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Taxes are capped at 20 days?


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This may be a dumb question, but I'm confused about this part of the information index: http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Tax_Rate It says "Taxes are capped at 20 days. Nations will not gain any additional income from taxes beyond 20 days." What does this mean? Is it saying that after 20 days, I will not be able to increase my income through increasing population happines, improvements, etc?

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This may be a dumb question, but I'm confused about this part of the information index: http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Tax_Rate It says "Taxes are capped at 20 days. Nations will not gain any additional income from taxes beyond 20 days." What does this mean? Is it saying that after 20 days, I will not be able to increase my income through increasing population happines, improvements, etc?


Most people don't collect taxes every day, but save up and collect every 20 days.  If you would collect on the 19th day, you would gain 19 days of taxes.  When you collect on the 20th day, you gain 20 days worth of taxes. If however, you go one extra day and collect 21 days after the last time, you receive only 20 days of income, with the day past 20 giving zero income.  Similarly, if you go 22 days without collecting taxes, you gain 20 days of taxes only also.


The reasons for waiting to collect mostly involve jumping infra (right now you pay your bills at 400 infra, then before collecting buy infra and collect income as if you had 1k infra for 20 days)  and labor camp switching (you will need more infra for this to matter.


But mostly, join an alliance.  There is a ton of help that cn requires early, and an alliance will help with that and you will like CN much more.

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