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Heard any Better Rumors Lately?

Neo Uruk

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I don't think you quite understand what a Casus Belli is. Casus Belli translates to "Case for war;" What sets aside a proper Casus Belli is that it lays out a moral, legal case for war based on the principle of national self interests. A good Casus Belli is lengthy and describes to all how the enemy continued to offend or threaten despite diplomatic efforts being made.


To quote: "A nation's casus belli involves offenses or threats directly against it, whereas a nation's casus foederis involves offenses or threats to an ally nation or nations--usually one with which it has a mutual defense pact." Neither of these conditions were met in attacking TDO, because TDO never represented a threat to MK, or slighted MK in a materialist sense.


This continues to highlight the differences between materialist philosophies like Francoism which endorses foreign affairs based on stability, and others including the "lulz" mentalities who exercise power without discipline and ultimately drown themselves in their own folly.


Right. Our case for war is that we're tired of neutrals. Get it? 

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And if you're going to defend a neutral, do it. Don't half-ass your attacks and then call your friends in to help you when you can't handle things. 

I won't sit here and pretend I disagree with this, if you feel you should defend neutrals, pull every single string you have available to you, ensure that your ideals are those that actually occur.

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