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Collection failed?


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Friday the 20th was my 24th day inactive. I collected shortly before the server turnover but caught the "Cybernations is busy" message on the way out. Logging back in today my nation ([url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=290260]Gehenna[/url]) was deleted, did my collection fail to go through due to server load?


I've been playing CN since launch, the only time I haven't was when the NPO ordered me to delete my nation and quit playing before Admin stepped in and said that was inappropriate. It would be pretty annoying to have been done in by a simple busy signal.

Edited by Shadow of Eternity
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I don't show you having actually collected your taxes. It is the player's responsibility to check and make sure that your tax collections are actually registered in the game, especially when letting your nation go all the way to 24 days inactive. The server busy occurs every night at update to help reduce server load. If you can provide a screenshot of your browser history showing that you tried to collect taxes before your inactivity deletion, as was done here, send it to me via PM.

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