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International Business Center- Paraguay


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International Business Center

Financial Information Authority



The IBC will consist of a commercial district and an industrial zone, both of which are located in the State of San Sebastián. It is the FIA's hope, along with the Paraguayan Government, that this new economic hub will bring in large profits for the county and those who invest in it. We are estimating that 250,000 – 300,000 people will be working or visiting the complex at any given time and bring in hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue.

Hello all!


As Director of the Financial Information Authority it is my pleasure to welcome you to our headquarters. The IBC is already home to many large domestic companies, and we hope to draw in foreign ones as well. This will not only benefit the people of Paraguay, but of any country who participates.


Domestic companies will post notice on what items can be purchased by foreign entities, as well as current demands by the Paraguayan population. In order to trade or make financial agreements through the IBC, one must purchase t least (1) plot.


Now obviously some companies are larger than others, so each of the above have different square footage (larger = higher price) available. Options for purchase can be rent or permanent buy. Listed below is a map of the IBC, available spots, and prices.


- Director Zandra Calleja






Total price is calculated at $200 per sqft. and rent is total price divided by 72.


Plot #- 1

Total Area- 4,776,045.22 sqft.

Rent- $13,266,792 per year

Buy- $955,209,044


Plot #- 2

Total Area- 624,306.8 sqft.

Rent- $1,734,186 per year

Buy- $124,861,360


Plot #- 3

Total Area- 1,205,557.97 sqft.

Rent- $3,348,772per year

Buy- $241,111,594 per


Plot #- 4

Total Area- 3,097,024.6 sqft.

Rent- $8,602,846 per year

Buy- $619,404,920


Plot #- 6,7,8

Total Area- 4,843,759.69 sqft.

Rent- $13,454,888 per year

Buy- $968,751,938


Plot #- 9

Total Area- 3,107,325.66 sqft.

Rent- $8,631,460 per year

Buy- $621,465,132


Plot #- 10

Total Area- 2,734,033.25 sqft.

Rent- $7,594,537 per year

Buy- $546,806,650


Plot #- 11

Total Area- 2,454,171.58 sqft.

Rent- $6,817,143 per year

Buy- $490,834,316 per


Plot #- 12

Total Area- 2,233,963.5 sqft.

Rent- $6,205,454 per year

Buy- $446,792,700 per


Plot #- 13

Total Area- 2,553,134.11 sqft.

Rent- $7,092.039 per year

Buy- $510,626,822


Plot #- 14

Total Area- 1,706,381.19 sqft.

Rent- $74,739,948 per year

Buy- $341,276,238


Plot #- 15

Total Area- 1,700,256 sqft.

Rent- $4,722,933 per year

Buy- $340,051,200


Plot #- 16

Total Area- 3,624,175.92 sqft.

Rent- $10,067,155 per year

Buy- $724,835,184


Plot #- 17, 18, 19

Total Area- 5,204,175.92 sqft.

Rent- $14,456,044 per year

Buy- $1,040,835,184


Plot #- 20


Plot #- 21


Plot #- 22


Plot #- 23-


Plot #- 24, 31

Total Area- 2,043,759.69 sqft.

Rent- $5,677,110 per year

Buy- $408,751,938


Plot #- 25


Plot #- 29, 30

Total Area- 3,024,005.92 sqft.

Rent- $8,4000,016 per year

Buy- $604,801,184

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Order Forms:


Selling To Paraguay

(Your Product)


(Price in Paraguayan Dollars)

(Plot #(s) you wish to purchase)


Buying From Paraguay

(Home Product)


(Price for product  will be issued later)

(Plot #)


Currently Used Plots by Domestic Companies:


Global Securities Inc. (Defense, Weapons, Military)


Civ Air Manufacturers Inc. (Civilian Planes)


Air Paraguay (National Airline)


Fresh Materials Co. (Food, Cotton, etc...)


Wood Chuckers Co. (wood and leather)


If you are interested in doing business with wither of these companies please contact them. The only government contract available is for the Department of Defense, for further information on that please contact them. All companies occupy Plot #1.

