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A...! :O DECLARATION!!! ...of waaaar?! \o?

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Paul, you were better off just shutting up the entire post. Obviously you were aware that I had no intentions of attacking anybody and was waiting to see what you guys called a "fair war." Also before running that fat mouth some more I'm certain you are aware that I contacted HD about 2 days ago about canceling the treaty. Sometimes just sometimes Paul you should honestly shut up and let the cards play out. Jesus dude

my point was that who were you going to hit? Clearly not your treaty partners or friends in warriors. So unless you intended to sit the entire round that leaves either hellas, wd, op, tpc or catharsis and like I said in my post bombuator and samwise know the same and acted preemptedly.
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Why would I be crying when I'm enjoying the war. All I see is you lot crying at me because I'm calling out all your bs and lying about this so called "legit war." At least OP knows theirs is bs and ain't blatantly lying about it. You ain't fooling anyone but !@#$ me right for calling out your bs.

You're right. It's our fault Skaro can't defend themselves. Nobody should ever declare on them again. Let's let them build all round and after we're at war they declare war on us when it's convenient for them. That makes perfect sense.

If I recall correctly this all started when one of you started to post how bad war chest levels are in Skaro, all of which underlines what a poor war choice this was.

Our fault again. You guys should be given special treatment. Perhaps pm admin for special peace mode options for Skaro?

Everyone knows Skaro isn't a elite alliance nor does it try to be. You looked for weaker targets so you'd take as minimal damage as possible so you'd have the opportunity to get bigger than other elite AA's and have a shot at beating them.
That was honorable of Skaro to help friends getting utterly rolled and annihilated. Obviously you see it differently.

1. Yes, Skaro does try to be. They try to ally anyone they can and recruit as much as they can just to achieve the #1 spot in the game.
2. No, I didn't look for weaker targets. I wasn't looking at any other options to hit other than Skaro for all the previously mentioned reasons. But thanks for calling my AA elite. That was nice of you. :)
3. Warriors and Misfits volunteered themselves for that war. But c'mon. Give credit where credit is due. Warriors and Misfits put up a good fight. Don't dishonor them like you're doing with Skaro by saying they're defenseless noobs too.
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The problem is you guys assume misfits are seeking "revenge" so strike first than you just end up pissing me off more with these stupid arguments. I don't find this war the most appealing and it's obvious it was setup to benefit the other alliances. Anybody can tell you that, but I was just going to let it roll over and move on. Figured you would have caught on with us not declaring early that we had no intentions to. Once again Paul you and your friends "assume" things without giving it the benefit of the doubt I was planning to move on from this childish act. So let me be clear here. I'm over the stupid grudges for the remainder of the round OP HELLAS AND WAR DOVES ARE ODD MY AGENDA. Not like we could give you a decent fight after these raids....

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Your continued personal insults and your cowardice as regards your treaty partners has engendered me a disgust I cannot for long ignore. Consider yourself on notice.

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The problem is you guys assume misfits are seeking "revenge" so strike first than you just end up pissing me off more with these stupid arguments. I don't find this war the most appealing and it's obvious it was setup to benefit the other alliances. Anybody can tell you that, but I was just going to let it roll over and move on. Figured you would have caught on with us not declaring early that we had no intentions to. Once again Paul you and your friends "assume" things without giving it the benefit of the doubt I was planning to move on from this childish act. So let me be clear here. I'm over the stupid grudges for the remainder of the round OP HELLAS AND WAR DOVES ARE ODD MY AGENDA. Not like we could give you a decent fight after these raids....

I dont have any friends ask anyone.
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fact of the matter is that there are fewer AAs and numbers in TE so these "bad" wars will likely continue as long as AAs continue to pidgeon hole themselves to certain AAs sla Skaro and Misfits with their friendship treaties. So by doing these things who would Skaro and Misfits hit but these two or OP? Then people act surprised that intelligent leaders serve their AAs best interest by striking first.


Because LoNN and Della Luna were doing that right?

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Funny you say that, why don't you guys throw misfits a legit war and talk to me. Seems to me you have to find a way to put the tables completely in your favor when declaring on us. Not to mention you are too much of cowards to hit anybody as the same NS as you. You guys talk the talk and never walk the walk. You post in these forums like you are so "elite" but the !@#$%^&* just keeps feeding out. Auctor, your stupidity blows my mind every time. What are you 15?

