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Warning to Nations


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Hello All,


This is Rotavele speaking. I would like to request for all non-neutral nations to begin preparations for war. Do not begin tech deal cancellations yet. Just make sure to start saving a bit. 


Further announcements will come soon and drama festivities will rage. Just thought i'd give everyone a friendly heads up.


Love. Peace, and Hairgrease,



P.S. I am back active for a bit. ;D

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An ideological war on neutrality? I think you're going to need more numbers.


No? That would be dumb. 


Time to start plans on that.

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I wouldn't go that far, but there's quite a bit left in the way of one. End of summer at least, IMO.


It may not even bring war, hopefully just drama and activity. That depends on the involved part(ies).


So a physical war on neutrality then? I like it. :)

Keep me informed.


I was basically saying Non-Neutrals to be obvious about how neutrals wouldn't be in the war (Obviously) however "All nations should prepare for war" sounds too cliche.

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I was basically saying Non-Neutrals to be obvious about how neutrals wouldn't be in the war (Obviously) however "All nations should prepare for war" sounds too cliche.

Oh, okay. Normally people don't warn all sides to prepare for war. I mean, you're on one of those sides, right? Or are you an uninvolved party sticking their nose where it doesn't belong? :P

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I thought we were all prepared for war to start on every day of the week. You know, just in case things get hinky.


Hmm not most alliances.


Oh, okay. Normally people don't warn all sides to prepare for war. I mean, you're on one of those sides, right? Or are you an uninvolved party sticking their nose where it doesn't belong? :P


I don't know if I am or not yet and I always have my nose where it doesn't belong. You should see the stuff they're saying on the MI6 boards right now. It's Intense.


Si vis pacem, para bellum.


Praebibo butyrum catholicum  :ehm:

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Seriously guise. You only have like 111/250* of the top 250 nations. The other 139 are definitely going to unite together to take you down. Don't you know DBDC does \m/-style raiding? All of their victims are now doombirds.



* 39 in GPA, 38 in WTF, 13 in Pax, 3 in TDO, 10 in RotR, and  8 in OBR. Those are the only neutrals I can remember off the top of my head.

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Neutrals & MI6. This speculation is exciting me and interesting. So close, yet so far.  :D


The first clue will come in the form of a riddle shortly.



Seriously guise. You only have like 111/250* of the top 250 nations. The other 139 are definitely going to unite together to take you down. Don't you know DBDC does \m/-style raiding? All of their victims are now doombirds.



* 39 in GPA, 38 in WTF, 13 in Pax, 3 in TDO, 10 in RotR, and  8 in OBR. Those are the only neutrals I can remember off the top of my head.

DBDC would never hit the neutrals. They would be slaughtered. They'd run out of nukes, and money far before the neutrals. DBDC only hits alliances with few high tier nations and few high tiered nation allies. If the neutral organized together, they'd be able to defend themselves.
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Hey Rey - shit like these Rota posts are a small part in why we in upper NSO gov didn't want to entertain your Echelon treaty talk ideas while you were bawwing through our boards about how they "changed and are worthy of a Sith treaty" just "because they practically let you raid them" .. Not because of "grudges" rooted in the fact that many of us just simply don't like many of them either ..

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Also despite my previous war like behavior, this one might not result in war, however it will be fun information to learn about a certain alliance(s).


EDIT: To be fair though, I thought the TOP leak would bring war and lost hope until months later until it did. So I never know with my info. Also this time I did not do anything but gather the information from a few good sources. So this will be the first time I didn't spy ;D. 

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Hey Rey - !@#$ like these Rota posts are a small part in why we in upper NSO gov didn't want to entertain your Echelon treaty talk ideas while you were bawwing through our boards about how they "changed and are worthy of a Sith treaty" just "because they practically let you raid them" .. Not because of "grudges" rooted in the fact that many of us just simply don't like many of them either ..

And shit like you taking Rota seriously as if he were Tela -- as well as public callouts for...what reason?-- are why MI6 is laughing at you.
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MI6 laughing at us? Oh darn. Your attempt to hurt my feelings on the matter have been largely successful. I must retreat to Moldavistadt quickly and ponder my next move while I dig up a box of tissues.





MI6 is welcome to build up to and make any moves they desire towards us. We've done nothing to provoke them while they're currently trying with that little IRC channel crap. They're making sovereign choices (assuming; I suppose they could possibly very well be someone's little toy at the moment poking us at someone else's behest); that's something NSO fully supports (it's the spirit behind the Moldavi Doctrine). Weak pokes, but pokes none-the-less.


If only we signed Echelon, then we'd be safe.

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