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It was a fair day in Ottawa, the first days of autumn. Though leaves already had started to change colour, the day was not too cold and many would find enjoyment in taking strolls through the streets, or outside Ottawa in the woods and fields, watching the nature and the fields that had already been harvested and were now clear.


At Rideau Hall however, the day was overshadowed by events that came unexpected and which could prove disastrous. Communications with the great neighbour in the West had become sparse, to the point that a few days prior, it seemed as if the Hudson Bay Federation had cut all ties with the Realm. Given the fact that the Federation had been one of the three most reliable allies of Faraway, as well as the fact that they did share a common history as Canadians, an internal crisis was not only disastrous for the stability of North America (a stability that had relied to a great extent on the diplomatic skill and leadership of a country that had most likely the least amount of people in North America after Newfoundland and Labrador), but it was a matter of concern over a people that were seen as brothers and sisters, seperated only by a border and certain differences in ideology. And while the Realm even had at various times drawn up plans for the case of war with the American Commonwealth (which were mostly abandonned or archived due to the political and financial costs involved), the Hudson Bay Federation was a different case and the oldest contingency plan was one that mostly featured the scenario of the Hudson Bay Federation assisting the Western Union in a Schlieffen Plan scenario to invade Quebec via Sleepy Hollow, prompting the intervention by Faraway, to fight a defensive war in Sleepy Hollow. Not only did the plan have little regard for what would happen beyond Sleepy Hollow, it was overall outdated, with most countries no longer existing and all the countries in question united either in the Hudson Bay Federation in the West, or the Faraway Realm in the East. Afterwards, no plan was ever made again...


Until this day. Within one night, an emergency session was held by the entire Ontario Military High Command to work out the greatest operation the Faraway Realm had undertaken during its entire existence. And while Operation Theodore was a plan noone ever wanted, it was a sad necessity, to avoid a West canadian crisis, to beat down any opportunism by extremist elements.


Public Announcement by the Faraway Crown


Our heart is filled with sadness and we mourn for what we lost today, as it is my sad duty, to inform the people of my Realm and of the World, that our longstanding ally and friend, the Hudson Bay Federation has entered a severe internal crisis that seems to border anarchy. In accordance to the longstanding policy of the North American nations to uphold stability and order on our continent and out of the duty we have towards our fellow Canadians, the Faraway Realm is hereby proclaiming the Northwest Special Administration Territory (NSAT) which will extent over all the lands of the fallen Hudson Bay Federation in North America. Similarly, we declare the Cuba Special Administration Territory (CSAT) over the island of Cuba and associated islands that were held by the Hudson Bay Federation. Both these Special Administration Territories will be established with the mission to prevent the breakdown of order, to ensure continued peace, stability and security of person and property for the citizens that live within the borders of the former Hudson Bay Federation. All Special Administration Territories are governed by a joint authority of the Council of American Affairs until such a time that the Council has come to a conclusion on the final settlement in regards to the future of the territories.





Quickly the Northern Army would cross the border to occupy the remnants of the Federation. Supported by paratroopers to quickly reach places as far away as Prince Rupert, they would mostly seize the administration and ensure the continued operation of the state apparatus. Flags of the HBF were for now kept flying to respect the former ally and the sentiments of the population that was after all still Canadian.


In the South, Royal Marines would seize Cuba and establish a new civil authority similar to the one in Western Canada.


In both cases, the military would also await elements of the American Commonwealth, that, after all, was also part of the Council of American Affairs and which as fellow ally and friend did share the rights and duties of the Faraway Realm in regards to this disaster.

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Military Dispatch from the Empire of Tianxia:


The Empire will not interfere in broader annexations, but reminds Faraway respectfully to maintain a healthy distance from its borders to include the areas around Guantanomo Bay Naval Base and the Alaskan Border.  We remind it of our long standing policies regarding access to the Pacific.


