily label such actions as "SIC". I believe hiding stuff for it to pop up later would be considered unfair, especially in the art of RP. I do hope Ty does the right thing and request that all information be posted in your factbook.. It's only fair.

Edited by Malatose
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10/10, best post ever. Watch out, you might break the boards, trying to post this much content.


You are terrible and you know it. You made frog jokes at the party Sarah held two years ago as England and your threat to take my French colonies was pretty much titled "Hand over your lunch money", or something of the sort. Sole reason you did not get to destroy me was that you were third in line after Cent and Vektor.


I remember all of your crimes and shall never forgive you for them.


Doubt Triyun is even half as much emotionally invested in this as you are. I for my part am not mad, but just disappointed in the general situation. I feel like whatever advise I gave in the last couple months just went ignored and it seems unlikely that any of my actins will change the matters at hand. I'd say, go out, enjoy some nature, make a stroll through the woods or a park. And while you are at it, try to calm down. Whatever you do, remember that this is an RP, we are all people. And deep within, you might understand that while we are not all the same, certain desires are shared fundamentally and it'd be good to respect others having these same wishes you have. If you want actual collaboration, that would be the place to start.


Oh that's right, I did that to Sarah too.  I completely forgot about that.  By those standards I guess I've gone soft of the wine sipping cheese eating menace, who just wants to chain smoke and walk on dog shit filled streets in peace (these are facts).

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This is why I am continuing to find myself being turned away from posting in the RPs we have going. What is being discussed here is just far beyond anything I can understand and it seems that the RPs today are getting more and more technical. This is fine for those in the know but for those of us that aren't it is quite off putting. What happened to the old days where technical details didn't matter so much as long as a good story was told?

Have to agree with Kevin here. The whole reason CNRP2 was made in the first place was to focus more on the stories than the original CNRP did but everyone else seems to be treating it more as a text based RISK game instead. I try to focus more on the stories but when everyone else starts going into RISK mode it forces everyone else to do so as well so all our RP stuff isn't just simply wiped out!

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