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Procinctia Armament Mark. IV - arm harder


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Madagascar Department of Defense would like to negotiate for 2 of the Redoubtable class submarine, as well as for use, maintenence, and technical training.

Procintia Armament is willing to sell two fully armed Redoutable class of submarine in surface-to-air-missile configuration to Madagascar's Department of Defense for $108,000,000 with a year's maintenance. Training of maintenance and technical crews included with purchase. Advisers on upgrading these submarines to your nation's maximum technological are currently available on request. 

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"The Faraway Union would like to point out that a Harrier Jump Jet, even if marketed as 'flying car' will have to conform with proper Faraway air traffic protocoll, will have to identify itself to the Faraway Civil Air Authority (FCAA) and, in due to being a remodelled fighter jet, may be subject to forced landings and searches, in order to make sure it is not armed. We thank you for your consideration."

-Florence de Pétèvellier, Minister of the Exterior of the Faraway Union

Our flying car lacks any hardpoints for weapons with a bit of that space used for storing extra fuel. To reduce weight our Harriers lack any of the in guns or ammunition storage of a military equivalents. Procintia Armament encourages all Harrier flying car owners to comply with local (including Faraway's) aircraft laws, regulations, and licencing. Additionally a spending time getting accustomed to flying your flying car is highly recommended. We also suggest getting it reasonably insured too. Revolutionizing air travel is going to certainly take a bit of working out many details but Procintia Armament is ready to face all of those challenges.

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Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara believed the Lockheed YF-12 interceptor too expensive for practical deployment. That's utterly nonsensical because world's fastest interceptor (of that era) ought always be useful. Procintia Armament believes that McNamara was ultimately wrong on a great many things. We're going to begin mass production of the Procintia Armament YF-12 to prove a point; everyone has a need for speed. 


Procintia Armament YF -12 Weapons Loadout

Three internal AIM-47 Falcons


Three internal AIM-54 Phoenix


Three internal AIM-120 AMRAAM


Three internal Rafael Python 4


Three internal Rafael Python 5


Procintia Armament YF-12 Miscellaneous Statistics

Ceiling: 90,000 feet 

Speed: Mach 3.35

Range: 3,000 miles

Crew: 2



Now available for $15,000,000

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After sending a representative to Bear Island's Nation of the Bear with a suspiciously large handbag (stuffed with cash) in order to secure purchasing the Redoubtable Submarines, the same, now exhausted, representative would be sent back, with an even larger travel bag.


"The Madagascar Department of Defense would like to purchase a 240 count fleet of military aircraft. This will include 110 of the Procinctia CF-105 Arrows, 80 YF-12, 10 B2's, 5 transport aircraft, and the remaining 35 to be various support/resupply/refuel/light duty aircraft. As before, use, maintenence, and technical training. Further, Czerka Arm, a new subsidiary under the Czerka Corporation umbrella, having recently and aggressively bought out competitor Sunshine Armaments, would like to purchase a supply and maintenance license for all military aircraft used in Madagascar."

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 (Please remember that all supporting aircraft really aren't included to your overall military numbers for CNRP~! 5 transports and 35 various support/resupply/refuel/light duty aircraft not included in that number. Stratotransports, StratoAWACS, Stratofuelers, Harrier model flying cars, Stratotransports, StratoAWACS, Stratofuelers, Harrier model flying cars, Tomcat Cruisers, Patrol Sea Darts, CF-105 Arrow trainers - all simply not subtracted from the overall count. That leaves you with 40 extra fighters and bombers available to purchase)

After sending a representative to Bear Island's Nation of the Bear with a suspiciously large handbag (stuffed with cash) in order to secure purchasing the Redoubtable Submarines, the same, now exhausted, representative would be sent back, with an even larger travel bag.

Sitting on a literal throne constructed from sacks of money bundled together from Madagascar's very recent submarine purchases Bear Islands' Nation of the Bear's local Procinctia Armament representative gleefully accepted that large travel bag of currency.


After sending a representative to Bear Island's Nation of the Bear with a suspiciously large handbag (stuffed with cash) in order to secure purchasing the Redoubtable Submarines, the same, now exhausted, representative would be sent back, with an even larger travel bag.