Misfits are dropping the treaty because you guys said its against the invisible book of rules for CN TE that you guys created. I believe that book also says Hellas, war doves, and OP have treaties that just aren't public but that's totally legit. No wonder TE is dying out and it took me so long to even become half interested in putting the time into it. Maybe if you guys would let people play the game the way they would like to without making up rules and curb stomping those that went outside of these "rules"


I've warred Misfits from considerably less ns and a much smaller aa.  Misfits collapsed when a 2 day wc was exposed as dumb planning, and high for the average member.  If you really want, go ahead and ask me to do it again for a round.  So far I saw no reason to, and ignored your first round of comments but won't forever.

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It's planned to happen, just piecing the final part together. It's not the fact of Paul knowing any part of it. It's the fact of him spitting words out about misfits. Like dude I'm trying to forget things and move on. Why is he even referring to skaro and misfits hitting together, if I recall we are still our own AA. You guys took treaties a bit too far and look at us more as a whole alliance. "Intelligent leaders" a week ago I could have spied nukes from just about every Hellas member. I think if I wanted to strike I would have done so when necessary. Look at our building difference? Why do you think you have bigger war chest? We built for defense, you built for financial success. Honestly misfits would have rolled a good portion of you after the first week or so just because we built completely opposite. We decided to be the bigger man and take a step back and you guys are still here assuming we are out to get you guys. Sorry but we are looking to get this game back on the right pace. (Obviously OP is with their lovely curbstomp on NLON, which by the way we got curbstomped by the TE police for the exact same thing) you guys are such severe hypocrites it's insane.


You could have spied nukes away from me until about 5 minutes before I declared on you, I'm surprised no one did start spying them really. But if we want to go into personal insults, how just how did you lose 2 GAs against me AFTER Integral GAed me twice AFTER he nuked me. I had 2K soldiers left at most, and you managed to fail that hard. 


Funny you say that, why don't you guys throw misfits a legit war and talk to me. Seems to me you have to find a way to put the tables completely in your favor when declaring on us. Not to mention you are too much of cowards to hit anybody as the same NS as you. You guys talk the talk and never walk the walk. You post in these forums like you are so "elite" but the !@#$%^&* just keeps feeding out. Auctor, your stupidity blows my mind every time. What are you 15?

Misfits are dropping the treaty because you guys said its against the invisible book of rules for CN TE that you guys created. I believe that book also says Hellas, war doves, and OP have treaties that just aren't public but that's totally legit. No wonder TE is dying out and it took me so long to even become half interested in putting the time into it. Maybe if you guys would let people play the game the way they would like to without making up rules and curb stomping those that went outside of these "rules"


We did throw Misfits quite a legit war, if you knew how to fight a bit better. The war isn't won for us totally, you guys can still win I'm just not going to tell you how. 


Well, unless you are this guy  


To: bombuator    From: Nuclear tech 2    Date: 2/18/2014 10:13:32 AM

Subject: peace 


Message: I will decom my last nuke if I get peace now.
Not that I care if he decoms his last nuke, he is a member of your government though.

my point was that who were you going to hit? Clearly not your treaty partners or friends in warriors. So unless you intended to sit the entire round that leaves either hellas, wd, op, tpc or catharsis and like I said in my post bombuator and samwise know the same and acted preemptedly.


Misfits had to hit Hellas, we were practically a perfect match NS/ANS/Nukes so why shouldn't we have some fun with friends and get the upper hand in the war?


The problem is you guys assume misfits are seeking "revenge" so strike first than you just end up pissing me off more with these stupid arguments. I don't find this war the most appealing and it's obvious it was setup to benefit the other alliances. Anybody can tell you that, but I was just going to let it roll over and move on. Figured you would have caught on with us not declaring early that we had no intentions to. Once again Paul you and your friends "assume" things without giving it the benefit of the doubt I was planning to move on from this childish act. So let me be clear here. I'm over the stupid grudges for the remainder of the round OP HELLAS AND WAR DOVES ARE ODD MY AGENDA. Not like we could give you a decent fight after these raids....

You don't have to be going after revenge to start a war, out of targets that could be attacked we were most likely. We assume likely situations and destroy them as a threat beforehand.


I dont have any friends ask anyone.


I hate Paul, but I  :wub:  Samwise. 



Because LoNN and Della Luna were doing that right?


Adude, asking the tough questions.


That is a sad gif.


Yes it is, and this is a long post.