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Currently Needed Materials of the Paraguayan People:


- Textiles

- Minerals such as: Marble

- Airline Fuel

- Land Vehicles

- Rubber

- Medical Supplies and Equipment


Currently Available Exporting Items:


- Civilian Airliners (see below)

- Soybeans ($200/ton)

- Feed ($300/ ton)

- Cotton ($320/ton)

- Wood ($100/ton)

- Leather ($350/ton)


Currently Importing:


Steel 3500 tons

Textiles 1500 tons

Paper 11,500 tons

Oil 5,500,000 barrels

Copper 200 tons

Zinc 200 tons

Limestone 500 tons

Nickle  200 tons

Titanium 200 tons


Currently Exporting:


20,000.06 Tons of Wood per month

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On behalf of several Commonwealth companies and corporations, the American Commonwealth Department of Commerce would like to acquire plots 6, 7 and 8 for their use.  These companies would also like to extend offers to meet your needs in paper, oil, steel, textiles, copper, limestone, and zinc production.  Prices are listed by units and orders will be taken as needed but these companies have all offered lower prices for larger scale purchases


Hershey Global Industries

Steel ($520 per ton)

Textiles ($340 per ton)

Paper ($210 per ton)

Oil ($40 per barrel)

Copper ($6,900 per ton)

Zinc ($1,800 per ton)

Limestone ($700 per ton)

*Also offers an extremely wide range of industrial and consumer products, as well as defense contracting services

Hess Corporation

Oil ($35 per barrel)

*Also offers a wide array of petroleum products as well as natural gas


Newmont Mining Corporation

Copper ($6,500 per ton)

Zinc ($2,000 per ton)


Greer Industries

Copper ($7100 per ton)

Zinc ($1800 per ton)

Limestone ($800 per ton)


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For the growth of both Paraguay, and Newfoundland&Labrador, three of our largest businesses and companies would like to expand into your markets of Paraguay. These companies should be more than able to meet your resource and mineral needs. The plots as needed that these companies will buy for their uses are 16, 17, and 3. Prices will be listed and orders will be taken, and discounts and lower prices will be offered for items bought in bulk. 

As well as these companies, the Newfoundland&Labrador government has taken interest in a certain Global Securities Inc. 


Newfound-Atlantic Mining


Nickle  ($13,325 per ton)

Copper ($7,000 per ton)

Zinc ($2,000 per ton)



FoundTrans-Atlantic oil

Oil ($30 per bbl)

Natural Gas ($5 per 30.000m³)


*Note: Wide array of petroleum products



Newfoundland steel & medals company


Steel ($750 per ton)


*Also makes various types of alloy.



From: Newfoundland &Labrador Minister of defense- Terry French

To: Global Securities Inc.


To whom it may concern,


Our government has recently decided it was time to upgrade and expand our military, as such, I am curious in what weapons and such that Global Securities may have to offer us. 


We hope we can do business with you,



Terry French- Minister of defense



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 "United Bolivia wishes to purchase 10, 11, 29 & 30. Due to our close proximity with Paraguay we will be converting plot 10 into a facility to which we'd like you to send the finished aircraft to.  The following are private companies which will be moving into the chosen plots. A free trade policy should be put into place to allow the purchase and transport of goods between our borders much less unneeded taxation. Discounts of 5% will be given to all orders to any single material of 300 tons up to 1000 tons.
Paper 400-600$/ton
Supply Ability: 100,000 Ton/Tons per Month
Consumption:  20,000.06 Ton/Tons per Month(Wood purchased from Paraguay)
United Petrol(R):
Oil(Crude) 104$/barrel
Supply Ability: 32000 Ton/Tons per Month
Oil(refined) 98.91$/barrel
Supply Ability: 8000 Ton/Tons per Month
Zinc 2400$/ton
Supply Ability: 8,000 Ton/Tons per Month
Titanium 26,700$/ton
Supply Ability: 400 Ton/Tons per Month
Steel  $1000-5000 / Ton            

