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A Royal Announcement


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A Royal Ariana Grande Empire Announcement


Buckaroo has admitted a willingness to see peace, and based upon his application to IRON, I have with great mercy offered peace to Buckaroo, and hope to see him flourish in IRON. unfortunately IRON government currently available was unwilling to sign peace, so this is a unilateral peace agreement that the Empire hopes IRON will uphold. I am no longer representing Rey since I had no control over him in the first place, should IRON wish to see buckaroo achieve peace in that war, they should contact Rey and find something they can agree on, should this be unpalatable I am willing to represent Rey in said future peace discussions.


In other News, the Empire is seeking new flag designs, and is willing to pay for flag designs deemed worthy for the Empire, the only terms are the flag needs to include the visage of our Queen.


Oh and 3% has lost half it's NS so far, make no mistake boys and girls, when the Empire comes for you we will bury you.


Oh, and edit 2: I am at currently at war with R&R due to their unfortunate entry against my Coalition mates over at Paradoxia.


Edit3: SUN and 3% have accepted peace, The Empire considered matters with 3% closed.


Signed for Royal Ariana Grande Empire:

Mogar, Emperor of the Empire, Minister of Mogar Affairs, Minister of Attention, CN's Psychologist, Captain Planet Emeritus, First!, Master of Amsging, Banned for your Sins,
All Around Nice Guy


Signed for Independent Republic of Orange Nations:

Nobody, they're jerks.

Edited by Mogar
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Unrelated, but:

To: Mogar    From: Genesis    Date: 12/15/2013 11:30:07 PM

Subject: Spy Operation Attack
Message: A spy operation has been launched against your nation. The attacking spies were given the following order: Gather Intelligence. In the attack your counter intelligence systems prevailed and managed to thwart the attack. Your counter spies managed to kill 20 enemy spies.
To: Mogar    From: NoTrueScotsman    Date: 12/15/2013 11:46:53 PM

Subject: Spy Operation Attack
Message: A spy operation has been launched against your nation. The attacking spies were given the following order: Gather Intelligence. In the attack your counter intelligence systems prevailed and managed to thwart the attack. Your counter spies managed to kill 2 enemy spies.

The Empire's Intelligence agencies are far more skilled than yours RnR, you will not win that battle.

Edited by Mogar
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I pray the Empire never comes for Polar.... Your strength is simply magnificent to behold.

Polaris and Dajobo have been gracious in our dealings, and the Empire shall continue to stand for the side of good and righteousness that Polar represents.


Oh, was this a DoW against R&R?


I was wondering when you'd get around to that, silly me.

Sometimes I honestly forget what I was even originally intending on posting, it just kinda flows out of me, it's a gift really.


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down with RnR!



We have Kata's support, what else could I possibly ask for this war?




It's sad to see RAGE getting rolled, but on the other hand their current leader is inane and drove them down a dark path.

The Empire does not get rolled, we do the rolling, I've taken down two alliances so far this week, I have no issues continuing the trend for opponents of the Empire.



Peace in our time! :-)


On to war! :nuke:

We thank all members of the Polar Coalition for their continued support, happy hunting out there, we still have a few more points to go to beat the GRL record! This war has been incredibly fun for me so far, I am hopeful R&R will provide much needed entertainment for me.


Edited by Mogar
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So apart from TOP's lapdogs, we also get to fight their laphamster?



Cool. Have fun.

I consider myself to be a Rabbit of Caerbannog personally, I have already in my great wisdom and kindness offered peace to Huskers190 after he showed a willingness for peace with the Empire, let this be an important lesson to R&R, I'm Mogar the Merciful.





Go get some RAGE! The single most respectable alliance going

coolest kids on the bloc for sure.



I don't ... what?

Rather than Individual threads, I figured I should post 2 peace declarations and a war declaration, and also my desire for a new flag all in one thread, geez Ogaden its like you want to destroy the environment or something!

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R&R, you guys know I love you, but please tread carefully. RAGE is not an entity that you should take lightly.

I am Mogar the Merciful, R&R has already accepted the war is lost for them, it is only a matter of when they decide to say uncle.



down with kapital letters as well D:



down with everything! destroy the establishment!



I'd fly your flag, Mogar.

I am certain the entire world would, and what a wonderful world we would wondrously live in.


(I couldn't think of any more w words)

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