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That's a load of crap, but I expect that from you Rush.

I said I would not mandate tech deals. And I wanted to keep the deals internal to prevent issues with inevitable new nation deletions.


Complete nonsense. We were fishing all allies and protectorates for reliable sellers at the time. You can ask those in IAA gov, or FIRE gov, or DiCE gov (they were actually about 30 members back then)... we didnt ask anyone to MANDATE tech deals. We asked the gov to message their members and encourage them to accept the deals (we were sending to anyone we found with slots).. and each alliance had mine and JGoods personal assurance that any nations that accepted aid and renegged would not be called out or chastized. All we wanted to see WHO would emerge as a reliable seller. Your exact words to us were that you would not message your members and encourage them to deal with us because you were afraid they would quit the game and you would not have an alliance. That's a fact jack. Allied gov and Athens gov of that time could all verify this because we posted it as a collective WTF moment about a protectorate of ours.


In relation to the current topic, this probably provides insight as to why your 101 man alliance has managed a whopping 18 wars against a foe with nearly empty defensive slots. 

Edited by Rush Sykes
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Complete nonsense. We were fishing all allies and protectorates for reliable sellers at the time. You can ask those in IAA gov, or FIRE gov, or DiCE gov (they were actually about 30 members back then)... we didnt ask anyone to MANDATE tech deals. We asked the gov to message their members and encourage them to accept the deals (we were sending to anyone we found with slots).. and each alliance had mine and JGoods personal assurance that any nations that accepted aid and renegged would not be called out or chastized. All we wanted to see WHO would emerge as a reliable seller. Your exact words to us were that you would not message your members and encourage them to deal with us because you were afraid they would quit the game and you would not have an alliance. That's a fact jack. Allied gov and Athens gov of that time could all verify this because we posted it as a collective WTF moment about a protectorate of ours.


In relation to the current topic, this probably provides insight as to why your 101 man alliance has managed a whopping 18 wars against a foe with nearly empty defensive slots. 

Congrats, you win the "Most Boring Individual of the Day" award.

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The elimination of their obligations and cessation of formal structure are the important requirements of disbandment. These requirements have been met.

In any event it would be wise to consider MQ and MK different bodies. An attack on the first may well be plenty justified by your moral and ethical standards--try and send them to Allarchon for all I care. An attack on those who are uninvolved under the latter designation, however, will earn our contempt and more.

So, those on the latter designation have a free option granted by TOP to switch AAs whenever they wish to change the status of their involvement, or to simply launch attacks against TTE from the latter AA whenever they feel like it? Edited by Sir Humphrey
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So, those on the latter designation have a free option granted by TOP to switch AAs whenever they wish to change the status of their involvement, or to simply launch attacks against TTE from the latter AA whenever they feel like it?


That's exactly what he's saying. Somebody should hit MK to test the theory out. 

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So, those on the latter designation have a free option granted by TOP to switch AAs whenever they wish to change the status of their involvement, or to simply launch attacks against TTE from the latter AA whenever they feel like it?


Honest to Admin,. must you look for a conspiracy everywhere? At least wait till it happens before you bemoan it.

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I think it's been made fairly clear that TOP consider MQ/MK to be different entities. 


MQ is used as a banner of convenience which allows MK to escape the consequences of their nations' reprehensible actions.


Feigning belief that this fiction is real allows everyone else to escape the consequences of having to do anything about it.

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So, those on the latter designation have a free option granted by TOP to switch AAs whenever they wish to change the status of their involvement, or to simply launch attacks against TTE from the latter AA whenever they feel like it?

I believe TOP was very clear in their protection announcement that they would not be protecting nations on the MK aa who chose to declare war on TDO or others.

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 The Order of the Paradox shall protect all peacable nations remaining under the Mushroom Kingdom alliance affiliation. We further extend this protection to the alliance Alchemy. This protection does not extend to any of the other-titled MK affiliate groups, known or unknown, nor does it extend to any nation that chooses to engage in rogue operations. Those Shrooms who choose to remain in CN have that right, and any alliance to which they relocate will be lucky to count them among their ranks.