Supply Ability: 3000 Ton/Tons per Month



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On behalf of several Commonwealth companies and corporations, the American Commonwealth Department of Commerce would like to acquire plots 6, 7 and 8 for their use.  These companies would also like to extend offers to meet your needs in paper, oil, steel, textiles, copper, limestone, and zinc production.  Prices are listed by units and orders will be taken as needed but these companies have all offered lower prices for larger scale purchases


Hershey Global Industries

Steel ($520 per ton)

Textiles ($340 per ton)

Paper ($210 per ton)

Oil ($40 per barrel)

Copper ($6,900 per ton)

Zinc ($1,800 per ton)

Limestone ($700 per ton)

*Also offers an extremely wide range of industrial and consumer products, as well as defense contracting services

Hess Corporation

Oil ($35 per barrel)

*Also offers a wide array of petroleum products as well as natural gas


Newmont Mining Corporation

Copper ($6,500 per ton)

Zinc ($2,000 per ton)


Greer Industries

Copper ($7100 per ton)

Zinc ($1800 per ton)

Limestone ($800 per ton)

We would like to thank you for your interest in our markets! We would also like to know if any of your companies sell aviation fuel. We will purchase the following:


Hershey Global Industries

Steel 2000 tons

Textiles 1500 tons

Paper 1500 tons

*Also offers an extremely wide range of industrial and consumer products, as well as defense contracting services

Hess Corporation

Oil 2,500,000 barrels

*Also offers a wide array of petroleum products as well as natural gas


Newmont Mining Corporation

Copper 100 tons


Greer Industries

Zinc 100 tons

Limestone 500 tons

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For the growth of both Paraguay, and Newfoundland&Labrador, three of our largest businesses and companies would like to expand into your markets of Paraguay. These companies should be more than able to meet your resource and mineral needs. The plots as needed that these companies will buy for their uses are 16, 17, and 3. Prices will be listed and orders will be taken, and discounts and lower prices will be offered for items bought in bulk.

As well as these companies, the Newfoundland&Labrador government has taken interest in a certain Global Securities Inc.

Newfound-Atlantic Mining

Nickle  ($13,325 per ton)

Copper ($7,000 per ton)

Zinc ($2,000 per ton)


FoundTrans-Atlantic oil

Oil ($30 per bbl)

Natural Gas ($5 per 30.000m³)


*Note: Wide array of petroleum products


Newfoundland steel & medals company

Steel ($750 per ton)

*Also makes various types of alloy.

From: Newfoundland &Labrador Minister of defense- Terry French

    To: Global Securities Inc.


    To whom it may concern,


    Our government has recently decided it was time to upgrade and expand our military, as such, I am curious in what weapons and such that Global Securities may have to offer us.


    We hope we can do business with you,



    Terry French- Minister of defense

We will purchase the following:


Newfound-Atlantic Mining

Nickle  200 tons
Copper 100 tons

Zinc 100 tons


FoundTrans-Atlantic oil

Oil 3,000,000


Newfoundland steel & medals company

Steel 1500 tons


To: Newfoundland &Labrador Minister of defense- Terry French

From: Global Securities Inc.

Subject: Inquiry


We currently offer the HK416 as a main assault rifle for infantry and other units. We have other weapons that may fit your specific need, please let us know more further details.

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"United Bolivia wishes to purchase 10, 11, 29 & 30. Due to our close proximity with Paraguay we will be converting plot 10 into a facility to which we'd like you to send the finished aircraft to.  The following are private companies which will be moving into the chosen plots. A free trade policy should be put into place to allow the purchase and transport of goods between our borders much less unneeded taxation. Discounts of 5% will be given to all orders to any single material of 300 tons up to 1000 tons.

Paper 400-600$/ton
Supply Ability: 100,000 Ton/Tons per Month
Consumption:  20,000.06 Ton/Tons per Month(Wood purchased from Paraguay)

United Petrol®:
Oil(Crude) 104$/barrel
Supply Ability: 32000 Ton/Tons per Month

Oil(refined) 98.91$/barrel
Supply Ability: 8000 Ton/Tons per Month

Zinc 2400$/ton
Supply Ability: 8,000 Ton/Tons per Month

Titanium 26,700$/ton
Supply Ability: 400 Ton/Tons per Month

Steel  $1000-5000 / Ton           

Supply Ability: 3000 Ton/Tons per Month

We will purchase the following:


Paper 10,000 tons

Supply Ability: 100,000 Ton/Tons per Month
Consumption:  20,000.06 Ton/Tons per Month(Wood purchased from Paraguay)




Titanium 200 tons
Supply Ability: 400 Ton/Tons per Month

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Civ Air Manufacturers Inc.