Imperial General Staff

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Receiving word of the Hudson Bay Federation's collapse, American Commonwealth forces were rapidly mobilized to deploy to its former ally.  Emphasis would be placed on securing military facilities and weapons storage sites along with utilities and government buildings.  Airborne and airmobile troops would move to seize targets further away from the border to maintain a tight schedule.  More discreetly, a large special forces operation would find itself heading to a a secret prison facility in the northwest territories, securing it and its contents, notably the Northern Imperium war criminals and the instigators of the Madison crisis who would be duly moved to new maximum security accommodations at Fort Leavenworth.  200,000 troops would be deployed to the Northwest Special Administration Territory.  In the Caribbean, two marine divisions and an airborne division would move into Cuba alongside faraway forces to establish the Cuba Special Administration Territory. 

Edited by MostGloriousLeader
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Confidential reply to the Empire of Tianxia


The Faraway Realm recognises the Tianxian posessions in the Americas and respects your policies. Apart from military police and medical staff no military personal shall come too close to your installations, and even these will be replaced eventually by civil personal, once the infrastructure is operating properly again. Additionally we trust the Empire to provide for the security of the Pacific, making it unnecessary to contribute any naval assets to Prince Rupert.


With regards,

Ontario Military High Command

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Former Federation officials would detail bits and pieces of classified materials that were closely guarded without exact knowledge to it's former allies.  In all, the current technological programs both commercial and defense related would find their way into the proper allied channels.


Both Faraway and the American Commonwealth would be secretly informed of FSA secret locations, including the official holding place of Northern Imperium war criminals by ex-FSA agents and officials.


In the interim, the government of the Hudson Bay Federation at the federal level ceased to exist as Chancellor Jordan Brady took upon his yacht into the great Pacific Ocean on his annual sailing vacation and was never sighted again... leaving no true successor behind.

OOC:  Unfortunately, I don't have any time in the foreseeable future for RP.  I'll be lurking around though.

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Once word of the Hudson Bay collapse reached Shasta City, Californian officials immediately opened a line with coalition forces.


The Republic of California offers its military assistance in the British Columbia, Yukon, and Northwest Territories areas.


Californian forces would remain respectful of the Alaskan and Russian borders, as always, and operate within the same Rules of Engagement as the rest of the Coalition forces.

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The collapse of Mexico's parent nation, the Hudson Bay Federation, floored Mexican Foreign Affairs officials. Midst sobbing secretaries and incoherent aghast proclamations, the Foreign Affairs Ministry would declare a week of national mourning. The Hudson Bay Federation helped contribute to Mexican restoration in the first place, and it would be sorely missed following its collapse.


Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Valcoste would contact the American Commonwealth and Faraway governments through secure channels offering military assistance in regards to Cuba.

Edited by Scofield
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Although we are saddened to see a ally such as the Hudson Bay to collapse like this, we are glad that our friends of Faraway are doing what they can to keep the Canadian region stable.  We trust that Faraway can keep the region stable and secure for as long as needed, and should you need it, we will be more than glad to help you keep the region that once was the Hudson Bay Federation and its waters secure by offering our coast guard and a few troops, should you need them.

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Confidential replies would be sent back to California and Newfoundland and Labrador, stating that while the Faraway Realm took note of the willingness to assist in this operation, such assistence seemed unecessary, as the local population made no problems and the combined forces of Commonwealth and faraway were enough to deal with the situation. Indeed, while the Commonwealth forces and faraway had already taken steps towards greater standardisation in the past and while the two had operated side by side in the past, it would be far harder to integrate a new third force into the mission that would have little experience in working with the forces already present. The message would finally thank California/Newfoundland and Labrador for their consideration and offer of help and would be signed by the Minister of the Exterior, Hanobel Hazelwood.


Same would be done for the Mexicans in Cuba.


The information provided by the FSA would be evaluated and archived by the Second Section and the Royal Faraway Messenger Corps. While Royal Higher Police officers looked for the perpetrators of the Madison crisis, they were nowhere to be found. A secret order would go out that should they ever be found, they were to be fusilladed without trial.

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Stocks of former HBF military equipment have been secured and are in the process transferred to secure storage facilities in the Commonwealth.  Weapons, vehicles, munitions, aircraft; anything not being used by Commonwealth or Faraway peacekeepers would be sent under heavy security, especially the nuclear weapons stockpile.  Incorporating HBF nuclear weapons into the Commonwealth's arsenal was considered but deemed unnecessary and costly.  Instead they would be dismantled and turned into nuclear fuel at the Pantex Plant, which would be expanded to accommodate its new needed capacity.

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