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                                A Death Wish has Overtaken our senses!......  (Emoticons taken away to make more Room...) We NEED moar EMOTICONS!!!  :psyduck:  :facepalm:



          Sammy... You'll get what your wishes wants.... I know you wanted all of this not for Revenge... just for Pure Fun... We'll like to Help you,man... SKARO's  Ship is just  nearing a Dove's /Rat home nest close to you...!


I love you for not giving DT the ability to speak for SKARO!
Also mentioning me? I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Best of luck!



          I am Happy to make you fuzzy and Warm,Der... We'll keep you that way as much as possible...! :lol1: 



I'm just OTHERS? How can this be! 



        Sorry Bomb... maybe is your company this time... !?!


I never said I speak for Skaro nor will I. Skaro is managed exceptionally well and HD is a good leader that treats everyone with respect. I just like calling others out on their bs.



I also agree this fact is signature worthy :smug:




       That's exactly RIGHT...  ALL of IT !!! :lol1:

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blah blah blah poor skaro, poor skaro. we can't defend ourselves and it's all your fault.
So far all I've seen is WD's declaring opportunist wars and I'm a hypocrite because Skaro did the same thing last round.

[sarcasm]You really make Skaro look good.[/sarcasm] Edited by Samwise
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Yes it is your fault! You declared the wars, You chose the targets. Everyone who isn't a blithering tool knew it was going to end up that way pretty fast. This is basically an implicit admission you picked a crap war, just like OP did but at least OP isn't blatantly lying about their intentions.

You are literally using "Skaro sucks and everyone knows it, so it's not our fault!" as an arguing point. There are 26 members of Skaro (including your leader) who can still declare wars, most of which are in either no wars relating to our war here at all. Get your !@#$ together as any competent alliance would and you can easily put up a respectable fight. And please do so ASAP, because this is simply an embarrassment on Skaro's part - an embarrassment that is only made worse by your posting.

P.S. Please put together a logical, reasonable response to this instead of just name calling or saying that I'm not worth your time. Edited by Kurdanak
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You are literally using "Skaro sucks and everyone knows it, so it's not our fault!" as an arguing point. There are 26 members of Skaro (including your leader) who can still declare wars, most of which are in either no wars relating to our war here at all. Get your !@#$ together as any competent alliance would and you can easily put up a respectable fight. And please do so ASAP, because this is simply an embarrassment on Skaro's part - an embarrassment that is only made worse by your posting.

No, those are your words not mine so quit trying to say they're mine. I said Skaro is not as experienced as many are new nations and just want to learn the game. I've given many Daleks advice so I know how new many are to the game. If you wanted to fight a well known competent alliance then their are many who you could have hit but we all know why you didn't. I'm sure one of those alliances will show you true competence and make you look incompetent to.

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No, those are your words not mine so quit trying to say they're mine. I said Skaro is not as experienced as many are new nations and just want to learn the game. I've given many Daleks advice so I know how new many are to the game. If you wanted to fight a well known competent alliance then their are many who you could have hit but we all know why you didn't. I'm sure one of those alliances will show you true competence and make you look incompetent to.

Good for them for wanting to learn the game, but they're apparently in the wrong place for that. The majority of our membership is also new, and yet they know how to click a few buttons and declare war. You should teach your new members that and take advantage of your nation count advantage. Skaro could seriously swarm us right now - any experienced or inexperienced player should be able to clearly see that.
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Good for them for wanting to learn the game, but they're apparently in the wrong place for that. The majority of our membership is also new, and yet they know how to click a few buttons and declare war. You should teach your new members that and take advantage of your nation count advantage. Skaro could seriously swarm us right now - any experienced or inexperienced player should be able to clearly see that.

I think some people just take this game more seriously than others but I don't really care what other Daleks are doing but I know I'm wrecking all 6 nations I'm at war with and that is all I care about.





When do we kick Daenerys?

As soon as you've done more damage than me.

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As soon as you've done more damage than me.

Sorry Rayan, but I think it's impossible to outmatch the damage Daenerys has done to Skaro's reputation. Edited by Kurdanak
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Hey bomb, maybe you should look over my wars and tell me? Considering all 3 of you hold more infra than me. I can only attack so many with GA before my soldier count is too low to do much for me. Also ask the game mechanics, you might get a better response.

Skaros top nation isn't even at war :(. Jesus do I even want to look more into how many wars they can declare...

Even better
Well crap maybe I need to pay more attention. 2 of my own guys aren't even at war. :(. My apologies, my life is a bit busy so I don't get into the details at the fullest....be right back got some yelling to do.

Edited by yung flow
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