 Mission Statement
Civ Air Manufacturers Inc. (CAM) is a company of amazing people working in one of the most exciting industries in the world. When you consider our many accomplishments -- from designing and building the earliest biplanes to creating and supporting today's supersonic aircraft -- you might think we would be content with how far we've come. But a company of our size and scope doesn't succeed by resting on its laurels; we are constantly re-examining our capabilities and processes to ensure that our company is as strong and vital as our heritage. In fact, our culture mirrors the heritage of aviation itself, built on a foundation of innovation, aspiration and imagination.






CAM 636-008  737-800_exterior.png

Seats- 189 (3 Class Option)

Range- 3,060.00 Nautical Miles

Speed- 544.00 mph

Maximum Take Off Weight- 74,200.00 lbs

Maximum Payload- 6,999.87 lbs

Fuel Economy- 0.44 NM per gallon

COST- $89 million


CAM 676-003  b767-300-delta-n189dn-4s.jpg?w=300&h=199

Seats- 351 (3 Class Option)

Range- 5,975.00 Nautical Miles

Speed- 568.00 mph

Maximum Take Off Weight- 412,000.00 lbs

Maximum Payload- 92,509.43 lbs

Fuel Economy- 0.25 NM per gallon

COST- $183 million


CAM 666-002LR  %2011_207.JPG

Seats- 440 (3 Class Option)

Range- 9,450 Nautical Miles

Speed- 587.00 mph

Maximum Take Off Weight- 766,000.00 lbs

Maximum Payload- 135,803.36 lbs

Fuel Economy- 0.18 NM per gallon

COST- $291 million


CAM 646-008  lufthansa-boeing-747-8.jpg

Seats- 700 (3 Class Option)

Range- 8,000 Nautical Miles

Speed- 649.00 mph

Maximum Take Off Weight- 970,000.00 lbs

Maximum Payload- 165,345.00 lbs

Fuel Economy- 0.12 NM per gallon

COST- $352 million

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To: Hershey Global Industries

From: Department of Defense Acquisitions Review Board

Subject: Warrior Battle System


We are interested in acquiring this system and using it for all of our infantry units. We would like to know what are its capabilities,  how soon we could receive such a system, and how many would be needed to outfit the entire infantry of the Army and Marine Corps (~300,000-320,000).

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Attn: All interested parties


The Paraguayan Department of Health and Human Services is interested in purchasing much needed basic and sophisticated medical equipment and supplies. If you are interested please contact us.



Thank you,


Madam Theressa Kubiak

Secretary of Health and Human Services

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To: Global Securities Inc. 

From: Newfoundland & Labrador Minister of defense- Terry French

As of now, some fire arms like the HK416 you mentioned and the like could be of use to us. We could also use some artillery, should you happen to have any to sell us.
If you happened to have a catalog of what you have, we may be able to better see what we specifically need.
~Terry French 


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To: Global Securities Inc.

From: Newfoundland & Labrador Minister of defense- Terry French
As of now, some fire arms like the HK416 you mentioned and the like could be of use to us. We could also use some artillery, should you happen to have any to sell us.

If you happened to have a catalog of what you have, we may be able to better see what we specifically need.


~Terry French

Excellent! We currently possess Howitzer M777, you may look here for more equipment however please keep in mind that some may not be sold to foreign nations due to national security reasons.



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Attn: All interested parties


The Paraguayan Department of Health and Human Services is interested in purchasing much needed trauma beds. If you are interested please contact us.