"The Madagascar Department of Defense would like to purchase a 240 count fleet of military aircraft. This will include 110 of the Procinctia CF-105 Arrows, 80 YF-12, 10 B2's, 5 transport aircraft, and the remaining 35 to be various support/resupply/refuel/light duty aircraft. As before, use, maintenence, and technical training. Further, Czerka Arm, a new subsidiary under the Czerka Corporation umbrella, having recently and aggressively bought out competitor Sunshine Armaments, would like to purchase a supply and maintenance license for all military aircraft used in Madagascar."

110 Procinctia Armament CF-105 Arrows for $5,000,000 each

$550,000,000 total for Arrow purchases


80 Procinctia Armament YF-12 for $15,000,000 each

$1,200,000,000 for total YF-12 purchases


10 Procinctia Armament B-52 Stratofortresses for $10,000,00 each

$100,000,000 total for Stratofortress purchases


5 Procinctia Armament B-52 Stratotransports for $5,000,000 each 

$25,000,000 total for Stratotransport purchases


5 Procinctia Armament B-52 StratoAWACS for $35,000,000 each

$175,000,000 total for StratoAWACS purchases


10 Procinctia Armament B-52 Stratofuelers for  $25,000,000 each

$250,000,000 total for Stratofueler purchases


Harrier model flying cars for $1,000,000 each

$5,000,000 total for Harrier purchases


5 Tomcat Cruisers for $7,000,000 each

$35,000,000 total for Tomcat Cruiser purchases


5 Procinctia Armament F2Y Patrol Sea Darts for $1,000,000 each

$5,000,000 total for Sea Dart purchases


Procinctia Armament CF-105 Arrow trainers for $4,000,000 each

$20,000,000 total for trainer purchases


Unlimited supply and maintenance license for $500,000,000

Limited to Czerka Arm subsidiary of the Czerka Corporation umbrella


"Of course with the sheer volume of the deal we're certainly willing to make a few concessions. If you're willing to add forty or more aircraft in your purchase we'll be selling those additional crafts with a 25% discount across the board, free Procinctia Armament hats, exclusive tickets for WorldVision, this crate of Black-Briar Mead, one silver engraved Tactical Flintlock, a box of GyroJet AR-15s, and thirteen collectible Generalissimo bobbleheads."

Edited by Generalissimo
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"Add 10 more tom-cats, 20 more 105 Arrows, and another 10 YF-12's to the order then, and we'll sweeten our part by including tickets to the up-coming World Cup, tony the fearless turtle, and the promise to engage in a thoroughly entertaining trade war"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Project A.P.E.X. (publicly available information)


Procintia Armament has initiated Project A.P.E.X.

[project classified to research staff, relevant executives, and core board of directors]

Initial test subjects [all private data redacted]

Bear Islands' Nation of the Bear [oversight information solely to authorized functionary] 

MKVI Prototype [designation limited to level six personnel only]

Vauclair Index [limited circulation to Project A.P.E.X. staff] 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maelstrom contacts Procincta, "We would like you to create a toy line of dragons that have eyes that glow green called the 'Dreamer' toy line. It should deliver a subliminal message to all children who play with it saying, "All your base belong to Druk Yul." when it roars." Also, have it say, "Druk Yul is watching." When its eyes glow.

Please give one to all Procinctan children on us.

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Maelstrom contacts Procincta, "We would like you to create a toy line of dragons that have eyes that glow green called the 'Dreamer' toy line. It should deliver a subliminal message to all children who play with it saying, "All your base belong to Druk Yul." when it roars."

Procinctia Armament is near always willing to expand our economic interest beyond merely just weapons of destruction. More to being an international juggernaut of industry than our ability to create quality instruments of death. Innovation is key to success and everyone knows that Procinctia Armament never hesitates in pushing boundaries of development. Ongoing spirit of innovation has allowed our transformation into the world's leading business-in-exile. Today our private armament company is transitioning into dangerous uncharted waters. . . the children's toy market! Obvious and logical transition from tools of warfare that so many great military-industrial-complex giants have somehow overlooked.

Procinctia Armament is beginning our children's industry with a fun innovative new product!

The 'Dreamer'

Line of dragons that have eyes that glowing a delightful green.

Roars with spirit of a dragon!

Playtime roars in flight by the dreamer's light. 

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Please give one to all Procinctan children on us.

Celebrating the 'Dreamer' line of dragon toys. . .

Procinctia Armament is giving out a free dragon to every child in Bear Islands' Nation of the Bear!

Sponsored by the very charitable nation of Druk Yul.

Unconditional charity from the kindness of their hearts.

We all care for well being of children of the bear.

