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Nation deleted in error.


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Ok so this is a bit annoying/worrying.


Four days ago I found an inactivity reminder in my email inbox.  It had been awhile since I had last logged on so I jumped on and collected taxes on both my SE Nation: [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=278772] Moridinia[/url] 

and my Tournament nation: [url=http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1001065] Dominati[/url]


I was at 8999.99 infra, and about 5000 tech.  I had been playing for many years now and I'm rather miffed to see it go.  I clearly remember dropping my Labour camps (Which I don't have in my te nation) and collecting.  


I'm absolutely certain that I've been delete erroneously.  I quite understand that there may not be much which can be done, but please let me know if there is anything! 

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I collected in SE on the 27th discovered it was deleted yesterday there was no secondary email reminder that deletion was imminent.  If there is no record then something must have gone wrong at my client end, though I've no idea how I could have thought I'd successfully collected when the server had no record of it.  I expect that even if there were a record that there would be little that Admin either could or would be able to do anyhow.  


Admin, is there any record of my deleting my labour camps?


If I thought it was possible that I had simply made a mistake I wouldn't still be perusing this.

Edited by MoridinUK
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Please find attached a screen grab of my chrome history.  [attachment=82:cnhistory.jpg]


The URLs for each link are as follows (from top to bottom, right click copy link as from the history)




As you can see I paid my bills, killed my labour camps, check an announcement, collected taxes and then viewed my nation.  That last nation display is important it would have had bright red writing all over it if my tax collection had failed.



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