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We Lighteth Upon our Camels - NDO DOE

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The New Desolate Order Declares our Existence for Round 27!


As the vultures hear the stirring within the trinitite-glass deserts of Planet Steve, they raise their heads to see us bearing hard upon our camels.  The harsh sunlight bathes the cactus in a healthy glow that we know all too well will be replaced by the glow of a thousand suns, the ironic form of mushrooms that would never grow without water, born of smoke and radiation instead.  Light to be replaced by the darkness beneath the shrouds of nuclear fire.  In this temporary reprieve of natural harmony before the fires begin to burn, we etch the names of our leaders, our scimitars at our sides, and our Camel Turkish Royals lit.






Nick GhostWolf


Minister of Defense

Irish Republic


Minister of Internal Affairs



Minister of Foreign Affairs



Our forums are located as a subforum on the New Polar Order Forums, where you may join us or apply for foreign diplomatic access.  Our IRC channel is #sahara on irc.coldfront.net



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