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Sanrio Co., Ltd would enter discussions to expand the Procinctia Armament factories creating the Dreamer toys, the company having an eye for kawaii things that would sell in the Boutiques of Shinjuku.

Procinctia Armament is willing to give Sanrio Co., Ltd exclusive (regional) rights to Dreamer toy line throughout Imperium of Japan (and greater pacific rim) for $5,000,000,000 in platinum/gold/silver or 1/3 local profits. Playtime roars in flight by the dreamer's light. What's a little money for children's fun?

Edited by Generalissimo
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Procinctia Armament is willing to give Sanrio Co., Ltd exclusive (regional) rights to Dreamer toy line throughout Imperium of Japan (and greater pacific rim) for $5,000,000,000 in platinum/gold/silver or 1/3 local profits. Playtime roars in flight by the dreamer's light. What's a little money for children's fun?

"We can agree to $5,000,000,000 spread out over the period of 2 years, to be paid quarterly. As to providing power generation for your new facilities, Mitsubishi currently offers nuclear reactors that would provide more than enough power for your uses."

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  • 1 month later...


The American Commonwealth would like to order a Typhoon submarine hull in a cargo configuration and have it delivered to the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard where we intend to install our own power plant and systems.

Procinctia Armament has been stress testing our prototype for Typhoon hulls for ensuring both performance and durability before starting mass production of commercial transport submarines. We're committed to safety and functionality and unwilling to make compromises for sake of expediency. Constructing dedicated testing facilities and laboratories for equipment calibration have proven responsible for initial delays. We're holding over handing over the finished product until September 9th after the undersea trails of sister prototype for the American Commonwealth's order are completed. We built another Typhoon Transport merely to ensure quality of Commonwealth's new Typhoon Transport. 


Will be delivered tomorrow afternoon to Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.


Procinctia Armament invoice for Typhoon Transport hull in cargo configuration

Construction of Calibrations Laboratory: $114,000,000

Building a Secondary Testing Facility: $95,000,000

Constructing a Prototype Typhoon Transport: $2,000,000,000

Stress Testing Prototype Typhoon Transport: $100,000,000

Blowing up Prototype Typhoon Transport in Durability Test: $100,000

Cleaning up blown up Prototype Typhoon Transport: $80,000,000

Constructing American Commonwealth's Typhoon Transport: $1,000,000,000

Constructing sister vessel to American Commonwealth's Typhoon Transport:  $1,000,000,000

Testing vessel to American Commonwealth's Typhoon Transport: $9,000,000

Procinctia Armament  never adds cost plus

$1,500,000,000 for single Typhoon Transport hull in cargo configuration

First Order August Special Discount: -$500,000,000

American Commonwealth Discount: -$400,000,000

Final Price: $600,000,000

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It should deliver a subliminal message to all children who play with it saying, "All your base belong to Druk Yul." when it roars.

ROAR: luYkurD oTgnoleB esaBruoY llA  


"We can agree to $5,000,000,000 spread out over the period of 2 years, to be paid quarterly. As to providing power generation for your new facilities, Mitsubishi currently offers nuclear reactors that would provide more than enough power for your uses."

Procinctia Armament has accepted Sanrio Co., Ltd's incredibly reasonable offer.

Children throughout Asia shall have opportunities plenty to enjoy a wonderful toy.

Playtime roars in flight by the dreamer's light. 

Beyond our incredible joy in making smiles everywhere. . .

. . . we're also mildly interested how $5,000,000,000 platinum/gold/silver payment will be delivered.

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Procinctia Armament has been stress testing our prototype for Typhoon hulls for ensuring both performance and durability before starting mass production of commercial transport submarines. We're committed to safety and functionality and unwilling to make compromises for sake of expediency. Constructing dedicated testing facilities and laboratories for equipment calibration have proven responsible for initial delays. We're holding over handing over the finished product until September 9th after the undersea trails of sister prototype for the American Commonwealth's order are completed. We built another Typhoon Transport merely to ensure quality of Commonwealth's new Typhoon Transport. 


Will be delivered tomorrow afternoon to Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.


