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ODN Election Results

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Our members have voted, the ballots are all in, and democracy has triumphed yet again. Thus, I have the honor of presenting the ODN Government for term LIX

Secretary General: OsRavan

Assistant Secretary General: eZe
Secretary of the Interior: Badpoet
Secretary of Economics: PeachesIII
Secretary of Defense: masterofwind
Secretary of State: Zaxon

Senate LIX:

Aristotle, Bucovina, Carson, Hawspiper, Stealthypenguin93


A lot of new faces this term.  In fact, other than eZe at ASG, each secretary spot has a different face than they did last term!  Peaches, who helped lead the ODN rebuilding effort is taking over Econ.  Badpoet, long a key behind the scenes figure in Interior is stepping to the help and taking over.   In State, Zaxon our long time secretary of defense is switching hats and taking over our FA initiative, while in Defense masterofwind steps up to fill Zaxon's large shoes.  In the senate, we likewise have a nice mix of newcomers and old hands.  Stealthy and Bucovina were re-elected to the senate, and are joined by Haws and Carson who have returned to senatorial service after taking breaks.  They are joined by newcomer Aristotle, one of ODNs most promising up and comers!


Overall a good team, and I think we can expect great things from everyone this coming term.

Congratulations everyone!

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Welcome back, OsRavan. :P

Congratulations to ODN's new/returning government members for term LIX! :)

Edited by Kurdanak
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