I really don't know what's unclear about the above statement, but clarity is always best achieved through action rather than speculation.  ;)  

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MQ is used as a banner of convenience which allows MK to escape the consequences of their nations' reprehensible actions.


Feigning belief that this fiction is real allows everyone else to escape the consequences of having to do anything about it.


Maybe you could, you know... Do something about it.



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MQ is used as a banner of convenience which allows MK to escape the consequences of their nations' reprehensible actions.


Feigning belief that this fiction is real allows everyone else to escape the consequences of having to do anything about it.

Here is my handle, here is my spout...

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MQ is used as a banner of convenience which allows MK to escape the consequences of their nations' reprehensible actions.


Feigning belief that this fiction is real allows everyone else to escape the consequences of having to do anything about it.


Allarchon is not a fiction, infidel. Silence. 

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MQ is used as a banner of convenience which allows MK to escape the consequences of their nations' reprehensible actions.


Feigning belief that this fiction is real allows everyone else to escape the consequences of having to do anything about it.


This is the post of a man who only likes to look at pretty numbers and is now sad that his pretty numbers are threatened. To be honest, it is time to decimate ALL the neutrals.

Edited by Rush Sykes
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So, those on the latter designation have a free option granted by TOP to switch AAs whenever they wish to change the status of their involvement, or to simply launch attacks against TTE from the latter AA whenever they feel like it?

Nations flying the Mushroom Kingdom alliance affiliation who do not initiate conflicts enjoy the Blessings of Johan and are protected by The Order of the Paradox. Those who leave to any other AA (assuming it isn't our own or somebody with whom we hold a treaty) are not. Those who start wars while on the MK AA are not. Those who join the MK AA after the date of disbandment are not. The same rules apply to the Alchemy affiliation. Should any MK nation join the jihad and later realize their error, they will have to resolve the damages they have inflicted through the usual diplomatic channels before turning to Paradoxia for further blessing.

The simple way to put it is if they don't start something, nobody's starting anything with them. This is not a controversial or conspiratorial position. It is the exact same policy most, if not all, alliances exercise when extending protection over defunct AA's, whether that protection is time-limited or indefinite. It is the best and least that TOP can do for what was its oldest ally--to offer time to think to those who are undecided about what to do next or who simply haven't been able to respond to these events. If any of your allies disbanded, you would do the same.

I will admit I am concerned that parties interested in the conflict may become overzealous and attempt to engage heretofore uninvolved nations on the MK affiliation as a result of Mushquaeda's actions. I aim only to prevent such a thing from occurring. Should any alliance be compelled to act by their moral or ethical beliefs, they may do so without a peep of support or objection from Paradoxia, but they must do so with only an interest to defense of those who require defense, not vengeance upon bystanders for perceived historical slights. Edited by Ardus
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Nations flying the Mushroom Kingdom alliance affiliation who do not initiate conflicts are protected by The Order of the Paradox. Those who leave to any other AA (assuming it isn't our own or somebody with whom we hold a treaty) are not. Those who start wars while on the MK AA are not. Those who join the MK AA after the date of disbandment are not. The same rules apply to the Alchemy affiliation.

The simple way to put it is if they don't start something, nobody's starting anything with them. This is not a controversial or conspiratorial position. It is the exact same policy most, if not all, alliances exercise when extending protection over defunct AA's, whether that protection is time-limited or indefinite. It is the best and least that TOP can do for what was its oldest ally--to offer time to think to those who are undecided about what to do next or who simply haven't been able to respond to these events. If any of your allies disbanded, you would do the same.

In addition, Ardus was one of the people we intially asked to do this for MK. So if it was a huge scam it would have leaked by now.
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This is the post of a man who only likes to look at pretty numbers and is now sad that his pretty numbers are threatened. To be honest, it is time to decimate ALL the neutrals.


We'll all let you go first and attack GPA or WTF.  If there is anything left of you...perhaps you might even get a golf clap out of me.   <_<

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