Procinctia Armament invoice for Typhoon Transport hull in cargo configuration

Construction of Calibrations Laboratory: $114,000,000

Building a Secondary Testing Facility: $95,000,000

Constructing a Prototype Typhoon Transport: $2,000,000,000

Stress Testing Prototype Typhoon Transport: $100,000,000

Blowing up Prototype Typhoon Transport in Durability Test: $100,000

Cleaning up blown up Prototype Typhoon Transport: $80,000,000

Constructing American Commonwealth's Typhoon Transport: $1,000,000,000

Constructing sister vessel to American Commonwealth's Typhoon Transport:  $1,000,000,000

Testing vessel to American Commonwealth's Typhoon Transport: $9,000,000

Procinctia Armament  never adds cost plus

$1,500,000,000 for single Typhoon Transport hull in cargo configuration

First Order August Special Discount: -$500,000,000

American Commonwealth Discount: -$400,000,000

Final Price: $600,000,000

Full payment would be rendered immediately and the new hull taken into possession with work commencing immediately.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OOC: CNRP1 and 2

Wojtek Training Nearly Complete, Nation with "Baby Fever"


Previously in recent times, billionaire Pierre Javilosay bought three prototype Wojtek bears from Procintia Armaments. After growing bored, Pierre donated his bears to the Army, which is now pleased to report to the public today that their training has gone along very smoothly and positively.

Well, for 2 of them that is.

Annie, the third and female member of the trio of bears, is currently expecting her first cub with her mate, the complicatedly named "Omissilareneg", and one of the two other Wojteks. She is currently on Maternity leave. This has sparked numerous selfies with fellow service members within the Madagascar Armed Forces with Annie. A military wide baby-shower is being planned for next month

*Classified to Executive Level* 

Nobody knows exactly what results from breeding two. Procinctia Armament wasn't brave suicidal enough to investigate it. Bears were already breed for intelligence to serve as capable artillery logistical support in manner of the original Wojtek. In general they often proved smarter smarter than the average bear. Procinctia Armament failed to anticipate customers actually breeding them; particularly outside controlled laboratory environment. Ursidae of eugenically selected greatest intelligence producing offspring with Ursidae of eugenically selected greatest intelligence. . . the result could be a new type of monstrosity. Worst case scenario could be a terrifying bear apocalypse  :o A select cadre of most loyal theorists would begin planning for mankind's inevitable and certain decline. 

Madagascar's lack of prudence has doomed us all!


Behold the harbinger of mankind's impending doom! Doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!

Edited by Generalissimo
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*Classified to Executive Level* 

Nobody knows exactly what results from breeding two. Procinctia Armament wasn't brave suicidal enough to investigate it. Bears were already breed for intelligence to serve as capable artillery logistical support in manner of the original Wojtek. In general they often proved smarter smarter than the average bear. Procinctia Armament failed to anticipate customers actually breeding them; particularly outside controlled laboratory environment. Ursidae of eugenically selected greatest intelligence producing offspring with Ursidae of eugenically selected greatest intelligence. . . the result could be a new type of monstrosity. Worst case scenario could be a terrifying bear apocalypse  :o A select cadre of most loyal theorists would begin planning for mankind's inevitable and certain decline. 

Madagascar's lack of prudence has doomed us all!


Behold the harbinger of mankind's impending doom! Doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!


OOC: I nearly died from how adorable that is. Currently being treated in hospital for Acute D'awww Syndrome




The Madagascar Armed Forces would send several photos and a "Your Invited!" card to all executives in Procinctia Armaments, inviting them to the "Welcome to the World" birthday party for newborn Wojtek, named Odin (named after the noise his father made when he popped out). Part of the Birthday Celebrations will be baby Odin's formal inauguration into the Madagascar Armed forces, starting of course at the lowest rank of E-1.

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Bear Islands' Nation of the Bear has ordered 440 Convair F2Y Sea Darts from Procinctia Armament

Bear Islands' Nation of the Bear Configuration

Armament: 4 × 20 mm cannon2 AIM-7 Sparrows (or 2 AIM-9 Sidewinders)

Modifications: all unguided rocket hardpoints removed

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Bear Islands' Nation of the Bear has ordered 50 Saunders-Roe SR.A/1, fighter configuration, from Procinctia Armament.

Armament: 4 AIM-7 Sparrows 

ModificationsRaytheon AN/APG-63 radar, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems AN/ALQ-131 electronic countermeasures pod, Raytheon AN/APX-119 Identify Friend/Foe interrogator, Magnavox AN/ALQ-128 Electronic Warfare Warning Set Loral AN/ALR-56 Radar warning receiver (RWR)

Countermessures: Marconi AN/ALE-45 Chaff/Flares dispenser system

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