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Dogmatic & My Daemons

High Emperor Aggron

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"I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord,
    Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate,  was crucified, died, and was buried.
    He descended into Hell.  The third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Bolivian Church. the communion of saints,  the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body,
    and the life everlasting. Amen." echoed the pious chaplain motioning the holy cross over his body, he dismissed mass as he went to mingle with his flock.


Lukas Chave was the son of  The Pope Artur Chave, which made him one of the most famous kids in all of United Bolivia. However he was at the point in his life where choosing who he was, was paramount to life. With pressure from his father to conform into the Church, and pressure from his girlfriend to follow his inner desire. His daemons set in on him like hounds drawn to a hunt.


As his father descended the podium and began shaking the hands of various people both beggar and government leader his smile met the face of his dearest son, Lukas, and it faded into a serious taut smirk as the Father spoke to his son.


"My son, you are in the house of the Lord, do not be filled so with want." he scolded as his son mulled out of the pew sluggishly to stand under the grandeur of the Bolivian Chapel, whose soaring arches were filled with stain glass imagery of the most memorable times in the history of the bible, looking down.


"Dad, I have to go.. I'm meeting someone in a few." he said as he waved off The Pope, setting towards the grand French doors behind the pews, where the common people stood after mass. Artur tried calling after Lukas but his son had slipped through the crowd and was gone again.


Lord watch my son.. he said to himself as he gestured for two of the white consuls to follow Lukas He doesn't know a damned thing.. The Bolivian church was located two blocks east of the capitol building and encompassed an entire block, the sheer size of it could house comfortably 10,000 people or 35,000 if outdoors in the courtyard.


As he jogged out to his car he passed a few of the Consuls, ducking away into the crowds to avoid detection. Normally after mass the congregation would stay and talk of socials and outings they'd be attending, which, if done correctly would be the perfect time to skip out if not for the white consuls, the secret police of the Church. Lukas thought this to himself as he stuck the key in his ignition firing the engine to his purple Lamborghini Gallardo and pulled out of the courtyard at 60 mph and onto the downtown streets of La Paz which were alive with the people who were both leaving service or attending the next, or simply traversing the city. Slowing down as he approached a traffic jam Lukas sighed God damned church.. I don't even believe this shit he said as he pulled out his cell phone.


3 new message(s) Sarena Varrez<3

Come over babe ;)

I'm bored... just skip the mass its stupid

home alone too ;)


As he opened his messages smiling he sped around the jam to the south side of La Paz to meet up with his girlfriend. She wasn't a Catholic and in fact wasn't even religious, the only reason they'd met was she had been standing outside her school at 9 pm waiting as Lukas drove past. Seeing her he stopped to help her home, a kind gesture which sparked a hidden affair. 


He checked under his seat for his stash smiling at the fact he was cutting loose for once in a million years. His conscience was shut out as he blared music and headed for the slums to see Sarena and probably roll a few.



OOC) Newer at writing stories, pm me with suggestions on improvement as this will be a persistent story as I hammer it out.))

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