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Clarification of IC/OOC boundary


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This is clarification announcement from the Green Protection Agency (GPA) regarding the issue addressed in this thread. The issue addressed is Out-Of-Character (OOC), while the GPA is an In-Character (IC) organization.

1. We cannot restrain our members from posting in the game's Suggestion Box nor support any stance against players who pressure other players from using the suggestions box, because that is OOC, not IC. OOC-ly, jerdge is <whatever his real name is>, and the GPA does not exist. As such, jerdge's sentiments and stances regarding the aforementioned issue are his, not the GPA's.

2. Like any other alliance, we are sworn to protect our members from in-game attacks. Therefore, we will defend any of our members against any in-game attacks.

GPA Minister of Foreign Affairs
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