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Brotherhood Without Banners - Now Recuriting!


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Hey, how would you like to join a newly created allaince that has been around for just a month? We've been in planning for a little while and looking for members to join us!


I'm not sure how we differ from the other allainces in this forum, but considering we're at 8 members we are SMALL (we plan to change that) and that means a tight knit group. We just need people to kick start us a little bit hehehehe.


We can teach you how to run your nation, provide you protection if your attacked, and generally have buches of fun!


Join us on our forums and fill out a application to join if you want: http://bwb.phoenix-coalition.com/index.php


Our IRC channe is: irc.coldfront.net #BrotherhoodWB



Edited by redhavk1
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