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Tech seller, large nations only

Khalid ibn alWalid

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I sell tech at 100T/9M*, offer** made 10 days after having received  $.

If you receive the aid offer at day 11, you will get 200 free tech.

If you receive the tech at day 12 or later, you will receive 500 free tech.


*: I have returning (and happy) customers, feel free to contact them.

**: Due to the possibility of multiple offers at the same day, the actual tech transfer may be a day or so later, but it's the offer date that counts (as you know).


PM me in game if interested, slots opens on oct 14.



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Once you've sent out 18M and received no tech whatsoever, you'll reconsider.


Editted to add:

For a 14k infra nation making 20M/day, there's no difference between sending out 6M or 9M once every 20 days.  Dealing with me just saves them some headache chasing their tech.

Edited by Khalid ibn alWalid
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Wow, you even charge your own alliance these horrible rates? Some team player you are. Your aid slots are full though so good for you.

One of my alliance buyers offered me double $ for 100tech, I said thanks, but 9/100 is ok.

Anyway, pity for your alliance's small nations  being crippled in their growth because you don't want to pay 3M extra every 20 days while making 15M/day.


Okay, I got another slot covered, and have one open tomorrow, PM me in game :)

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