Thank you,

Madam Theressa Kubiak

Secretary of Health and Human Services

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Encrypted to Paraguay Department of Health:

Luzon Electronics, Inc., a registered corporation of Selenarctos and based out of Manila can supply trauma beds to meet your need. Our design starts with the base cart, similar to the one pictured below, which includes an adjustable stretcher and an built-in oxygen supply. To maximize the patient and doctor's experience, we then integrate a number of the most common medical devices wirelessly into each cart, including an electrocardiogram, a blood pressure monitor, blood oxygen sensors, rechargable backup batteries rated for at least 72 hour, and a pressurized IV system that removes the need to suspend bags of plasma, drugs and nutrients. With just a few adjustments to the systems we regularly sell to hospitals across Greater Manila, we can provide a complete system that is easily maintainable in your own country and nearly on par the Manila variant. Including shipping, unit cost comes to 72,000NSC per bed.

er-710_711.jpg Edited by iKrolm
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Encrypted to Paraguay Department of Health:

Luzon Electronics, Inc., a registered corporation of Selenarctos and based out of Manila can supply trauma beds to meet your need. Our design starts with the base cart, similar to the one pictured below, which includes an adjustable stretcher and an built-in oxygen supply. To maximize the patient and doctor's experience, we then integrate a number of the most common medical devices wirelessly into each cart, including an electrocardiogram, a blood pressure monitor, blood oxygen sensors, rechargable backup batteries rated for at least 72 hour, and a pressurized IV system that removes the need to suspend bags of plasma, drugs and nutrients. With just a few adjustments to the systems we regularly sell to hospitals across Greater Manila, we can provide a complete system that is easily maintainable in your own country and nearly on par the Manila variant. Including shipping, unit cost comes to 72,000NSC per bed.

To: Luzon Electronics, Inc.

From: Department of Health and Human Services

Subject: Trauma Beds


We are delighted for your interest in supplying our nation's 5 level 1 hospitals with the most up-to-date technologically advanced medical equipment. We will be purchasing 1,500 beds total (300 for each hospital) for a total price of 108,000,000NSC.



Thank you,


Madam Theressa Kubiak

Secretary of Health and Human Services

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To: Luzon Electronics, Inc.
From: Department of Health and Human Services
Subject: Trauma Beds
We are delighted for your interest in supplying our nation's 5 level 1 hospitals with the most up-to-date technologically advanced medical equipment. We will be purchasing 1,500 beds total (300 for each hospital) for a total price of 108,000,000NSC.
Thank you,
Madam Theressa Kubiak
Secretary of Health and Human Services

Encrypted Reply:

Excellent, we are glad our bid was received positively. We will begin production as soon as the first payment has cleared. The first deliveries may be expected within two months after that and delivery of all 1,500 beds will be finished within two years, barring unforseen geopolitical crises.

-Luzon Electronics, Sales Department
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To: Global Securities Inc. 
From: Newfoundland & Labrador Minister of defense- Terry French


After some debate over what we should get, I believe that the senate and military advisers have decided on what they want from the catalog you gave us. 


I believe our military would need 2,000 M249SAW, and 2,000 HK416 (Variant being a HK416 A5 - 16.5", if you have the model),  and 100  M777 howitzers.  


Assuming that you're allowed to sell us what we asked for, we would like to know the total coast of our order. 



~Terry French



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To: Global Securities Inc.
From: Newfoundland & Labrador Minister of defense- Terry French


After some debate over what we should get, I believe that the senate and military advisers have decided on what they want from the catalog you gave us.


I believe our military would need 2,000 M249SAW, and 2,000 HK416 (Variant being a HK416 A5 - 16.5", if you have the model),  and 100  M777 howitzers. 


Assuming that you're allowed to sell us what we asked for, we would like to know the total coast of our order.


~Terry French


M249- $4,087 /per weapon



HK416 A5- $2,500 /per weapon



M777 Howitzers- $65,000 /per piece



TOTAL COST- $19,674,000.00

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To: Global Securities Inc.
From: Newfoundland & Labrador Minister of defense- Terry French
Your price of $19,674,000.00 is acceptable to us. We will pay you electronically, and amusing you have no problems with this method of our payment, you should find the money in your account in a couple of days.
~Thanks for your business
Terry French - Minister of defense


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